
How bad is this?
I've heard it's linked to other diseases like Alzheimer's
I'm asking because my oneitis has oral herpes (HSV1) and I don't

Attached: herpes-is-an-infection-caused-by-the-herpes-simplex-virus-with-symptoms-including-cold-sores-on-the- (1100x734, 65K)

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ewwww kys

If it's oral herpes (and not genital) there isn't much to worry about other than cold sores/breakouts around your mouth. More people have it than don't have it

hsv1 isn't anything to worry about.
HSV2 on the other hand is the redflag of redflags

Which is sad

Herpes is actually one of the better STDs to get desu. Also pretty much everyone has oral herpes if you look it up. That shit can just stay dormate for years and sometimes decades. One thing most people don't know is that Oral herpes can technically spread to gentials too.

Can’t get herpes if you never talk to women

Attached: 1C346E41-02D3-4D39-9929-D8CFE76C0450.jpg (800x800, 110K)

everyone has oral herpes.


would you rather herpes or toxoplasmosis

why would you come to a website full of literal virgin losers and bother asking questions like this?

unironically make a reddit account and ask them there. or go anywhere else. literally ANYWHERE else on the web. this is the last place in the world that's going to offer you any meaningful advice. just look at some of the replies ITT


if you're wondering
>why are you here?
i've fucked over 50 women. i'm only here to shitpost and laugh at you all. you should honestly take these real-world, actual questions/problems some place where you will find help from actual adults

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daily reminder to get vaccinated

Post face body and SSN

Reddit is honestly only marginally better than Jow Forums in terms of advice

My retard friend went down on a girl while having a herpes breakout on his lips. He transfered it to her vagina.

Can go the opposite way, too. One of the biggest sluts at my high school got genital herpes on her face from suckin dick


Herpes is not that bad. Obviously not having herpes is ideal but having it is not kys tier. My friend has had it for about 3 years and has about 1 outbreak a year. He basically just feels sick and applies ointment that kills the cold sores within 48 hours. Otherwise he’s fine.

He says the hardest part is getting over the hurdle of telling his new partners that he has herpes, then having to explain that it’s only contagious during a breakout and that he only breaks out once in a blue moon. The stigma seems to be the worst part by far.

>my oneitis

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nigga stay away from that whore

>it’s only contagious during a breakout

imagine believing this

your "oneitis" is a whore

> More people have it than don't have it
A fuckton of people have it but the rates have been going down so nowadays it's more likely not to have hsv-1 than to have it.
Herpes is herpes user

>oneitising a THOT

Here is some hope for you disgusting whores

are all cold sores from oral herpes? i'm not too worried if my cold sores are from oral herpes because i never have them other than during winter, but i'm genuinely curious because my parents claim they both don't have it, yet i've had winter cold sores since i was a kid


Yes, they all are user.
Your parents say this new cause they probably think you mean HSV2 (or they think you don't know what the fuck your talking about).

well considering i already have toxoplasmosis i dont mind it all that much

>A fuckton of people have it but the rates have been going down so nowadays it's more likely not to have hsv-1 than to have it.

80-90% of the adult population by some estimates

it's asymtomatic or hardly noticable in most people

entire harmless in everyone

>being scared of something that wasn't considered a disease until there was a need to peddle antiviral meds

entirely meaningless

it's a criminal waste of resources to research a cure for something that isn't a fucking problem

It's not really harmless, it can spread into your eyes and ears and fuck them up permanently

but it doesnt for 99.99999999% of people

Does your friend have patreon?

>infographic on the subject
So long as you aren't swapping spit with her while she's got an active outbreak, you're pretty much safe. Also she should NEVER go down on you while she has an outbreak unless you want genital herpes. You can still have sex just nothing involving her mouth during an outbreak.

Attached: Herpes advice.png (1350x758, 81K)

Wtf how is this garbage fitness related. Even r9k would be more appropriate for your question. Fucking libtard

>Herpes is not that bad.
>The stigma seems to be the worst part by far.
Having any std brings about serious social stigma, no matter how benign the disease itself is.
Not worth it

Genital herpes is caused by HPV-2 mostly, mouth herpes is caused by HPV-1
HEALTH and fitness is the boards name
>it can spread into your eyes and ears and fuck them up permanently
so can my cum faggot

>Fucking libtard

HPV-1 i.e cold sores aren't even sexually transmitted most of the time. The vast majority of people are infected with HPV-1 and those who aren't are mostly young children. The thing is though that about half of the people infected don't even get symptoms ever, meaning they wont even know they have it. It's like mono, almost everyone has the virus but some unlucky few get the symptoms and are treated as if they have AIDS

based, female humans are just disease spreaders

lol you fell for the meme that since hookup culture. a hahaha haha