How much do I have to lift before I can fuck dumb sluts like this?

How much do I have to lift before I can fuck dumb sluts like this?

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You have to be on test+tren

How much do I have to lift to not endure posts like this anymore?

You don’t have to lift at all. Be confident, funny and above average looking at least.

You need a certain social status. Not easily definable but if you're posting here, you probably don't have it. If you believe that she only sleeps with dudes on tren, you should take a break from the internet.

What kind of dudes does she sleep with then?

Dudes that have all of their life straightened out besides a small drinking or cocaine problem. Dudes whose parents are still together. That went on vacation to another continent when they were children. Dudes that dont say nigger.

What if I have most of those things you listed except for the nigger and the drug and alcohol part?

So your life isn't straightened out? The fact that you're inquiring on here means that you're enough of a simp to not be considered.

Define "straightened out"

It hurts to read this.
There are hot dumb girls fucking ugly neet guys and there are hot dumb girls fucking rich chads.
There's no "recipe" like you suggest, it's just a matter of confidence and compatibility.

>hot dumb girls fucking ugly neet guys

uhh nah

unless youre from a fucking village or something

You don't. You have to be scrawny

> too old
> white
> not cute at all

Why would you? Would rather fuck this tiny woman's tight Asian pussy

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How scrawny are we talking?

it doesnt matter, it matters how heavy the wallet is you can lift from your pocket

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Literally none

You just have to be not fat and not autistic

All of it. You have to lift all of it

This. Why can't incels fuck off back to Jow Forums?

>wanting to fuck a literal insectoid
Gonna be a yikes from me.

Insectoid? Seems like a racist slur.

It's okay if you're gay though or only into grannies

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dudes who were born into wealth
not because women have a boner for money (well, its that too) but because dudes who grew up on daddy’s money are uniquely delusionally confident about themselves and their futures regardless of their actual skills or prospects independent of the money and opportunities their parents showered on them. they’re also pretty simple people so dumb thots can wrap their heads around them easily without feeling insecure about her own intelligence when she’s with him.
you ever hang out in a college town and see those borderline anorexic 6’3 white boys with bad skin, long hair that curls outwards from underneath a trucker hat that they never take off, wearing like a pink long sleeve vineyard vines shirt in the dead of summer, those khaki shorts, and a pair of adidas slides and mid-calf white socks? usually a shitty like fake chain too? that’s a perfect example of what i’m talking about.

*shitty little fake chain

I wonder how much time and how many pictures it took for her to get that ‘perfect’ shot.

>tfw that doesn't describe me at all
What do I do bros? I want to fuck her pussy. :(


She has a cute face and her slim, tiny body is hot af. If you prefer worn out 25 yo white chicks, good for you

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Sluts like this go for a type of man that you aren't and probably aren't capable of becoming. Don't worry though, objectively you are probably a better man.

nothing you can do, really. maybe blast tren until you’re delusionally confident too? but then you’d have to deal with levels of aggression that could easily get you fired or put in jail, as well as never ending paranoia and jealously when you do end up getting the dumb thot of your dreams.
i really wouldnt worry about it senpai. i dont want to say that the level of confidence you need to have is pathological, because that’d make me sound like an incel (and it does come in handy in the business world, which most of those kids i was talking about go to uni to get into), but it’s very very difficult to learn if you weren’t “born” with it. its like trying to to become really good at visual learning when naturally you suck at it and learn much better by reading or something.

you dont worry about money

You have shit taste bro.

Thanks for the advice friend.

God I'm so horny and lonely.

Not him but I'm jewish and not worrying about money is not a possibility. I literally don't need to worry about money, but I still do because there's more of it out there, and not in my bank account.
You goyim will never understand

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Israeli or just Jewish?

You need to be the artistic type not the autistic type


>These hot girls are so out of my league because Im such a faggot pussy loser!

Stay at home playing fortnite you fucking virgins. There is no such thing as "league". Its all a mental thing, and if you think you're weak then its a self fulfilling prophecy. Same thing for thinking the opposite.


wew lads I can't wait to go out and pound some hot girl pussy

That chick looks like Jesse with a faceapp filter on.

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Who is Jesse?

I want to lick inside her nostrils lads.

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lmfao ok dude

those PUA manuals are really working their magic

You’re into 12 year old girls, I get it user, it’s okay.


Disregard other anons, that is hot af.
My current gf is a jungle Asian but has wide hips and on the thiccer side (she lifts tho) at 55kg. I would love to have her even tinyer and skinny. She's losing weight with a goal of 48kg.



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Kek. I know the feeling, no matter how much weight I push these losers just don't go away.

>uniquely delusionally confident
Oh so now confidence does matter? Because the classic incel rationale (not saying you're one of them, but you don't know who is who on this board) is it doesn't matter. Hence why "just be confident bro" became a meme from bitter incels even though it's non-ironically great advice.

She's a total cutie, super petite and a pretty face. I don't judge others for their lack of taste though

She's 24 now. Shaming smaller women for their body type is disgusting :(

Nice. I know a tiny, skinny Chinese woman irl, she's probably only like 40kg, so hot. Would love to take her out some time ... Might ask her when I see her again in fall

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>Because the classic incel rationale (not saying you're one of them, but you don't know who is who on this board) is it doesn't matter.
You are just pulling this out of your ass.
>Hence why "just be confident bro" became a meme from bitter incels even though it's non-ironically great advice.
It's not a great advice, because it is as useless as "be lucky", "be attractive". How would this even work? Wow, so I have to be confident, hmm, didn't know that, I guess I should start from now. I just didn't bother before, right?

igrease is this you