When’s the last time you went balls to the wall, black out drunk? What was the occasion?

When’s the last time you went balls to the wall, black out drunk? What was the occasion?

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nah I don't drink, that shit is dumb



quit drinking after playing mario kart with my friends and puked in his couch and realised i was doing nothing with my life

user ODd on MDMA a few days ago at an outdoor event, not too great, but not too horrible either

Shit, how does that feel?

I don't drink except for Christmas Eve (gyms are closed), 4th of July (lake town home town) and that one time of year I have a long term low key stomach bug that won't go away

How much do you drink

Your usual MDMA's "EVERYTHING IS BEST WOAH" but dialed up to 11000.
Legs shaking, sounds, voices, lights - everything is a mixed blur of WOAH, kinda lost track of things after a while.
Didn't even get any health complications next day but obviously you won't feel any substances for quite a while after that and the depression is fucking crazy, "stay all day in a hammock and cry non-stop after thinking about anything even remotely bad" crazy.
Man, being fit rocks, you can do stupid shit like that unknowingly and stay fine.

new years evening. felt my gfs friends tits, fell over tables and puked. fucking blackouts. :^)

At my grandma's birthday party I got absolutely smashed and my wife and I convinced our first baby. It's a boy!


I know that MD comedown feel user. Worst week of my life was after taking 400mg in a single night.

>only incels take care of their health

You should never drink more than necessary to get you tipsy. Once you're in this state drink water and occasionally top up the alcohol level to maintain this state. This is the state where you can confidently chat to girls and guys without making s fucking idiot of yourself and maintaining some level of respect.

drug addicts like alcoholics like to call other people losers instead of admitting to themselves that drug addicts are losers not the people who don't do drugs

based and redpilled

Cringe and lowtest-beer belly pilled

I have never really been black out drunk in my life, I dont know somehow that's not how alcohol works for me. Well before that point I have to puke and get dizzy, even had some light alcohol poisoning and still wasnt blackout drunk and remembered pretty much everything that happened. Guess I am just not made to drink alcohol or some shit...

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Alcohol is shit tier anyway, don't worry
Haha, still fun while it lasts though, right?

After finals in May went hard af, passed out, puked, rallied and went out to the bars only to pass out again later. Fun evening.

Honestly user, I used to do that for a while now until I met a few people who dont drink. You couldnt even tell them apart in a crowd if you didnt pay attention to what they ordered because they were just being extroverted and cool people. So I asked myself why do I always drink a few beers to get a buzz on ? Do I really need that ? And after trying it and staying sober a few times now I can say nothing changed, I am confident enough as is nowadays and can chat up girls sober just as well. Only difference is it is a bit cheaper and better for gains also I prefer the mental clarity. Sure I occasionally still get a buzz on and maintain as you said but desu I only do it for other people not for myself which seems pretty strange. I guess I dont want other people to feel bad about their drinking habits at times also some people get really annoying when they realize you dont drink and even just getting 1 or 2 beers will have them shut up as they will just assume you are shitface drunk when you keep sipping on the same beer for an hour.

Cousin's college graduation party

Ended up having sex with his gf's sister in the bathroom of the very luxurious hotel the party was at and by the time i got home in the morning i was so drunk my mom had to help me take off my suit because i wanted to piss but had gotten my tie stuck halfway on my face and my hands on the shirts cuffs, which i was trying to tear apart in order to undo the neck button, also the uber driver stole my phone after i passed out in the car, never got it back too cus >uber in 3rd world

ended up vomiting my entire bedroom floor and had to sleep in the sofa with my dog. 10/10 would do it again

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2 days ago at my friend's cottage

Last weekend, me and my mate ended up get beaten up by bouncers for being gobby cunts. Fuck sake, 90% of the time I drink I lose control blackout and end up pissing everyone off.

I should probably stop drinking, never had this issue with drugs at Uni.

drank alone in my room until i passed out like the sad faggot that i was
haven't had any alcohol since then

That night probably took a few years off your life

probably only a few weeks, maybe a month

those weeks would have sucked anyway

It's the only way to drink. Get yourself an 8 ball and giver

Two years ago when I went to see a fren during Christmas holidays.

last Saturday, drank with the lads, hit the town and then passed out at my friends house. Fun times.

you made the weeks that would have sucked happen earlier, you still have them just less health and time overall

tfw no wife to impregnate with male offspring at grammys birthday while being drunk

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Got that comedown after shrooms once it wasn't fun. Stayed up for like 48 hours straight rethinking my life

About a couple of months ago!

what made me stop drinking was being sober one night and watching my friends get smashed, I realized how depressing it was when I wasn't also drunk


How do you maintain a social life without drinking at least a bit? I find it so hard because the UK’s culture has drinking fucking engrained into it

that happened to me aswell when being the driver, plus i usually drank till blackout and did some messed up stuff when going out. hangovers are a bitch when older than 30 aswell, so a mix of all these factors convinced me to quit alcohol for good.

I moved away from the uk. also fuck london, place is a shithole. miss the driving the welsh countryside though.

Where’d you move to


You lose all power when you use this reddit word, wether you're 100% right or completely wrong.

How does it compare to the UK

Mardi Gras, New Orleans didn't get black out drunk but was absolutely toasted

Now the last time I got black out drunk and my only time was when I was after exams and I started to take a shit load of shots with my buds. Ended up snorting a shitload of salt, talking about how demons are cool and how everyone should worship anything they they want, angerly staring at myself in the mirror and doing a shitload of pushups. Decided not to get black out drunk ever again after that.

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the money is so much fucking better. so much fucking better. it's so easy to make money here. better nature and hiking. better living conditions, nice cheaper bigger housing. everything costs less from food, to tech to, well basically everything. drive instead of transit. get to drive a nice car. work difficulty and length is about the same as my london job, probably a bit less overall. wages keep going up and I have job offers every week.

worse homeless and worse drug use. don't really like walking around the city center the way I do in european cities. worse travel options, can't just take a cheap flight to somewhere interesting it has to be a pretty major trip to go somewhere different.

overall my life got much better once I moved. I sort of miss my family and friends but not that much, most of my friends had grown distant and I get enough fill of my family anyways. by far the best part is the money.

The day was Thursday. The occasion was Thursday.

How are the American people compared to the brits. Less annoying?

EDC vegas may of this year. Lost my group and phone still ended up with a qt and fucked. Best bounce back ever.

in my opinion yes. coastal american educated workers are chill and very intelligent people. much more humble and relatable than brits. lower class americans and americans in the flyover states can be exceedingly annoying but at the same time I sort of admire the enthusiasm and ambition of some of those americans. other europeans disagree but my experience has overall been positive.

I do this every other day
Shit i'm gonna do that tonight

Wet brain