>"Bullying is fucked up man"
"Bullying is fucked up man"
If it's to the point it drives someone to suicide or a shooting, yes it is.
>that chin
>tfw that child’s chad genes will go to waste due to his parents
Imagine all the potential chads due to shitty parenting
Reminder that bullying is beneficial and natural behavior.
It tempers the character creating tougher, non-degenerate individuals by teaching children what is socially acceptable and what is not. Thanks to anti-bullying programs in school we are now faced with the scourge of trannies, furries, and other deviants who should have gotten that beaten out of them in school.
Bullying against shitskin miniorities is more than acceptable since it leads to homogenous communities by making it clear to freeloading foreigners that they are not welcome to destroy the Nation and People. It reinforces community ingroup ties by teaching kids about the realities of the eternal struggle in the world between races, and fosters natural, self-preservation behavior.
There is literally nothing wrong with bullying.
>believing the man on pic is his father
So *he* transitioned from female to male and *she* transitioned from male to female? The poor baby came out of the soigoi? Fucked for life, it's probably already on puberty blockers. JFC, just nuke Portland.
this is what pol actually believes
And they're right.
I wish I had understood bullying while I was getting bullied. I wish some adult had just told me to stop acting like a bitch and try living up to your potential. If I had just tried I could have had a normal/amazing life. But people told me I was fine the way I was. My bullies were the only ones who knew I should be something more.