Fucking HOW did this little worm manage to get such a qt gf
It’s not fair bros he should have been punted off a fucking cliff at birth
Fucking HOW did this little worm manage to get such a qt gf
It’s not fair bros he should have been punted off a fucking cliff at birth
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You should
He's rolling in that disability $$$
Get game
She fucks her male ""friends""
if you think she’s monogamous you’re smoking crack
not even incelposting, if you were dating/married to a tiny mong girl with CP or whatever that goblin has, would YOU be able to stay monogamous?
She abuses him but takes nice pics and vids for the socials.
It's virtue signaling.
Here’s a crazy thought, maybe she cares about him for who he is inside, not his big fake steroid muscles. You think all women are the same lmao.
Have sex sweeties.
you coming up with stories about abuse and infidelity have you seen their fucking youtube channel these two are legit couple of many years married now
i'm not the typical Jow Forums pessimist...
but this is very likely :(
and she either dislikes sex or fucks other men.
women are humans. humans have sex drives. that dude in the wheelchair is not physically or perhaps even mentally capable of fulfilling her sexual needs. she WILL go elsewhere for that.
seething coping projection
Plenty of women have no or a low sex drive.
lmao i just found out the loser blaha thought he exposed them!
fucking losers!
>mfw Jow Forums loses to a disabled basedboy
>liking women
nope, plenty of women are in relationships with dudes who don’t get their juices flowing.
keep in mind that a woman’s libido is tightly tied to her emotional state. getting a woman to feel some feelz is just as important as being physically attractive to her. you can have one or the other and do okay with a girl, but that gremlin objectively has neither of those things.
why are you so desperate to believe that an above average girl is totally okay with being in an exclusive romantic relationship with a severely disabled man? does it make you feel better about yourself somehow? i legitimately don’t understand.
Source? Sounds like you’re just a hateful little incel who’s read too many “red pill” posts
Yo imagine being the guy she actualy fucks. Knowing your railing out this bitch whos with a retard. I'd at least feel a little bad, at least hes happy though thats great.
That's just what they tell you
It's actually quite common for disableds to consent to their partners getting their sex elsewhere.
you need a source for the claim that women are humans? i think you’re the incel here, user
all this cope. be better Jow Forums
Don't hate, be happy for the poor cunt. If he were born in China he would be thrown in the gutter, but thank god we're not like that.
And to the people calling the girl a cunt, I do not think so. Watch a video of her interacting with this genetic junk. She feeds him and wipes his ass for Christsake.
>maybe she cares about him for who he is inside
That bitch gets attention as his "girlfriend". that is why she plays it
You guys seem to be forgetting that there are women who have a legitimate attraction/fetish for disabled people.
I hate the cunts that wear the same shit as him enough, now adding to the fact he's a crippled little freak everyone 'looks up to'?
He'd literally be torn apart by a wolf back in the day.
>women like genetically inferior men who are utterly useless
STATE of roasties.
He's just confident, and he probably takes showers.
Is it not possible she cares about him on top of that?
Less pathetic than whatever you are "sweetie"
I fucked a bbw milf, she told me she was in an open relationship because her husband has a muscle disease and he's going to die in less than a year.
Men have it too
he offers her something you can't: status
also his arms are bigger than yours
Well yeah, all women are mentally disabled.
>her love for him has to be real
>if it's not...how could....anyone ever love....me?
based insecure user defending this roastie!