This is what your average GenZ white girl thinks

white boys, why do your own girls hate you so much?

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Other urls found in this thread:

can't wait til all whiteoids are extinct

How is a millennial kike a zoomer white girl?

This is millennial. Zoomers are actually quite based

Why do black people have to pretend to be attractive? Why don't they just work on themselves so they can be as good looking as white guys?

look at it
this must mean something

Its funny. Im looking st her profile right now at it says she us suspended. Turns out saying hateful things gets you banned. Wholda thunk. Nice b8 though,made me do so research.

Oh and also this is from seemingly left that out of the picture. Paint yhe entire picture,dick head.

All statistics show you are dead wrong, Shlomo. White girls are the least likely to go for guys outside their race.

>Quite based
Hahahahahaha they are ten times worse than the tweet

The South will rise, the south will rise, the south is gonna rise again

>wanted nothing to do with niggers
>not into bestiality
>employed and payed their fellow white man so that they could enjoy a good standard of living
>loved niggers and based their entire identity around niggers
>fucked niggers and produced tons of mutts
>too incompetent to keep their pet niggers in line and constantly had them run away to the north
>allowed their fellow whites to live in poverty because they would rather have pet niggers than employe a fellow white man
>threw a tantrum and started a war just because a guy that had zero intention of taking away niggers said he didn't like niggers
The south is retarded and gay and deserves everything it got

How does someone genuinely reach this conclusion in their life to think posting garbage like this is good. Then get retweeted to hell.
I genuinely don't get it. It's like they are willingly starting the race war.

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the north literally imported millions of nigs. southerners were too poor to pull off a slave operation

In college saying this sort of thing would get you accolades. Dont be stupid.

That is a millennial, not a zoomer dumbfuck

The person tweeting that should have their neck snapped off. The bone crunching as they perish would be so satisfying to witness.

Not in an American university user. People would clap

there should be only one race, the human race. Beige power!

>white women
not even being multiple women in a body
>nevar going to make it

As an Asian American this is literally the best time for us. Gen Z white girls really like Asians for some reason. Like my dad said when he was a grad student no white girl would talk to him. But girls actually approach me (and I'm ugly lol).

Which state have you observed this?

Probably a coastal state. We dont really have asians here in Ohio

in that order

date an asian girl you racemixing degen

t. rice dick

Can asian "men" stoop lower than that? Probably, they amaze me with each and every day.

We deserve it to be completely honest.


Well I'm an incel.. but yeah I'll probably retire in a few years and move to Thailand or something. My dad's friend is WMAFing in Chiang Mai and he seems pretty happy.

Attached: expats-thailand.jpg (300x384, 21K)

Get out of here you hapa faggot. That's not even a zoomer.

>twitter posts from mentally ill people are a good measurement of the current societal consensus

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Oh my god, that laughter and especially the way they say "nnnnnoooo" with that long "n" holy shit, litteral suicide fuel for asian rice dicks hahahaha.

Having is preference is not racist.
But laughing like that? Idk.

>Unironically using "racist" as an insult.

This is not twitter, facebook nor Jow Forumseddit. Get the fuck out of here cupcake.

>If you're a white woman and are currently pregnant with a white baby boy... do us all a favor and take a trip to planned parenthood
Man, what a horrible thing to say.
Also this is true. Not sure what the reason for her ban was though, hope it was for being a vitriolic cunt.

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I'll date whoever I like, incel. None of your business

If you're in a big city, why not join a Kpop/anime group? Lots of white girls there. But they probably all have mental issues. Just a heads up.

They're not good looking enough to be that judgmental.

Why are the americans psychopaths? This stuff is really scary

Marxist brainwashing isn't real, they said

>Not all disabilities look like this: (wheelchair)
>Some look like this: (blue check mark)

god damn, twitter people

Nah its quite common in certain parts of the country



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/genz/ server, come join lads

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