Reddit hate aside, what is Jow Forums opinion on it's suggested PPL routine?What would you change?

Reddit hate aside, what is Jow Forums opinion on it's suggested PPL routine?What would you change?

Attached: ppl.png (759x614, 42K)

Its fine. Go ahead and do it if you want. I hope it uses % or RPE and has deloads/low stress weeeks and that you are not going 100% on everything all the time.

I don't understand why 2 types of curls, chin ups or pullups would overlap them.
All isolations can be supersetted
Why splitting facepulls and lat raises?
No flys?
No abs?
No dips?
No hip thrusts?
I'd replace deadlifts for sumo, so as back squats for front squats

PPL's are for retard gymcels who hide from life in the gym thinking it will solve all their problems.

Here's a little hint for you utter fucking losers: PPLPPL is still 2x a week frequency - same as upper lower, yet you are in the gym 2 less days. U/L has been used by much strong and bigger people than you anime gamer neckbeard ass.

Seriously, fuck you. Why not instead of spending 2 hours a day at the gym 6 days a week, you do an upper lower and use the 2 extra days getting your fucking shit together you stupid fucking beta. Fuck you

Full body>upper/lower>nothing>>>>>pplppl

It seems alright. I considered doing it instead of 5x5 but decided against it. Apparently lots of people have had good results on it.
It's designed for beginners who aren't satisfied with only lifting 3 times a week.

It's shit, and god damn near everything.

>6 sets of squats per week
>1 set of deadlifts per week
>Only the faggiest "leg accessories" imaginable
>Overhead triceps extensions instead of something useful
>Triceps pushdowns instead of dips
>Machine row faggotry
>Multiple types of curls on the same day

It's bro-tier bullshit. Go back to r*ddit and Jonestown yourselves.

Attached: Kill_yourself_desu.png (255x326, 59K)

Have you ever posted anything useful Figgy?

Not everyone responds to the same programs and same training frequency. If someone is making good gains on PPL let them do it

My statement didn't imply that they wouldn't make gains. My statement implies it's the most shit type of programming. Taking steroids and sitting in your ass will make some gains.

Why do people hate reddit? It's a better site than Jow Forums in general.

Then go back, fgt

Its group mentally, they identify as uber cool 4channners and redditors are lame normies. They get very angry at you if you remind them that Jow Forums is not some cool contrarian place or whatever so watch out.

If everyone is contrarian, no one is contrarian. What's wrong with being normal though?

Give me more info about this.

I've been doing reddit ppl for quite a while now lifting 100% every workout. The gains are good but I'm feeling burned out

I will do this without the Legs days, with dips instead of some triceps exercise, and some squat on push. Fuck legs

What abs exercises would you guys add to the routine?

Also abs every workout?

Attached: apu_apustaja_boxing_gloves.jpg (778x512, 53K)

I've never followed a routine, I always make my own. I dont understand ppl. 2 3x8 back exercises twice a week? 1 3x8 shoulder exercise twice a week? There is an emphasis on strength exercises but why not focus on both strength and aesthetics, and it lacks so much on some muscle groups. Right now I'm doing a 3 day routine. Day 1 is shoulders and back. Day 2 chest and arms. And day 3 legs. Day 2 can be a bit long. This let's me focus properly compelty hitting a muscle groups and because it's not a meme reddit routine I can throw things in i want to work on. I can throw abs/core any day I want. On day 3 I can do some arms if I want to. And I can do strength exercises. For back I mostly do bent over rows and pullups. Legs is mostly front squats and deadlifts. Just come up with your own thing that focuses on what you want it to instead of these meme routines that always have issues.

Also abs on pull days

Because Jow Forums users associates reddit with plebs, normies, basedboy or wathever you wanna call it.Also, reddit's upvote system creates a hive mind, making most upvoted comments express the same opinion, with people back patting each other (thanks for the gold, kind stranger!) and actually preventing discussion, which is the very opposite of what happens on Jow Forums.
With that said, I don't hate reddit, people are mostly educated and helpful(again, the opposite of Jow Forums) and it's a good place to find some interesting stuff and ask for advice on fitness without some user calling you a dyelfaggotnigger just for the fuck of it
>inb4 "t. dyelfaggotnigger"

Abs everyday is non negotiable

this was actually quite the mature, based and redpilled reply

I do every other day, but I also need a good ab workout since besides hanging leg raises the other exercises I've been doing don't seem too effective for me

The good:
site reliability
some content
some peer validation

the bad:
community rules
politically driven moderation

I browse reddit as read only, but prefer posting here with these ungrateful bastards that somehow I like them.

Echo chamber that sinks any unpopular opinion

you missed an opportunity to call yourself the squatist

more like FAGGY

Or do ULULULx for dat dere 3x per week frequency

Hammer curls are pointless. Leg extensions and leg curls are a meme, do RDLs and slip some ab work at the end of the workout.

Suspended fallouts are an amazing an exercise. Can be overloaded to extreme levels too by standing father back and p using your hands father apart

Why is there almost nothing for shoulders and traps?