Be honest, have you ever been bothered by anything anyone told you on Jow Forums?
Be honest, have you ever been bothered by anything anyone told you on Jow Forums?
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I've been rustled before, in my rookie days. Now it's all feathers to me, you people don't exist outside my imagination.
No, not really.
I used to get pissed at misinformation because I thought it was harmful but I decided anyone who believes it is stupid enough to deserve to be made miserable by it.
op gets cyber bullied
How to pretend you're coping, all in one sentence. Love it.
That's actually two sentences, but maybe you were too bothered to count.
To trigger you gotta get triggered but I learned fast. Very therapeutic being the devil's advocate regardless of my own opinion.
when they tell shit they're so wrong about their stupidity annoys me. that's all
Yeah, sometimes. I try to get over it quickly.
Years ago someone replied to my post with ''no one cares'' and I cried. Already felt like no one gave a shit about what I said in real life, so it sent me over the edge. Don't get bothered by posts anymore.
I get BTFO in almost every thread I make and I don't care anymore
All the newfags that blatantly have never lurked and flaunt their frogs and shit proudly really piss me off
I hope youre doing better now user
Thanks. I've posted cruel shit too, where anons have replied that it really hurt them or made them feel like shit. You never know
no, the only thing that bothers me is the amount of incels that label themselves robots
you're wrong, you're a failed normie
honestly i dont think so i cant remember one time in ~10 years
I think a mod is following me around and responding to me with things theyd only know from my former posts, I've cut down on posting as a result. I also have paranoia in the real world though.
This triggers me bcuz I want to know people I call retarded faggot are hurting like me
Youre so triggered you had to correct him with a snide comment like that
I get bothered on this site all day at this point it's like sticking my hands in piss and shit looking for something, anything, which will be covered in shit anyway
Well they do that sometimes, I know because I've been banned on one board for one thing and when I would go to another board I'd get immediately banned even though I followed the rules
There's some extremely mentally ill loser mods on here sometimes, I've encountered some that obsessively replied to every post I made and would lurk the same generals 24/7. It happens if you have unpopular opinions or you just plain strike a nerve with them
Its typical to get enraged the first few weeks and then be dulled to it. This is when it's no longer rage and the actual comments have seeped into your subconscious
No because Im not a little bitch with fragile feelings and brittle bones who gets shaken up but something a faggot says over the internet
So what you're saying is this place is poisonous as fuck
>who hurt you?
I hope you are larping
Anyways your mom hurt me when my cock slid out of her pussy and slammed onto her ass
100% toxic. If you don't have a solid foundation of your beliefs and worldview, you'll fall into the redpill trap or the incel trap, or even the trans trap and become something you're not.
Used to bother me a little but after i started meditating every day it dosen't bother me anymore.
I've never taken much seriously here, though the reaction on Jow Forums after the NZ shooting sickened me to my stomach, faggots taking true glee in small children being slaughtered, if they were my family I'd beat the ever living shit out of them
There are a couple people I used to know who at least used to browse boards outside of Jow Forums. Sometimes I'm convinced they're still there and can recognize me by my posts when I use those boards.
One time someone used my name
My somewhat uncommon name in reply to something that had nothing to do with my name
yeah, being on this website as a SEA muslim manlet isn't healthy desu. I did genuinely become a better, more conscientous, critical thinking, thick skinned, and sociable person by coming here, but I think I've reached the limit of what I could actually learn here and now it's time to use that foundation to learn IRL
Someone told me to stop being a whining fucking faggot, I'm bothered by how right he is
Same. Before when someone was mean to me, I would get anxious, close my laptop and not browse the rest of the day.
Now I can barely feel anything from the most hurtful things.
I dont really get bothered when someone insults me, probably because i dont offload all my problems and frustrations onto Jow Forums in hopes that a hoard of discord trannies and faggots are going to comfort me. Retards on Jow Forums trigger me sometimes though
More annoyed that TOPS are fucking Grindr bottoms and I'm fucking my hand
The height memes on Jow Forums fucked me up, now I can't look at anyone without being hyper-aware of thier height in relation to mine
This kid was posting about his dad with stage 3 cancer on the way out and no where for him to go I made fun of him till he deleted his thread, this drunk femanon was posting on /b/ showing nudes spammed her calling her fat and ugly till she got upset deleted thread
What kind of loser cries when someone online says no one cares?
why do you put other people down on the internet?
It makes me hard telling people to off themselves and that they're disgusting for existing. It's enough to make my prostate tingle.
Because that is pathetic to cry over that they or you need to grow some balls and man up no wonder you all are virgins and trannies
Ge penis massage on Grindr user if you want a proper tingling
You also need to transition Zbetter sooner then later
Silly manlets don't forget about how small your penis is
this man right here is an oldfag. right on, brother
I don't consider Jow Forums representative of the outside world so I'm mostly able to seperate it.
Atleast I know most of it here is just bait, but people on reddit genuinely get angry at others
/4ch/ server, come join lads
that i look/sound cute
If people cant make it online then certainly cant make it out in the real world. Weeds out the weak genes.