How do you take in protein? Do you cook or buy food...

How do you take in protein? Do you cook or buy food? What's a really easy Jow Forums meal that one can make regularly on minimum wage?

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Milk. Consuming your TDEE in whole milk will generally net you enough protein. I'm bulking on ~4000+ kcal, so that translates to 1.75-2.00 gal whole milk per day. Nets me close to 200 grams of protein, which is more than my bodyweight currently. When I get heavy enough to have a higher TDEE the protein intake will increase in line with my overall caloric increase. Milk has rather good macro proportions outside of the sugar.

But you don't feel full just drinking milk

Always eat your protein first, then supplement if needed.

Crockpot + Chicken(/cheapest meat available) is easiest bulk protein prep.

Just purchase in bulk if you have freezer space and focus on protein content per dollar.

Eggs, cheese, canned chicken, peanut butter, oats. If that’s not enough, just use whey powder.

Don't you? I definitely do. In fact it can sometimes be difficult to get it all down. But if you're serious, maybe eat some celery to fill you up.

1lb of Steak/chicken/ground chicken breast every day, nonfat greek yogurt with maple syrup or honey for dessert,

this, i also use the legendary GOMAD, it's fantastic.

is GOMAD a meme or not? I'm genuinely not sure.

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hey, guess what about sucking dog dick?

it's fun.

Peanut butter and Jelly. Very low jelly shit loads of peanut butter, 2:1 or 3:1 ratio.Big ass glass of milk. Gains and gains for no effort and poverty skill

>1lb of Steak/chicken/ground chicken breast
Is that enough?

Add whole milk yogurt unflavored, eggs eggs and eggs. Chicken breast is cheap as dirt and easy to prepare. Black beans, rice, frozen veggies. These are >30 min meals

It’s sort of a meme. Especially if your stomach ain’t equipped to handle it.

What kind of guys does a girl like this go for?

yes. learn to read the fucking nutrition label

eggos and milk

just be yourself

This girl is so pretty I want her to be my gf and call me sweet names and rub my back after lifting

Something looks off about her though

>How do you take in protein?
Mostly through diet. Sometimes via a protein isolate during a cut.

>Do you cook or buy food?

>What's a really easy Jow Forums meal that one can make regularly on minimum wage?
Scrambled eggs or those sardines in tomato sauce that are in the asian isle.

>chili con carne
>good ol' chicken n rice

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if you can stomach it, fucktons of tuna, i eat it straight out of the can and i hate it, but it’s easy protein and makes up like 50 grams max in one go

it's a guy you fucking idiots

This is a 8/10 AT LEAST, and a 10/10 in my eyes.
>Large blue/green eyes
>Cute smile

Kinda look like her

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Lentils, eggs, cottage cheese, whatever meat is cheapest, frozen veggies and fruits