Is the cumbrain real?

I fap to porn 3-4 times a day and I stopped going to the gym and my room became messy but Its hard to stop.

Attached: cumbrain.png (259x195, 12K)

>I fap to porn 3-4 times a day
How is this possible? I get sore after doing it twice.

Could be some form of avoidance strategy and escapism. Any mental duress at the moment user?

lube I suppose

cold turkey nofap and clean your room. a cluttered room can make you feel down or anxious. I encourage you to get outside more often if possible

I think he know all that though

it's possible when you're a teenager no problem, especially if you don't edge for long

If you don't have PIED you will soon, stop now before you're impotent.

I dryfap and it takes me about 7 times before it starts to hurt

Someone please post the "5 types of nofapper" image

>Someone please post the coping image pleeeaassee :(

Attached: 5 types.jpg (1399x2233, 783K)

Jusy to the google if you and I want for the image, then search!!! XD


I thought most people do it like the self aware

no lube

fap but w/o cumming

it is real

Fapping while dehydrated

fap 3-4 times in a day how is that even possible??. i can only fap ones... i can even fap once a week. imean wtf 3-4 times in a single day???

fapping in the desert

Fapping in a desdert

Haha thanks user

>The Stoic
>"The Stoic can be seen posting pictures of Greek statues with foreboding text about eternity and semen

Attached: 1.png (755x534, 410K)

Fapping with chalk

americans need lube because they are circumcised

Fapping into a hand dryer

Depends on the individual, some people are just built to coom all day.

thats definietly me i get a huge urge in a short period of time and I either cum or can't concentrate on anything. Even after fapping to porn for a year I can still use my imagintation a nd cum heavily. Its really weird and I'm 24.

it's a lefty meme that got BTFO on /v/ within 24 hours.

why? fapping to porn is definietly bad for the brain. its the CUMBRAIN

All the ill effects people blame on fapping are actually lack of cardio. I used to be the same, but then I started doing a few hours of cardio per week and now get all the claimed benefits of no fap. In fact, I now fap more.

cumbrain is very real.

I don't know whether my story would help people reading this in the future, but here it is anyway:

I've always been comfortable around women but have had no idea how to go to the next step. Being aware of the female sex since I was 5/6 years old made it even harder for me, since I understood intimacy and I feel has created some kind of a standard in me that is hard for me achieve to date.

I was extremely sexually frustrated in age 15-16 as I never fapped till then. But then I did something at that time that I still regret. I molested my good friend at school. Although there I felt the brief flash of sex for a moment, I was doubly frustrated after school and would often cross the limits. One day, I went too far. I still vividly remember her looking at me with red tear-soaked eyes and telling me that I went too far and hurt her. That did it for me.
Now I will always be the first one to admit that I was a piece of shit for doing it to her and I am not saying this so that I am suddenly free from all responsibilities. It is my cross to bear and I will do it till the end of my life.

I fell into a hole. I remember comparing myself to the people who had molested me as a child, and the bullying I faced broke me down to porn and fapping. Now, I am 32. I have locked my self at home, barely talk to others, cannot keep friends, have no idea of how the world works. Although, going to the gym and fitness was a religious part of life during ages 18-24. I let that go as well. I have had beautiful women approach me and in hindsight shown interest in me. However, I was unable to commit to anyone the time and effort necessary, since I don't fundamentally understand how that works.

I'm telling you this not for accolades or sympathy. I'm telling you this because self-pleasure is a fucking trap and to be wary of it.

NoFap cold turkey for 90 days at least. I'm starting today. Also, ED from porn is real.

Part 2:
yes, cumbrain is real. It is a real symptom. I have spent literally hours (from 9 am to 10:30 pm) looking at porn or playing porn games with one hand on my dick. I barely have any motivation to go outside or move or do anything other than stare at the screen and watch porn.

It takes me more than 30 minutes to get it up and running, and it takes even longer to maintain an erection for more than 5 minutes. Which means my brain has adapted to frequent and constant stimulation. I could maintain erections for more than 10 minutes in my prime and could get erect easily. Now, not so much.

The reason I shared the story above is so that you understand that this is coming from a legit person and not someone trying to shill you something. Believing me is up to you.

Hope this helps someone.

the left can't meme

God bless, user. Tell about your road to recovery from PIED.

the left can't meme

I thought nofap was a altright meme?

Nigger I can tell by your sporadic typing that you're a cumbrian. You need to stop

>discord trannies organizing raids to spam the meme

Fapping without a jewish penis.

the left can't meme

I'll do one better user. I'll show you.

Not fapping, porn. Porn is what makes you a cumbrain.

fapping sober

keep your hands off your fucking dick and start lifting again you pile of lazy shit

could be. I'm pretty sure you're right. However, for me, it has always been that whenever I've given myself an inch of respite, I've ended up taking a mile.

So, I'd advise strongly against giving yourself any respite. Right now, if you're reading this and the picture above speaks to you and your current condition, then you need to go hard. Or else, why bother.

I have failed countless times before, using the same train of logic. Not all people have the same iron will that others possess. Especially when we (as in me and other people identifying themselves with the cumbrain problem) have eroded our willpower to a nub.

I only fap to porn.

fapping with sandpaper

do you not have a job or go to school?

mine is exactly this, a cope for my anxiety.

What does this even mean

>left pushes hard on new meme with raid
>word gets filtered within hours
>within a day or two softcore porn threads are are absent of meme

The left failed to meme. They can't meme.

So you guys being addicted to porn is just a left meme? The left, the people who think sexual liberation and degeneracy is good?

imagine having a chopped dick

Anything from the trolley, dearie? Perhaps a functioning penis?

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You don't understand politics.
Everything I don't like is left, everything I like is right.
After all that's the side I chose, so they only do things that I like.
And all the things I don't like are therefore leftist.

>and my room became messy
But did you wash your penis like our lord and savior Jordan Peterson says to do?

Any tips to get rid of phimosis?

I've jerked off as much as 7 times in a day as an adult. I've had sex as many as 9 times in a 24 hour period (first time me and my wife went on holiday together). I generally fap 1-2 times a day and have sex 1-4 times a day.

fapping with a finger placed on your anus

Do you have any evidence that the porn caused the ED?

I'm living proof, faggot. The lengths you people go to defend watching another man fuck a whore while you abuse your body is staggering.

Based retard poster