Improve my Back

Hey Jow Forums tell me what I need to work on in order to improve my back, I swear I will work in all points you guys tell me to.

Attached: 20190804_151031 (1).jpg (1400x1815, 488K)

This pic shows better

Attached: 20190803_231517 (2).jpg (1500x2666, 800K)

Back looks good but work on traps more
How’s my shit look

Attached: 8EFBC88B-E602-4073-8C93-DF215C67234E.jpg (1280x720, 314K)

Heavy bent over rows, close underhand grip

your back looks better if i dont maximize the picture


try to work on your lower lats for a better V taper. you have meaty rhomboids and upper lats so what you've been doing for that is fine, and maybe add in some extra trap work.


Sorry , I suck at pictures xd

how the fuck do u work out on ur lower lats?

OP you're lacking width because of your crap lats. Try mixing up your movements like doing pullups with wide grip, t-bar rows, etc.

Traps, do shrugs. Also Rows, rows, rows, all the rows. Thats how you get juicy backs.Dont be scared to go heavy

Weight Pull/Chin ups, lat pulldowns, seated and barbell rows, shrugs, facepulls, OHP, Snatches, klokov presses.

Wear panties. Then I can improve your fatass with my boiling hot cum.

You need to work on your lats and traps

a lot better than op
looks good already, try adding some more width

how's my back looking Jow Forums?

Attached: muh back.jpg (645x860, 161K)

bro you need to work on increasing your norwood reaper defence

hi tom

Hows my back look?

Attached: EEE65EE3-4B37-4073-9DAD-DFABA9E3AEF1.jpg (750x1334, 103K)

>doing anything that Jow Forums tells you to

Check em

Attached: lowquality.jpg (1592x1351, 654K)