
How bad is this?
I've heard it's linked to other diseases like Alzheimer's
I'm asking because my oneitis has oral herpes (HSV1) and I don't

Attached: herpes-is-an-infection-caused-by-the-herpes-simplex-virus-with-symptoms-including-cold-sores-on-the- (1100x734, 65K)

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ewwww kys

If it's oral herpes (and not genital) there isn't much to worry about other than cold sores/breakouts around your mouth. More people have it than don't have it

hsv1 isn't anything to worry about.
HSV2 on the other hand is the redflag of redflags

Which is sad

Herpes is actually one of the better STDs to get desu. Also pretty much everyone has oral herpes if you look it up. That shit can just stay dormate for years and sometimes decades. One thing most people don't know is that Oral herpes can technically spread to gentials too.

Can’t get herpes if you never talk to women

Attached: 1C346E41-02D3-4D39-9929-D8CFE76C0450.jpg (800x800, 110K)

everyone has oral herpes.


would you rather herpes or toxoplasmosis