Anyone else bisexual but still chose to never have sex with the same sex? It doesn't really seem worth it to me

Anyone else bisexual but still chose to never have sex with the same sex? It doesn't really seem worth it to me.

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Yeah, women are soft and nice and I could probably have sex with one, but I like dick too much to actually have sex with a woman.
Its weird

I get off to stuff on both sides of the fence but actually talking to people is a pain

My last gf made me hard gay.

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I blew some guys and it was okay, I'd love to have sex with a woman but they don't want me and all I can get is fat guys off discord to let me blow them, sometimes not even that.
How can you even choose something like that you fucking normie, please leave

You're straight

This pretty much. Also dealing with shitdick and aids, no thanks.

Do you enjoy blowing fat guys or is this actually a huge desperation thing

I've had sex with both and I just find women boring desu.
Probably just the MKultra program that turned me into a gay sissy boyslut to fuel their world depopulation scheme.

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I'm bisexual and neither gender has given me the chance to have sex. I'd have sex with either one though, as long as i found them attractive

We're defined by our actions user.

I'm only attracted to girls but really like the idea of being a top. Probably for the best since std rates and all that shit

This used to describe me but at this point I choose to not have sex with either sex. Way too many trust issues so I prefer getting off on my own instead.

I fap to dicks user.

what part isn't worth it? it's just sex


I'm into traps and trannies but I'd never actually fuck one, outside of 2D and the very rare decent ones in porn they're disgusting fucking troglodytes
>tfw no futa gf

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Don't ever lewd miku again tranny scum

>what part isn't worth it?

I'm not romantically attracted to men, I just like dicks and traps, but sex without romance does not appeal to me anymore.

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I thought I was bi and I met a tranny who wanted me to fuck him. We hung out a few times, but his masculine features in person were too much and turned me off. Big hands, no hips, bad fat distribution. It made me realize that I'm not nearly as much of a faggot as I thought. I think I watched too much porn.

Might be the case with me too. I've never actually felt attraction for men outside of porn, but I want to take advantage of being a special snowflake.

Do you happen to watch a lot of porn?