>one stair at a time
One stair at a time
I started going down 2 stairs at a time and I always have people noticing it, going up 2 stairs at a time is beginner mode, going down 2 stairs at a time is based
>less than 4 stairs at a time
It's called a step moron
Down is cringe, up is based.
it's steps, not stairs
Can you imagine even being at lmao1stair
>going down 2 stairs
>not leaping to the bottom and crushing the ground
I do 1 stair at a time because it's the least efficient, so you get the most gains. You can tell who goes up stairs 2 and 3 steps at a time by their lack of quads and haunted, soulless eyes.
I once jumped down the last part of the staircase in our home, hit my head on some shit on the ceiling and nearly killed myself as a result. Thankfully I had a ton of luck and landed on the softer part instead of splitting my skull open on the hard part of the staircase which was an inch away. never again bros.
>not sliding down the railings
its like you don't even want pussy
>Not grabbing the railing and doing a dip like walk upwards for building upper body strength
>the chad spiraling staircase
If you're not making two extra steps in the ground everytime you descend you're never gonna make it
>not running up the stairs on all fours
Levitationlets, when will they ever learn?
>having the energy to take the stairs
imagine being physically incapable of making it
>he doesn't sleep in the squat rack
When I’m confronted with one of these I pencil dive straight to the bottom. Every time.
based skull crusher poster
>not treating the stairs like max effort sled sprints
>never gonna make it
2 steps at a time.
Everyone looks at me like I'm a fucking alien.
Feels bad but I keep doing it. I'm not going to give in.
it's not for that kind of squatting