No wonder normies have it hard with shitty diets

Of course people in the office have so much issues with food, eating 4 times in office, fruit, nutella, lunch, coffees etc, snacking through the 8 hour shift


1 go for a 5000meter run in the morning, shower, get ready, stay in fatburnign mode until after work, cook, eat my one meal a day, making sure to stay in the ketosis level, so i continue fatburning - all, whilst not being hungry.

i will profit from this, hard.

Attached: keto.jpg (750x562, 108K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>have no energy
>iq immediately drops 20 points
>bleed from my ass
>pounding headaches and heart problems
>blood test shows extremely high cholesterol

high cholesterol means your body is repairing itself dumb fuck, it's a good thing. when u have low cholesterol is when u should be concnerd, ur body can't repair itself...

yikes, seems like you should stop taking up your asshole then mate. maybe lose some weight too whilst your there

>diet soda Yes

Meanwhile, your testosterone drops to record low levels while cortisol is shooting up as if you were in a concentration camp

>it's a good thing that your body is repairing itself
no that just mean you are hurting your body
>this is your mind on keto

Why can't you guys just eat healthy stuff instead of falling for meme diets

I was thinking the same thing. That imsge was made by a woman

>pasta, rice and bread are bad for you

Attached: 9ACB644B-8BA0-4134-8933-973BE9A67A80.png (355x354, 46K)

Nothing wrong with artificial sweeteners retards

it may seem bad, but the occasional diet soda is nothing compared to cakes, chocolates, crisps, chips, pasta, pizza, bread, gnocchi, ice cream and every other glucose based food that will send you diabetic and down the hospital for regular check ins

my testosterone is at least HIGH, minimum. my endurance is through the roof, which counts more in any case thinkable.

Attached: boomermonster.jpg (990x600, 62K)

>Always have energy, never tired
>Stimulates neurogenesis
>Smooth bowel movements; guts are not processing constantly and actually have time to repair themselves
>Lowers blood pressure and reduces inflammation in the body
>Higher insulin sensitivity, amazing lipid profile, no hearth problems anymore and my COPD is basically cured.

Wellbeing improved thousandfold

Weird, people who actually do the diet report
>more energy
>better mental focus
>fewer gastrointestinal issues
and personally keto fixed my chronic headaches
>high cholesterol
yeah, turns out high cholesterol isn’t a bad thing. Also, it’s the building block of most hormones so, what, you want to be low test?

How long after your run do you have your omad?

Do you find that you're hungrier and more tired having to wait to eat after exercising? I usually try to time my runs right before my omad.

>high cholesterol is a good thing

Attached: DlTvgoiV4AUVHIN.jpg (595x329, 50K)

Depends on particle size, especially for LDL, which isn't just one type of particle.

>No milk

It's bad if you're doing Keto retard

>Bread is worse than diet soda
What does "bread" look like in your country user, I'm curious

I stopped doing keto this weekend to have a few days off to "cheat"

Suddenly every inflammatory problem in the world is back with a vengeance. Ways my body feels bad that I completely forgot about came back in two days

Sugar is, honestly, the devil. I ate gummy bears and shit though.

Did you start to drink milk?

As its probably just milk.

The concept that excluding 99% of foods from your diet and some health problem resolving as a result doesn't mean that 99% of foods cause that health problem is something that exceeds the cognitive capacity of the average ketard.

i run at 6:00 am and i have my feeding findow any time after 5. it sets me up for the day and actually keeps the fat burning at a decent level. i drink green tea / tea with lemon throughout the day. i dont have energy to run at afternoon fren

milk is very average, at most - you can also get someting like pic related. 2.7 carbs/ 100 ml - do not, I REPEAT, DO NOT FALL FOR THE UNSWEETENED ALMOND MILK MEME.

bread is great in my country - we have 3-4-5 kgs of peasent bread, baically and old fashioned way villagers make bread, really massive - i love bread in general, but ever since keto, i dont have any cravings/urges, even on cheat days i dont feel that hyped, cos i have so much great food in general

dont tell me about it my fren, i had a 32cm pizza & 2 deserts saturday, i was so full and felt sick for 1 day - you dont notice how bad your body is ran until your body is running efficiently on keto. keep it up

Attached: 3638Alpro-Drink-Coconut-1L-edge-UK_540x576_p_fff.jpg (540x576, 32K)

5:00PM that is

What's wrong with unsweetened almond milk?

the taste of it

ok ketard

nice, quoting 3 different anons

Attached: retard.pgj.jpg (552x615, 30K)

Calories in, calories out.
This scares the Ketard.

Attached: Laughing_military_loli.gif (250x250, 69K)

like in my post, its the frequency of eating that theres a problem with. you cant stay full with carbs longer than on keto diet. and even if you could, you'll get cravings and will wanna off yourself - also, you dont eat that much on KETO especially with IF OMAD, i.e. i eat aroun 1400 kcal a day, to add calories to that i add 2 tbsp of home made mayo

>doing keto

Attached: 1522496022798.jpg (630x418, 40K)

This, fasting for a day is like an oil change