Hey Jow Forums tell me what I need to work on in order to improve my back, I swear I will work in all points you guys tell me to.
Improve my Back
This pic shows better
Back looks good but work on traps more
How’s my shit look
Heavy bent over rows, close underhand grip
your back looks better if i dont maximize the picture
try to work on your lower lats for a better V taper. you have meaty rhomboids and upper lats so what you've been doing for that is fine, and maybe add in some extra trap work.
Sorry , I suck at pictures xd
how the fuck do u work out on ur lower lats?
OP you're lacking width because of your crap lats. Try mixing up your movements like doing pullups with wide grip, t-bar rows, etc.
Traps, do shrugs. Also Rows, rows, rows, all the rows. Thats how you get juicy backs.Dont be scared to go heavy
Weight Pull/Chin ups, lat pulldowns, seated and barbell rows, shrugs, facepulls, OHP, Snatches, klokov presses.
Wear panties. Then I can improve your fatass with my boiling hot cum.
You need to work on your lats and traps
a lot better than op
looks good already, try adding some more width
how's my back looking Jow Forums?
bro you need to work on increasing your norwood reaper defence
hi tom
Hows my back look?
>doing anything that Jow Forums tells you to
Check em