>obsessed with gender bending cartoons as a small child
>cut the hair off of all my dolls and give them male names
>beg my mom for tit-removal and puberty blockers at age 11
>grow up to have gender dysphoria
I fucked myself from day 1. You guys have anything similar?
Obsessed with gender bending cartoons as a small child
Nah I never thought myself into a mental illness before, sorry
yep, im on T now though and it's working well
I can't just drop everything and transition because I have a professional life with an established brand and also a relationship.
>thought myself into a mental illness
It's so sexy when people are illiterate.
why not though? originally
That or you just became obsessed with the whole gender bend thing because you were trans from the start and that was your only way to Express it
>I fucked myself from day 1.
In what way? I don't see how you chose to have any of those impulses.
Your obsessive thoughts about gender bending cartoons caused your mental illness - you cucked yourself in the most profound of ways dude
I'm not op but chicken and the egg dude
why not what? I just explained why dude.
no but I engaged them and explored those feelings instead of repressing them and killing myself at 14.
no you didn't, you're just afraid but you'd keep on living just fine if not happier
>gender bending cartoons
what things like bugs bunny cross-dressing? explain
It must be fascinating to know better than every doctor alive; how long were you in school for? was it tough?
yeah, bugs bunny, the show cybersix, the legend of calamity jane, etc.
Can't you just be "butchy" without hurting your body? It's not like you can't wear "wrong" clothes or get beaten for improper hair length like mtfs (Even those are lame reasons for ruining yourself if you ask me)
what do doctors have to do with it? GD only gets worse with the years and ftms have the highest suicide rate
I still go to school and it's going fine
>ruining yourself
how would taking hormones ruin anything? just curious, I wasn't going to because like i said, i have a life established as a female that would get fucked up were I to transition.
also gender dysphoria isn't really much about how you dress or cut your hair.
your established life will end in its 30s at this rate
Thanks for the ominousposting. I sure am thankful you've offered so many solutions.
there's only one solution and you know that though lol not sure what else you want, point is that it's better to "ruin" it now rather than later
> how would taking hormones ruin anything?
That's a very crude intrusion into a very sensitive system. There are so many illnesses and mental states caused by improper hormone levels.
> also gender dysphoria isn't really much about how you dress or cut your hair.
Honestly that's sounds strange since for me it seems like pretty much the only exclusive gender expressions nowadays. Add facial hair maybe.
You ever notice how lots of hormone taking bodybuilders die early of heart related issues? Big hmmmmmmmmmm
there's no chance of getting anything worse than I already have, luckily.
> it seems like pretty much the only exclusive gender expressions nowadays
yeah, expressions. gender and gender expression don't always overlap. i am already "butchy" looking and have gender dysphoria regardless.
i thought i was gonna die early anyway just due to gender dysphoria.
> yeah, expressions. gender and gender expression don't always overlap.
gender expression is how you look and act, gender is like (forgive me for waxing spiritual), the personal orientation of your soul.
gender is how brain structure/chemicals interact. people with gender dysphoria have different looking brains than normal people.
>people with gender dysphoria have different looking brains than normal people.
I'm not surprised nor would I think the most alt-right turbo fascists would be
That explanation sounds right-wing in both spiritual and biological parts.
I don't believe in political wings, I only believe in the objective truth.
Well, I opened the thread to encourage you to express yourself in the ways you want, but I can't encourage you to gamble on your health and life.
Maybe you'll get a different perspective on /lgbt/.
I don't want to be encouraged to transition, it;s okay user.
It just seems like other options are barren. Any doctor will only suggest hormones and surgery.
Are you loved? Would someone's geniune attachment to your "butchy" look make it better? For example, if your partner would praise you for it?
Have you tried "masculine" activities, something that would trigger someone "traditional"?
When I lurk here I often stumble on comments denying womanhood even from feminine looking women who lift, or have short hair, or work in some inappropriate field, and so on. Now if you imagine doing something like that and on top of that expressing yourself not in a girly manner, what that would make you in their eyes? Probably at that point you will be more masc than a substantial part of males.
Also there are ways to raise natural levels of test through diet and exercise, maybe that would help.
I am not loved, it probably would improve my life if somebody liked me for who I am.
I don't really do any "traditional" activities, for better or for worse. I think the most "feminine" activity I do is drawing, which is neutral, because though it was a field dominated by men in the past, it was never taboo for women to participate afaik.
Take this thread to /lgbt/, you obnoxious abomination.
the obvious solution is to bump it like a dumb fucking idiot, is that right?
take it to r/braincels
Unironically look into gender critical feminism
I'd rather ensure that lurkers see you be lambasted and rebuked, as you should be, you repugnant attentionwhore. Stay in your containment board, subhuman.