When’s the last time you went balls to the wall, black out drunk? What was the occasion?

When’s the last time you went balls to the wall, black out drunk? What was the occasion?

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nah I don't drink, that shit is dumb



quit drinking after playing mario kart with my friends and puked in his couch and realised i was doing nothing with my life

user ODd on MDMA a few days ago at an outdoor event, not too great, but not too horrible either

Shit, how does that feel?

I don't drink except for Christmas Eve (gyms are closed), 4th of July (lake town home town) and that one time of year I have a long term low key stomach bug that won't go away

How much do you drink

Your usual MDMA's "EVERYTHING IS BEST WOAH" but dialed up to 11000.
Legs shaking, sounds, voices, lights - everything is a mixed blur of WOAH, kinda lost track of things after a while.
Didn't even get any health complications next day but obviously you won't feel any substances for quite a while after that and the depression is fucking crazy, "stay all day in a hammock and cry non-stop after thinking about anything even remotely bad" crazy.
Man, being fit rocks, you can do stupid shit like that unknowingly and stay fine.