What are your personal Jow Forums goals? For me, it's
>300 lb bench
>sub-20 min 5k
get a gf
>get shredded as fuark
>leave humanity behind
I wanna be the most powerful hokage there has ever been in the history of konoha.
big titty goth gf
Also, how close are you to achieving your goals?
>265 bench
>20:45 5k
>265 bench
>20:45 5k
why would you lie on the internet
that's best compliment i've ever gotten on this board :)
Idc about bench but I refuse to believe random anime fag outruns me with a higher bench.
What are your stats?
>Inb4 5'2 with 1/4 torso to leg ratio
lol a 20:45 5k isn't even that fast. I'm 5'10 165 lbs.
Being wide as truck and moving heavy things.
I'm 160 5'10 motherfucker
>pace 6:42 :thinking:
20 min 5K should be 4 min pace
700lbs. RIPPED!!!
It’s probly per mile not km
that pace is in mph brainlet
Short term
>Get stronger
>Lose fat
>Train strength until I plateau on weekly progression, then lift maintenance 1-2 times a week
>Down to 15% bodyfat
>Train running, swimming and yoga to get a more complete breadth of fitness
>Learn boxing and some kind of grappling
imagine being a fucing burger
what track do you run on
what is this faggot app anyway
And yet I outrun you. Stay seething.
(X) Doubt
post body
lmao you already admitted it. Go for a run slowpoke.
he thinks I'll take some cringe exell screenshot and his word for it
stop larping and post body
300lb bench is realistic.
3.2 miles in 20 min is very unlikely.
I'll be home in a couple hours. Maybe if you start that 5k now you'll be finished by then, slowpoke :)
my 5k is 22-23 min
post body
20 min 5k is not that hard.
295 bench + 19:03 5k, 5'8" 175 lbs lads.
200kg squat.
Or at least 160.
405 squat
>I want to get smiles daily from actually attractive women
>15in arms
pretty close on the last one
>gain some more size in my upper body
>cut a bit of weight via cardio
>try out more bb focused routine based on perfect form and time under tension as I had some problems with my joints and shoulder impingement recently
after I my shoulders are completely healed again and I am tired of the higher volume approach I might go back to my powerlifting ways. For now riding my bike and progressing like crazy cardiowise feels prety nice also I can eat whatever I want nowadays. High volume training also feels like a nice change of pace, been doing it for a bit now and seems like my arms and shoulders respond to it quite well which is exactly what I want from it.
As for strength goals I basically already achieved what I wanted for this year
>315lbs bench 1RM (cant do it now because of shoulder issues but I did it so that counts)
>405lbs squat 1RM and doing reps at 375lbs
>480lbs Deadlift (only one where I wouldve wanted to get the big 500 this year)
still a while to go and I still do strength based training for Squats and DL so maybe the 500lbs DL will still be done this year who knows. Just not confident pulling that much with my shoulder issues so for now I just stick to putting weight on my low bar squat, I found it carries over very well so if I can squat 420 to 440 I should absolutely be able to DL 500. Maybe I could do it now I am unsure.
I want to bench 111kg, that's how much I weighted on my fattest
hitting that 70kg on the scale
Godspeed user, my heaviest was 117kg @ 183cm height. Benched that 2 years or so ago whilst weighing in around 85-90kg at the time. We are all gonna make it user.
225 =)
be at 150lbs for the first time since middle school. as well as actually be stronger.
thanks user, saved
>achieve greek statue aesthetic
>stop indulging in drugs and other degeneracies
>acquire qt tomboy gf
I want to be able to pick up 200 pounds and lift it above my head
Current goals:
-Standing OHP - 25 reps @ 135lb
-Standing behind back tricep extensions - 20 reps @ 100lb (both hands/arms)
-Standing strict dumbbell curl x25 reps @ 50lb (each arm)
-standing barbell curl x15 reps @ 135lb
-Lateral raise (side) 25 reps @ 25lb per arm
-Lateral raise (front) 25 reps @ 25lb per arm
-Weighted pull up 20 reps @ +45lb
-Bent over dumbbell pull/row (?????...what's a good number?)
-dumbbell chest press x15 reps @ 80lb each arm
-dumbbell chest press x25 reps @ 60lb each arm
-barbell bench press x15 reps @ 225lb
-barbell bench press x25 reps @ 185lb
-weighted dips x15 @ +45
-weighted situps x60 15lb per arm
-Situps x100
-5min plank
-Side plank while raising 20lb weight x30 each side
-hanging leg raise with 20lbs ankle weights x25
-do side splits (floor)
-do front/back splits (floor and against wall)
-squeeze and hold legs together for 3min at 170lb (related)...I want to do BJJ and want to "start" by being able to clamp down with 170lb of force for 3min.
-spread legs apart for 3 min at 170lb
-x100 bodyweight squats
-x50 135lb+bodyweight squats
-x25 225lb hip thrusts
-x50 135lb hip thrusts
-x25 barbell 315lb deadlift
-x50 dumbbell 100lb deadlift (per hand)
-x25 225lb clean
-x40 dumbbell clean>squat>press (40lb db each hand)
-x25 dumbbell curl>press [arnold press] (40lb per hand)
-5min mile (12mph for 5 min)
-Farmers walk, 2 mile @ 30lb db per hand with thick grip
-40min stairmaster/120 floors with thigh band