Depression is a choice

Depression is a choice.

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And we're all masochist
now delete thread faggot

>mental illness is a choice
sure it is, we all like to wallow in our filth, now leave normalfaggot

Posting retarded shit is a choice.

Fuck fag miller. Damn druggy ruined his own life

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Some people actually have fucked brains and cant help it but yeah most depressed people choose to be depressed


he unironically made some bangers, also stop avatarfaggin i've seen you use that avatar with the same filename in multiple threads

You sound like a neanderthal.
What're you cookin' in the lab toady?

Make me stop faggot. Miller was too weak to live. What a failure

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>Make me stop faggot
its literally impossible for me to do that, however its not for the moderation since you are breaking a rule, your though guy LARP will end abruptly I promise you

What rules am I breaking? Soft ass bitch

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global rule 13, fuck off newfag

You kids don't know shit about drugs lol

If you brainlets even went through 1/10th of what McMillers brain did you'd understand.

Until then /your/ depression is a choice.

There comes a point where you stop being "depressed" and just become so fucking blackpilled, there's no chance of pulling yourself out of it anymore. If you're "depressed" and make ebin meme arrow texts about your girlfriend troubles, you have not even an inkling of understanding of what true suffering is.

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You go and cry you damn faggot. Being on this board and calling for mods like reddit cuck

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Pretty much this.

I came close to falling into complete apathy beyond simple existentialism. I still reacted and felt to a degree, but there was no depression or hate, envy, nor anything else, just living and patiently waiting to die. I felt there was something even worse looming over the horizon so I tried to get my shit together out of some sort of primordial fear and am somewhat ok now, I'm still barely affected by things but I've transformed the looming void into zen practices instead.

stop circle jerking each other on Jow Forums and talk about your made up depression, faggots

Earth shit out some weak ass NPC's i tell ya whut

im not calling for any mod, your reading comprehension is below 0, rules are here for a reason, without rules this whole site would be even more of a shithole than it already is, fuck off to 8gag
>inb4 rules are made to be broken

Good thing im not depressed nigga

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Thank you for the free (you)s faggot. Go on keep bitching in my ear like a wife

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>like a wife

Okay, how do I unchoose it? I'm not diagnosing myself with depression but I find myself constantly feeling sad as shit. It's not like I can just flick a switch and become happy.

>he showed me the facts and I don't have anything to refute him with so I must simply derail the argument
the absolute state of phoneposters, change your filenames at least you newfag

Have you tried using drugs to better understand your sadness? it /can/ help, but isn't for everyone. Don't McMiller yourself tho

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>cares about phone posting
Please tell me you arent that faggot from the other thread
>uses newfag as an insult in 2019
Damn I guess I am new to this site because some queer said so

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Being overly attached to the mass culture is a choice and that's usually what leads to depression.

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you're both acoustic desu but the dude who's wrong is winning this r9kgument

im not him but I read that thread and he was right for the most part, you show signs of schizophrenia user
>Damn I guess I am new to this site because some queer said so
you should honestly drop the though guy act, just make a /soc/ thread and post images of your gains, manly jawline and height, until then you are just a LARPer and should be dealt with acordingly, no one actually believes you are some hot shit bone breaking 7 foot chad when the only thing you have been doing until now was to kick yourself in the balls and lose this argument

Thank you. I like baiting fragile framed, brittle boned cucks on here

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Hmm funny thing is I never said I was some chad. Another fell for my shitty bait. Talking about mental illness like normal fag while on r9k kek

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god lol... you're like a 200iq NPC who works at mcd's

He is sub 100. He thinks he can determine what mental illness some random ass kid trolling online has. Fool has a god complex