Why do incels hate being friends with women?

Why do incels hate being friends with women?

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I don't hate it, I just don't see a point.

You enjoy being some woman's emotional tampon while she fucks other men?

because an incel never intends to just be friends with a women. If they show any interest/put in any effort into a relationship with a female its explicitly because they want to fuck.

Source: ex incel

Don't put you being a fuckboy on others m8

>Why do incels hate being friends with women?
No. They hate being friendzoned simply because it's such a stock phrase and they've heard it so many times in a negative context. It's basically pavlovian conditioning.

Women dont have friends, the men are cocks to ride, backup cocks and attention dispensers, the women are competition

>implying that I've ever had a female friend

>ex incel
You was never been an incel you know?

I used to have casual female friends

Nobody dies an incel unless he an heroes early. Incel is a temporary phase that everyone eventually grows out of, that includes you.

Women are shit friends. They don't do anything that isn't about self-glorification. They have no world outside of their mirror. It's why so many of them are so desperate to have male friends. They know their own kind are shit. But they can't stop being what they are.

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>incel is just a temporary phase
Giacomo leopardi, nikola tesla, isaac newton...
I can continue...

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>volcel and incel is the same thing

who gives a shit, they never had sex

Still theres a difference between being able to get it and ignoring it and being unable to get it.


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Literally what fucking said
Why have a friend who has female sex organs when I could have a romantic partner who has female sex organs? It's literally the same shit except I get to exercise my hand holding fetish.

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Women are significantly more difficult to relate to on any visceral level. They won't understand your problems, interests, etc. because they live a completely different life than we do. Being friends with someone you're at odds with at the foundations of your being is not an easy nor desirable prospect.

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He probably had some gay sex, but mainly he wasn't interested.

I don't. I have a couple of female friends.

>inb4 cuck

why should I care what a woman I have no romantic interest in does in her sexlife?

I consider myself to be an incel, simply because the actions of women often disgust me (although I express hatred of everything). People seem to like me fairly well though, as I have a friendly personality, so I have several friends of either gender.

My point is, once you get redpilled, you can't go back
Leopardi, tesla, newton, schopenhauer.
They are all redpilled, that is what matter
Volcel, incels... Who cares? The only thing that is important is the redpill

Id love to be friends with a woman, a fembot, a robot, an incel even a tranny at this point any friend is ok because its not about sex. The issue is I think women have a natural aversion to "beta" males that they cant control, its like seeing a leper, females will destroy him by instinct. All incels are beta, thus its not hard to imagine why they wouldnt want to

i dont consider myself incel btw just a loser


>hanging around any woman who already decided to not give you pussy access

There is simply no point, I am looking for a partner in and outside the bedroom. That does not mean I feel any need for any oversocial platonic timewaster, that is uninteresting part that is tacked on to females desu.

And when that shit comes with the added itches of A: knowing she does not desire you, and B: yet makes the guys who do get her pussy her main conversation topic most times?
Yeah go buy a dog, girl.

Because if you were getting pussy you would not friendzone yourself.

Women don't think I'm human so I don't can't get to the stage where I'm friends with them

I don't hate being friends with women, I just haven't met a woman I wanted as a friend yet

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