/elephant/ general

as the single most based animal in the world that has a natural ability to literally turn themselves into Chad elephants through a process known as musth, I believe it's safe to say that the /elephant/ is a true Jow Forumsizen.

>loves water, unlike the nigger. used for play and resting their aching joints after a long day of being alpha as fuck
>females often breed every 2-4 years and continue until about 50, based femephants securing a future for their species
>so alpha they are made slaves for warfare purposes
>descendants of manlets (hyraxes) the elephant did not let genetics stop him from becoming reaching the 6' minimum
>elephants have an autistic sense of their surroundings picking up on seimic vibrations from the ground, constantly aware of their surroundings
>literally eats the entirety of their OMAD IF window allotment of 16 hours for maximum gains
>next level looxmaxing by constantly cycling in new teeth

share your elephant stats, stories, webms of thot-swats and how you are aspiring to be more like the based /elephant/ (please dont ban me)

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fucking autist

wow elephants are so based

How can I go elephant mode? Bloatmax+Israeli nose extensions?

no wonder niggers hate and kill them

based as fuck

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Weeehhhh weeeeee weehhhh

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>Hippos are the toughe...

fuuuaaark, brutal mogg.

Look at this chad. Look at his face. He just dropped a fucking hippo without raising an eyebrow.
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Holy kek btfo

Holy shit, he is throwing this fat bitch like a bag of garbage


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i'm erect. lgbtzoo when?

Elephants are good, but nothing compared to sneks. Sneks are literally one big muscle. Doesn’t get more Jow Forums than that.


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>gets stomped by elephant
Snakes are the manlets of the animal kingdom

fucking leglets i swear

Bloatmaxxers btfo




Didn't know elephants have an inbuilt berserk power up. Neato

what if i ate an elephant testicle?


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>cant even walk on its own
more like cucked, whales fucking suck

jumbojet-let cope


Attached: pröööt.jpg (246x205, 7K)

Literally the only land animal that can mog hippos. Coping manlets btfo

you forgot to mention that they never forget who their bros are regardless of time passed and will always come to their aid

>elephant lengths used as standard measurement against everything else
Is there anything more chad than being the thing everything else is measured against???

RIP terry


Not to mention that the older they are the more alpha they become.