He doesn't drink coffee after 5pm to smash out productivity in the last few hours of the day

>he doesn't drink coffee after 5pm to smash out productivity in the last few hours of the day.

Attached: coffee.jpg (259x194, 5K)

coffee is good for you

its not though it has many negative side effects. it reduced brain oxygen.

>he's a wagecuck who sacrifice a good night of sleep and gains for his boss

coffee is good for you

>He can't function without artifical stimulus

t. Addict

>he doesn't drink coffee after 5AM so he can be be productive during the day, finish work early and get to sleep on time.

Attached: Utried20.png (2550x2427, 838K)

too bad I'm productive without coffee and I don't need a fucking toxin bean to be on baseline like coffeefags

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coffee is good for you

>coffee is good for you

Attached: 1_DUUjxfoXYPwMUMmMwLUDAA[1].jpg (1280x720, 93K)

Based coffeeisgoodforyouposter

I need to sleep, drinking any sort of caffeine at 5pm makes it very hard for me(even more so that I have adult adhd)

for you, coffee is good

>adult adhd
doesn't exist fucking retard

Coffee is good for you.

if I stop with coffee I'm just gonna get addicted to something worse

coffee is good for you

neither does children ADHD. it's just a personality type mislabelled as a disorder because of our feminine schooling institutions' teaching styles.

Most ADHDtards are brainlets regardless of how they’re taught.

its not

there's plenty of guys who are diagnosed with adhd simply because they have energy and are too smart to spend hours learning the kind of bullshit you have to do to succeed in school. men need to be taught different than women, who by and large have no trouble following the system and all the rules.

I only drink coffee for cardio gainz

you are fucking stupid.

why does world health organization say coffee is possibly carcinogenic

Of course I don't. Caffeine has an effective use time of 6 hours after ingestion and I need to get to sleep at 2130. What sort of idiot would do that?

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>drinking a wakefulness-promoting drink before sleepy

You're cruising for a bruising

Not trying to sound like a fag but every person i know that drinks coffee is addicted. like they drink 3-6 cups a day and constantly bitch about not being able to function without it. then they complain that they're stressed or have headaches and don't know why.