What is the drug for me if i'm autistic and would like to be normal?

What is the drug for me if i'm autistic and would like to be normal?

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Why be normal when you've lived all your life not being normal? I wouldn't want to become a different person

small amounts of mdma and potentially lsd

Because all that time i've spent not being normal sucked horribly and i would like to change that

Estrogen OP it's the only way you will become normal and get laid

Trick a doctor into thinking you have ADHD and get an amphetamine prescription (adderall, vyvanse, etc)

A firm belief in reincarnation and a reliable rope

sage of the diviners

Adderall worked for me. I'm prescribed 30mg/day but usually just take 10, maybe 20 if I know it's going to be a bad day at work.
Honestly couldn't function without it. I know a few people who said they faked their way to getting a prescription though so it can be done.

Could you elaborate on what you mean by not being able to function without it? How was life before taking it?

I mean I was still mostly A's and B's in uni. I was homeschooled all the way through, and parents followed the unschooling philosophy which is basically
>lol go do whatever but like try to learn, k?
They had me on it when I was a kid but I hated it, just threw autism tantrums around 14 when puberty hit over it and they stopped forcing it after I stopped eating because they would slip it in my food sometimes. I got back on it when I started struggling my final year and had all these 20+ page papers and shit. Before I mostly shitposted and got by on le smart but lazy meme. After I was straight A's, president of some conservative club, and got a useless degree. Went back for nursing and it's like wew. I'm too forgetful and scatterbrained for that shit, I try to work without it but I would get in trouble. Last year I just decided whatever it is a disease, I'll take it every day. I'm in ICU so I kind of have to be on my A-game all the time or else I might forgot to write in the chart that patient took a shit and that's like basically killing someone if I'm to believe admin. When off it I just get distracted or do stupid shit a lot. Try to stack things, lose things even when I'm holding them, the usual retard off their pills antics.

seems like you have ADHD not autism

get some benzos dude (clonazepam, lorazepam, etc)

do NOT get ADHD meds or any amphetimines like mdma, you'll sperg out

kids on r9k don't know the first thing about drugs lol

Edm dance concerts

I've actually been kinda interested in these. I'm mega autistic and big crowds of people like that freak me out, but I do have some experience with drugs and know how good MDMA is for a temporary autism cure, if you go to a festival on that is it really easy?

Seconding benzos
Bitch of a habit to kick though if you start to rely on them for socializing

fuck it i can't control my urges anymore. i just must post this to prevent myself from rapeing someone... i want to fuck that wojack pussy ((: so..MUCH..!

Stay away from anything psychotropic. You can be social and happy on your own, I know you have it in you. But i have heard good results from taking kratom. But seriously stay away from anything severely mind-altering or addictive

>You can be social and happy on your own
i've been trying for 20 years now with no success


Trust me I know it's difficult. The biggest thing is sleeping well, eating well, and staying hydrated. Below that try to get some exercise and go outside, even if it's not much go for a 20 minute walk every day or something.

>stay away from anything addictive

Yeah it can be addictive but most people who get addicted were previously addicted to opiods. Most everyone I know uses infrequently but that is anecdotal

mdma my dude

This is the most powerful "transform into normie" drug there is but I bet OP is looking for one that can be taken often