Reached 2pl8 bench for 5 reps

>reached 2pl8 bench for 5 reps

Attached: 409A32D7-6B39-4A29-8C15-DB5641F56CF4.png (237x213, 114K)

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Congrats on your 6 month lifting anniversary

How did you know?

>not 2pl8 ohp for 5 reps

That’s IMPOSSIBLE u fucktard

>OHP at all
Spotted the DYEL, post body

How Long you've been Lifting?

About 10 months if I remember correctly. Can’t say I’ve been consistent during my month long vacation


Pimp shit, brother!

Keep up the good work

>Not strict pressing

found the dyel

Do a real program

28 free strength programs by greg nucklocks has some great bench stuff

>Tfw barely bust out 3 after 3 years of lifting

M-Making it.

Thanks tripsbro

Don't feel bad. Opie is an obese homosexual. Fat people can bench more.

Not even close. You seething that bad at someone else’s success?

No. I am happy for you. But this is Jow Forums. So... I don't think you are homosexual either.

We are all homosexuals by default for being here

On the contrary, OHP is by far the most important lift

Cool, I've been lifting since last November.
Last Friday I hit 242*10 then whipped out three sets of 2pl8*8.
With 2pl8 I've been hitting 13 reps in dropsets for the last couple of months.

What program?

I'm convinced that most people who post shit like this are either lying about how fast they are progressing, or are like 250lbs

I’ve done calisthenics before starting to lift. Wasn’t completely out of shape

Do you think they are homosexual too?

If you haven’t reached 2pl8 in max a year you are either uber dyel or doing something wrong with your diet or workout

Proud of you, OP!

It's often the latter. Even at 200lbs it could be done.
There are also people who do manual labor or sports, and are already fairly trained from that.

Good work duder

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Thanks friends

>Dislikes THE PRESS tm
Oh you're one fucked lad

Attached: no tolerance.jpg (1180x842, 57K)

I did SS until I reached 5*5 2pl8 bench and now I do dropsets, but pretty much still full body. Also, just did a 242*11 on the bench, cool stuff.

Hey! I did this today too OP! Gratz bro were gonna make it

Post bodies

why does Jow Forums keep saying this? ive been benching for 7 months and i can do 5 reps with 140-145. im 6'3 82kg and been working pretty hard, PPL and high protein. theres no way 2pl8s is average by this point

It’s just a meme. You doing fine user. Keep eating properly and rest well

thanks bro. i started w just the bar and i thought my progress was utter shit even though my body looks completely different now