Any of you anons dance? Solo, couples, team, whatever.
Also, a friendly reminder that dancing for women actually gets you pussy, while lifting for them does not.
Any of you anons dance? Solo, couples, team, whatever.
Also, a friendly reminder that dancing for women actually gets you pussy, while lifting for them does not.
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Ballet. Been doing it almost 4 years now. It's great for core strength, posture and flexibility and you get access to some prime classy girls
I went to a cybergoth party this Saturday and did the moves I learned from Bloodlines and Techno Viking. It was fun.
>Also, a friendly reminder that dancing for women actually gets you pussy, while lifting for them does not.
this only works if you're confident, extroverted and attractive.
if you're the kind of awkward gymcel who browses Jow Forums then you will be laughed out the door the second you even try to enter a dance studio
Did anyone hand you water?
No, but some hippy-looking dude with a stick of incense in his teeth poured a whole handful of glitter into my hand. I just smeared it all over my pecs. It was fun.
Yeah, no. It's what makes you confident and extrovert, even if you're not that attractive. And nobody will laugh you out the door. Everybody is awkward when they first try something.
You have to apply yourself with the same resolve and discipline that one would expect coming into the gym, but the social gainz are real.
Check this balding skinnyfat manlet out. He's out there groping (and banging) 7-9/10 pussy just because he kept at it for a couple of years.
meine respektierung
Have this ballerina.
Your negative view of the world is your biggest problem. You think you have to be some kind of perfect to be likeable/loved instead of being just better than the average. I fucked a dancer girl who tried to teach me salsa couple of hours ealier with me failing completely. I tried, I failed, we laughed, we talked, had a drink, made out and fucked. It's not magic, you just have to be realistic sometimes.
Fuck, now I have to download VtmB soundtrack to indulge my nostalgia.
That’s like saying people will laugh you out of a gym if you’re fat
I'd love to learn dancing but I sweat like an animal even though I'm decently fit and do other intensive sports besides lifting (kickboxing).
I'd just have to wipe my forehead with a full towel every couple minutes and after 15 min I'd be so disgusting that no girl would ever want to be my dance partner.
Thankfully burly guys don't mind sweat when we kick each other in the face, and when I go to the gym I wear tank tops.
But yeah, I'd fucking kill to just be really good at a dancing style.
Imagine picking up a gay hobbie like dancing only to get some pussies even if you hate it in the first place.
Lmaoing@you guys life tbqh.
It's like you guys have no personality at all.
You can dance if you want to,
You can leave them all behind,
But in the end, it's about HEIGHT FACE AND FRAME
You don't have to be perfect, just don't be insecure about imperfections.
Not really. Just wear contacts, I literally did that and nothing happened. I did get to rub up against some hot bitches though.
Can you learn salsa by yourself, with youtube as an aid?
It's not that much of an issue, actually. And, trust me, chicks sweat too, and are far more insecure about it.
If you're not an unwashed nigger smelling of stale sweat, it'll be fine.
In a word, no. You at least need a partner.
If I had a blowjob for every time some rando called me gay for dancing... oh wait, I've had even more. All performed by girls(female), mind you.
Getting into something just for pussy is a losing proposition in and of itself, yet half of (lifting half of) this board lifts for women. But your attitude is what keeps dance classes unbalanced with not enough dudes. Which actually means even more pussy for those who do overcome the projected insecurities of collective inceldom and show up.
is right, you need a partner. Interaction is the key to couples' dance, and you can't learn it alone.
That being said, you can learn some moves just by sight if you already have a solid base of understanding.
If you actually like dance that's ok, I'm just talking about the guys taking dancing class when they hate it and just want some pussies. It's the same with lifting I agree with you.
My attitude is not what keeps dance classes unbalanced, what keeps dance classes unbalanced is that dance is mostly appreciated by women and that most guys don't give a single fuck about dancing.
I autistically record myself practicing Michael Jackson routines. I've got the hat and glove and everything. Been doing it since I was in my early teens.
I love it.
>agrees picking up hobbies for girls is a stupid idea
>"y-you should overcome dat projection brah"
post video
But I was all of those things before I became a gymcel on fit. I've danced on multiple teams and done solo choreo. Dancing isn't too judgemental and people will help
No because white people don't have rhythm
Yes you should.
If you want to dance, just dance. If you don't know if you want to dance or nah, try it. Maybe you like it, maybe you don't, but you learn something about yourself either way.
If you want to dance and don't because "it's gay", you're cucking yourself while Chad is having fun and winning trophies in his rainbow glitter shirt.
I do dance forró and it's great. I started on it last year with my ex, stopped it for a couple months and now that she broke up with me I got back to it. It's really good for building confidence with girls and gives you an opportunity to talk to them openly tho I'm not into it for the chics but for the fun of it.
I've been making huge social gains and the people that I dance with have no idea I'm an introverted autist at all.
Guys, I have a couple of months to learn to waltz. I have a buddy who actually knows how to and a girl who wanted to practice some more. I've never danced, even at prom, but I promised this girl a dance, so now I must learn. Thoughts? Tips?
Post it!
The best MJ impression I've seen so far has been this manlet. Beat it!
Yeah, much more manly to never try anything new and just lift heavy pieces of metal.
I can smell your neckbeard from here.
i don't like to dance period lol
it sounds like an episode plot from a shit sitcom
That's helpful. From now on I'll be imagining myself played by Charlie Sheen.
If I go to a class, what do I need to wear? There's a salsa mer Bach class soon I could try
i'm just grouchy because i'm jealous that you have a friend. no idea how to dance but i sincerely wish you the best of luck
Thanks, I guess. You'll find someone too, mate. All the people I hang out consistently now I met just this year and I'm 27.
glad to hear you're in a better place now. how did you meet them bro? I'm also 27, have tried various meet-up groups, asking work colleagues to do stuff and have been going to the gym for years but haven't met anyone compatible
Do it.
Look up a few videos on technique. You should aim at Vienna waltz, not the pro ballroom competition techniques.
Keep your head up and your spine straight and don't get ahead of yourself.
Do some balance exercises and full range calf raises to prep your feet.
Good luck, user!
Something casual and comfy. Comfy shoes are mandatory.
Comfortable clothes and a pair of shoes. I usually wears shorts, a t-shirt and an old pair of shoes.
Of course. Kizomba, 3 times a week. It's the thing, lads.
Hobbies. I'm retarded, so I go to poetry readings and meet people there. I even asked a girl out at the last meeting and had a nice few dates with her.
Just find something you enjoy doing by itself and interact with people there. And I don't mean gym, I mean social activities. Pub quiz or something, whatever floats your boat.
Dancing, again.
Every kind of dance has a community around it. The mood of the community corresponds pretty well with the dance in question, so if you enjoy the particular dance style, you're likely to get along well with other people who do.
>I'm retarded
godamn we have so much in common
i used to go to stuff like toastmasters and loved doing improv but there's nothing like that where i live right now unfortunately.
pub quiz? you a fellow UK lad?
Nah, Eastern European, but we got pub quizzes to. Improv is cool, I guess, when done right. Anyway, find any social activity you like and hit on chicks there. Just make sure you don't intimidate other, weaker males in that community. That might lead to trouble.
yeah i don't really care much for the performance side of improv, it just helps me practice thinking up bullshit quickly which in turns help with being witty in real life conversations
i've had that before actually, when you get with a girl and the orbiter faggots treat you with utter contempt as if they even had a chance.
have asked a few girls out after hanging out with them when meet-up groups have ended but zero success lately and i'm running out of groups lol. will have to check out some other social sites or something
yeah boiii