Do any anons go to any type of church or temple?
Do any anons go to any type of church or temple?
i worship at the temple of whoever that is
real religion is just a shekel scam for ancient waterheads to be peasants till death and enjoy it
I go to a non denominational protestant church. Not sure how much i still believe anymore though.
Do you like the community?
Used to go to church. Dont anymore due to intrusive thoughts. Am Catholic
Damn man, that sucks. I have pure o too.
Its nice to have people at least pretend to care about me. As far as community goes though, im inevitably alone even when im in a group, so i cant really make a judgement.
i used to be a fuckin jehovah's witness. god damn those days were awful
I go every sunday, It sucks and its fucking 2 hours long. But i feel like i did the right thing at the end
i dont like churches nor temples, but i'm religious on some kind, but i feel like no messias wanted or need a church to talk to their people so why go?
Stopped going to church a long time ago though, I don't know what to believe
What denomination has such long masses?
No, but I've been thinking of just going to a church for no real religious reason. Churches are comfy af.
>fucking 2 hours long
ours is at least 4 because we're on gods time, fren. cant rush the most important thing in life
the community is a group of people who feel like if they don't pretend to be nice they'll go to hell. I had a conversation with my best friends mom the other day and morality came up and she told me that if there's no heaven and hell, there's no reason to attribute good or bad to anything. she told me that if she wasn't worried about going to hell, she never would've given a shit about raising her son let alone taking care of his grandkids. this is not a unique viewpoint.
I like them in theory but not in practice. also my little sister went to a pentacostal church to put on "soldiers of god" performances around 9/11 and gave them fake guns and were singing songs about slaying those who were unrighteous in a sea of blood which bothered me enough I stopped going.
I infrequently go to Catholic mass. Sometimes it helps and I slip into a less stressed, more meditative state. But a lot of the time I find it depressing, because I'm almost always the only person there in my age group. It's all old people, or people in their 30s with little kids (who you know will not be attending church ever again when they go to university). As a 22 year old dude I look like the only person in the mass that could run around the block without having a heart attack. I used to go to the church on my university campus, but the students visiting it were all foreign students that didn't look like they spoke a word of English.
The whole thing just makes me think of decay.
I visit blackcockchuch
>sea of blood
Damn, that's based. Also the best descent expansion.
>I don't know what to believe
pick a side buster, even the one true God doesnt like lukewarm fence sitters
most universities churches are 501c3, ud be better off in the synagogue and would unironically learn more about christianity
I have no fucking idea what that means, but it doesn't matter because I'm a Canadian
naw cuz they had a flaming homosexual sing the song over showtunes and nobody there could pick up on how gay he was
it kind of gave it a wierd vibe
i'm buddhist and as far as i know there are no places of worship where i live
That's hilarious! I went to a gay church once. There were a bunch of cross dressers, but everyone was surprisingly gregarious. Much more so than any other I'd been to.
I work on Sundays, though the church I was going to had short services and I could easily work them in. Unfortunately there are no Orthodox churches nearby, because I would love to attend one and learn about them. There is maybe one Catholic church within an hour's distance. The closest Orthodox church is Greek Orthodox and like an hour and thirty minutes
Those guys really like me.
>Those guys really like me.
They really like everyone, user
I used to go when I was a kid but I stopped going because I didn't like it. Too much standing and kneeling and singing and the priest droning on for what felt like hours to a young-me.
I don't believe in a god nowadays but the churches are often pretty cool architecturally and kinda comfy to sit in and zone out so I probably don't mind going if someone wants me to, e.g. for a funeral.