Is there any difference on the way you cook the eggs?
Is there any difference on the way you cook the eggs?
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Texture and taste
Yes, soft boiled (boiied in general) are better because the temperature doesnt go over 100 celsius and theshell protects the yolk inside, fried destroys the most vitamins and oxidizes the fat
Fried eggs contain plenty of oxidized cholesterol that will accelerate your heart disease even more compared to boiled eggs with regular cholesterol (which also promote heart disease).
I'm talking about energetic value and fat.
Is better boiled than fried?
If you boil it you will lose some of the calories
>compared to boiled eggs with regular cholesterol (which also promote heart disease).
It doesnt, please stop lying
>Fried eggs contain plenty of oxidized cholesterol
Negated if you fry with coconut oil or water
>I'm talking about energetic value and fat.
>Is better boiled than fried?
Yes because you lose less of the egg to the pan, fried eggs have more calories if you use oil though
The day I learned to make soft boiled eggs was like having an orgasm for the first time in my life
You know how I know you're a paid shill? You post the same shit every day and never respond when your bullshit is picked apart.
The man you are referencing had extremely high cholesterol, as can be seen in the text - 200 total and 142 LDL. The fact that the text describes extremely high cholesterol as "normal" just reveals that it was written by someone with no connection to medical science or practice.
I just ate 2 fried eggs. Am I doomed?
>You know how I know you're a paid shill? You post the same shit every day and never respond when your bullshit is picked apart.
I do, and you people always respond with logical falacies
>The man you are referencing had extremely high cholesterol
Yes, and? Dont think for a minute we all believe in the same indoctrination as you
>The fact that the text describes extremely high cholesterol as "normal" just reveals that it was written by someone with no connection to medical science or practice.
You realize you're saying epidemiological studies that use self reported data and exclude inconvinient statistics is actual, real "science"? No my friend, what you call your science is jsut a cult of scientism where there are dogmas that arent questioned because big companies paid associations to do so
You people are the worst type of slaves, I can show you the truth in your face but you dont want to see it, even blind people will want to hear the truth
Currently dirtybulking and eating a minimum of 6 eggs a day in addition to fatty red meat several times a week and unrestricted carbs. Is this dangerous for my long term health and if so how long can I get away with it before it gets out of hand. I’m 23 years old 215lbs at ~12-15% bf.
Mircowave on high, wait and simsalabim
Protip: If you eat 4 dozen eggs it will help you grow large.
Then, switch to 5 dozen eggs to enter bargemode.
>Is this dangerous for my long term health and if so how long can I get away with it before it gets out of hand
No, as long as you cook in coconut oil you're fine
>Mircowave on high, wait and simsalabim
Great way of destroying your food and eating empty calories
>baseless conspiracy theories about the sugar industry, brought to you by low-carb quacks
>meanwhile uncritically links to Bart Kay, who brazenly uses a study funded by the dairy industry to claim that saturated fat is harmless.
The shilling is real
>baseless conspiracy theories about the sugar industry, brought to you by low-carb quacks
>The internal sugar industry documents, recently discovered by a researcher at the University of California, San Francisco, and published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine, suggest that five decades of research into the role of nutrition and heart disease, including many of today’s dietary recommendations, may have been largely shaped by the sugar industry.
>“They were able to derail the discussion about sugar for decades,” said Stanton Glantz, a professor of medicine at U.C.S.F. and an author of the JAMA Internal Medicine paper.
>The documents show that a trade group called the Sugar Research Foundation, known today as the Sugar Association, paid three Harvard scientists the equivalent of about $50,000 in today’s dollars to publish a 1967 review of research on sugar, fat and heart disease. The studies used in the review were handpicked by the sugar group, and the article, which was published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, minimized the link between sugar and heart health and cast aspersions on the role of saturated fat.
Remember what I said about answering with logical falacies?
>meanwhile uncritically links to Bart Kay, who brazenly uses a study funded by the dairy industry to claim that
You're going to need tyo prove it was a clear pay off like in the case I pointed above
>can't stomach eggs unless they're fried/scrambled
>been eating 4 fried eggs a day for the past month
Am I fucked, bros?
Depends on the oil
I've either been using ghee or the leftover fat from the sausage I make beforehand
>eating 6 eggs a day scrambled with canola oil for 6 days a week for the past 3 months
can't fucking wait to die bros
eat them raw or GTFO