Does TRT revoke your natty card?

Does TRT revoke your natty card?

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Only if you talk about it.

I think if I used trt, it would signify that i didn't naturally have what it took. I'd be taking something just to be at a "normal" level

If by "TRT" you mean "juicing using only test" then yes, it revokes natty status.

If by "TRT" you mean "proper hormonal treatment by a medical doctor due to actual deficiency in testosterone", then no it does not revoke natty since it only brings you up to normal. In my country at least, not even average, just below average but still normal levels.

You're adding exogenous testosterone to your system. I think it's great and want to do it when I'm 35+ but no you're not natty anymore

>doesnt have the balls to defy the norm and use a highly researched and safe drug banned by a repressive government designed to control you

Ngmi, as the kids say

Obviously. Especially when you're like scooby and have been juicing for decades. Having 1,500 ng/dl testosterone while being 55 years old is TOTALLY natty even though that's higher than a 20 year olds test.


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Where does this "TRT is natty" meme comes from lads?

Do sarms revoke your natty card?