Is muscle hypertrophy possible without bulking? I want to look decent all year round. No bulking/cutting

Is muscle hypertrophy possible without bulking? I want to look decent all year round. No bulking/cutting.

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It's called lean bulking

Yes, but harder, because your body is not, hormonally, going to be in a very pro-growth place.

1) Creatine
2) 2.2g / kg of bodyweight in protein
3) Eating near maintenance or slightly above.

Yeah I never bulk and have always made good gains. Bulking is only necessary for skellies who want to get bigger quick and bring themselves to a more normal lifting start point and people who are 95% to their natty limit.

For the average person bulking actually means you are making gains slower in the long term because you have to cut at some point and during that time you are not making any gains really whereas tdee you are making gains 100% of the time. Bulking itself doesn’t make your rate of muscle growth higher as compared to tdee.

healthy eating and do more volume

>whereas tdee you are making gains 100% of the time
>staying the same bodyweight forever is going to give you more muscle gains than someone who gains 50lbs over their lifting career

Just how smooth is your brain

>work out for a few years
>get strong and big
>bulk up over time
>cut to desired weight
>maintain there

and done you can look decent year around, just have to put in a few years to get muscle and get in that shape maintaining is possible. not at fake natty shredded levels ofc but you can look great year around.

As a guy who has a husky and runs 2 times a day with him + lifts full body + goes to a boxing gym i realized i literally cannot gain muscle unless i stuff my face with fucking anything i have. Including junk food, the moment i started eating shit like ice cream or a lot of bread is the moment i actually started becoming stronger and gaining muscle(and fat), so in my opinion you have to eat a shitton

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Yes. As a matter of fact it's optimal. The majority of "bulk" you put on when bulking isn't muscle but water and fat. In order for hypertrophy to occur, you need to either over-exert your muscle more than they are used to, or place them under heavy tension for a prolonged period of time.
What you need to make sure is to have a positive Nitrogen balance. Muscles are composed out of proteins. Protein is the only one of the 3 main nutrients that compose your body that contains Nitrogen. When you eat meat, say beef, your body won't directly use the beef protein to create muscle-mass, as humans need to make their own human protein. To do this however, your body needs excess Nitrogen, which it cannot obtain from fat and carbs, which would normally make up most of your typical bulking diet.
Now if you are training to gain strength then you might want to look into bulking on excess carbs, as you will need larger stores of energy when pushing your prs. But if your goal is purely Hypertrophy, you can largely disregard the bulking/cutting cycle. The amount of excess muscle gained that way compared to just eating at a positive nitrogen balance isn't worth the massive amounts of fat that are doomed to accompany it.

saffa rugby players are such fucking chads

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Yea if you've been lifting for years and years to have the muscle maturity.
You will need to eat to excess though. There is no escaping that. I have a 6 pack year round and decent pump. What are you even really asking?
You won't achieve hypertrophic growth without caloric excess.

It's called J U I C E

Otherwise gotta bulk with the boys

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I don't want to get fat.

you are fucking STUPID
Some average guy starts hitting the gym, 5'10 150lbs. You seriously think if this guy eats maintenance he is ever ever going to look jacked? At 150lbs? You're so fucking dumb holy shit I hate this board REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Your gains will be much slower than someone who’s willing to gain 2-3 pounds a month

Them Afrikaner genes. I swear the average Afrikaner height is like 6ft3

The jeffinator does it so yeah.

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>tfw south african
>tfw anglo parents and not based afrikaaner dutchmen parents
at least im not black haha

>tfw fell for the bulking meme

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Still the most I’ve ever seen the AB’s get dominated physically

haha go back to England haha

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I wouldn't ever want to tackle someone like Etzebeth

I don’t think anyone wants to, dude runs like he wants to kill people

user, your advice is not so bad. Good rules of thumb.

It should be specified however that on top of positive nitrogen balance you do need excess calories to facilitate muscle hypertrophy and especially muscle hyperplasia. The process of both amino-acid breakdown and incorporation into muscle fibers is more calorically demanding than the protein can support on its own.

In essence without a caloric surplus, unless you intake enough excess protein, or have enough basal fat for gluconeogenisis to really become a factor, the muscle you gain will be limited not by nitrogen ratios and protein consumption, but by fat reserves.

This is easier done at the beginning of training, due to the beneficially low stimulus-response ratio for muscle growth that newbies experience.

A bulk/cut pattern is more efficient than building muscle eating at your tdee. However you can eat at a slight surplus to the degree that matches the amount of calories needed for hypertrophy/hyperplasia, and not gain bodyfat. But those calculations are very speculative at best.

>My grandpa used to fight his uncles in the 70s
True story btw, the Etzebeth brothers were notorious trouble makers in the northern suburbs

his gyro and sulci are 404

>tfw you are 6ft 93 kg Afrikaner and still almost the smallest one

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This is now a saffa (Afrikaner) rugby thread

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Is this true? Trouble makers how

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say you get your goal body and look the way you want but you also want to get stronger, is it possible to stay at a certain look while getting stronger

please post on /sp/ during the rugby world cup

You are right, but it is because it is so calorically demanding that it is in fact possible to lose weight while gaining muscle mass. As the body accelerates protein synthesis, if there is not enough calories from food, it will resort to using its own stored calories. This is ofcourse assuming our subject is a normal dude. Obviously if the person in question is a sub 10% or even sub 15% bf this wouldn't be a solution and eating at a surplus would be a necessity. Still, my point which I believe you agreed with was more that the source of calories are more important than jusf calories. Bulking on candy and fast food is not a solution if you want hypertrophy.

Cute bra


Yeah, my grandpa and his cousins/friends were in a "gang" like you see in Grease lol. The Etzebeths brothers were always called to come break bones if people owed money/harassed people etc. Stuff like that.

This referring to eben? I assume he was a fucking monster even back then

No lol, this was in the 70s. Was Eben's Uncles I think. His dad might have been involved, but I can't ask my grandpa anymore as he passed away

Explains a lot about Eben regardless

The positive nitrogen balance require caloric surplus, if not, everybody on keto would be big af and that's certainly false.
While natty, maximum potential muscle per day gain due to MPS would be a couple of grams, that can be sustained with a marginal caloric surplus to not leave gains on the table - 100-300kcal/day. Any more than that might prevent a bit muscle protein breakdown which while store more fat and water.
Think about 3 step forward, 2 steps back

assuming you are natty chances are your body wont change much from year 4-5 to year 10 so absolutely.

Positive nitrogen ballance does not require caloric surplus if you are fat. People on keto aren't big because 1, they don't train, and it is the training that stimulates the body to build more muscle, and secondly because most of their calories come from fats, not protein, which they tend to limit.

>2.2 g/kg bodyweight in protein
literally confirming you know shit about nutrition

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