How do I stop being such an attention whore?

I'm just a bottomless pit for it. Even this thread is just another attempt at getting love and affection.

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Other urls found in this thread:

because deep within your heart you know that it will be this way forever, you, alone
and everything inbetween is just acting out because of it

I wish true love existed somehow. But it's just a pointless fantasy of mine. You're right, I'm just having one very long tantrum. I don't even know what I want for sure.

>3 unique IPs
Who are you?

Only two of them are mine.

>its another 'failed trannoid attentionwhores and pushes his schizophrenia on everyone' episode
Just fuck off already you monstrosity, how the fuck aren't you banned for avatarfagging yet?
Remember what goes in all fields lads, we don't want to give the trannoid to much attention but not too less either because he might actually an hero and we don't want to have filthy trannoid blood on our hands, do we?

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That's rich coming from a tripfag. And I've made so many pathetic ''attempts'' at suicide that no one will care when I do it for real.

Also, Gunjy wants to remind everyone to love me and that I love everyone:

its okay, ur attention whoring is pretty based

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Thanks. And I hope you don't believe those online IQ tests anymore.

i dont I was just exaggerating my lack of intelligence

No one here is all that smart.

Start doing drugs avatarfag

No. Drugs ruin your mind's purity. And if you're ''schizophrenic'', they can fuck you up really bad. Or so I've heard.

mdma, benzos, opiods and dxm should be okay as a schizo.

lose your virginity to another virgin

What's the point anyway? I already have a hard time keeping my thoughts in order. Just yesterday I was overwhelmed by panic that someone was going to come and kill me because of a thread I made.

Honestly you really put yourself in a bad situation. I hope someday you'll understand you're wasting your time here. You say you're a schizo but overall you are pretty grounded in reality since you know you can't become a woman and don't plan on fucking up your body with mones.

They mock me by keeping me here. I'm not smart enough to find a way back on my own. I'm sure they plant ways for to get back when I'm not aware of it. It's very funny, I'm sure, since I have no self-control or shame over my actions hahaha.

MDMA just feels amazing like no pain no worries just feeling good and benzos take all the anxiety away. combining benzos with opioids is nice too because no anxiety and no pain. dxm I just heard is nice.



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