Is it too late for me if i'm 20 and still a virgin?

Is it too late for me if i'm 20 and still a virgin?

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Depends on if you're in college or not. If you're completely done with school, you're SOTL

i'm in college
what does SOTL mean?

I lost mine at 21. Hopefully you're smarter than me and don't fuck things up like I did.

just go on tinder like the rest of your peers, you'll find someone, even an uggo, to have sex with. If that is your only goal in life it should be easy to accomplish.

Dude, I'm already 19 and I do have the same fear as well.
Good thing is i at least have matches on Tinder. Bad thing the girl I matched are ugly.

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Lost it at 23 so no

30 year old robot here. Yes it's too late unless you have great social skills or have had a bunch of gfs. My best friend was a virgin until 24. Now he is having sex constantly with his fiancee. We aren't friends anymore. But if you are like me (average looks) and no social skills or motivation, it's pretty much over. You can defile yourself and buy a hooker and regret it for your entire life. Or you can find freedom and peace being a virgin. You lose a lot of your sex drive in your 20s. Once you get past your own break point, you won't even think of sex because it is so out of reach. I look around and everyone disgusts me now. I feel like a glimming beacon of purity in a world of degenerates.

a bloo a bloo a bloo. Poor you. Why the fuck are you on this board? Women only go for the top 20% of men. If you are getting matches then you are in. Fuck off pre-schooler normie

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i don't think i'll ever get into terms with not fucking girls in my youth. i think i'm going to resent it heavily when i'm old

You will user. All of us wizards have been there. I'm being completely honest when I say that it does get easier. You won't even think about women after 30 years of /nosex./ I mean, what is there to miss when you haven't experienced it?

no you won't you'll be happy you didn't get herpes, I have herpes and I feel intense regret every minute of my life.

lost my virginity at 22 (30 now). I'm nothing special desu, but I didn't get laid until I started taking better care of myself.

I really refuse to lose my virginity with someone I personally don't see pretty enough. I guess that's the problem with lots of robots here.

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Too late for what exactly?

No it's not. We are robots because we are completely undesirable. Just because you ledditor normies come here doesn't change that. I'll say again
A bloo a bloo. Despite having pussy thrown at me, I'm too picky to get with it, because of my normie pride. Fuck off

HAHAHAHAHA you're right, man. Fuck off as well

This. What are you even talking about OP? If your virgnity bothers you so much it must be an insecurity of what others think about you of some sort. You'll lose it when the time comes. Why, exactly does it worry you so much?

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Noose yourself norman filth. You filth have been coming to this board for years and nothing has changed us. All you did was get Trump elected by furious incels and a bunch of mass shootings.

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>Why, exactly does it worry you so much?
Not ohpee but i think he wants carefree young love as oppose to settling.

Implying 20 years old isn't young? Losing your virginity earlier in life is overrated anyway. Hookups are shit. Makes you feel really empty. Lose it to someome you love and no one else.

>Shit out of luck

Virgin at 20 is nothing, just go with some friends to a bar and buy a girl a drink or two. have some fun but wrap your dick. Don't be desperate though that's weak

just BEE YOURSELF user. Just have friends. Just be an 8/10. Just know how to talk to women.

Install grindr and fuck a twink

Too late for what user

If you can get ugly girls on tinder you can pull average girls in real life. Although you'll have to put in a lot of work and she'll still probably cheat on you.

This is why you fuck women and marry men.

Lost mine at 20, got my first gf & first kiss at that age too.
It is not too late but you have to get active & stop sitting infront of your pc all day user.
You gotta socialize, you gotta get hobbys & interests that connect you to people and build your character.
Honestly, I wouldnt even tell you this because that just means 1 more guy that is competition for girls but we're sitting in the same roboat.

Get your life together and you will get a gf & loose your v-card. I sincerely hope for you to make it user, you can do it!

Ye you're a faggot.
Instead of adapting to the game & making it yours, you decide to become a fag because you admitted defeat to the system.

Depends how socially active you are.

I didn't become a fag by choice senpai.

You prolly became a fag by getting invested too hard in Jow Forums fag culture.
Stay away from /r9gay/, its that simple

>already 19
lmao boy its gonna get a lot worse

>22nd birthday coming up
>still khv
>attending uni
>there's 0.96 male/female gender ratio
>more women than men
>still can't get laid

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No, I lost my virginity to a great girl when I was 20.

If it makes you feel better, I lost my virginity at 22. The catch was she was underage, but I still did it to cure my OCD about being a virgin.

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>6 years until wizardhood
fuck its creeping up on me and I still can't picture myself ever having sex. everything from finding a girl attracted to me, to talking to her and not coming across as utterly socially inept, then asking her out, and finally kissing her and being intimate. I haven't spoken to a female for more than 30 seconds in my life.

>Be 19
>Be homeschooled for most of my life
>Believed the college is a scam meme
>Realized pretty quick the only way to find a gf is through friends and school

Now im stuck working a manual labor job that pays decent and no hope in ever finding a gf because i have zero friends or social connections and extremely socially awkward from being homeschooled my whole school life and not socializing that much.

At least the money is nice

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I became gay because someone raped me as a child