Are you fasting for Lent, my child?

Are you fasting for Lent, my child?

Attached: jes10.jpg (743x573, 29K)

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Don't try to posit yourself as me you worthless shill

I'm fasting for gains actually

The regular or black fasting?

not gonna make it

Why did your father give me a schizophrenic, alcoholic paedo fuck of a dad. I'm glad the Romans were based and mutilated your body.

veiny throbbing dick cock

For you to live to this point in time to prove that free will does exist. Is that what you want to hear?

Yes, I will mr top jezuz man

Yes, but it hasn't gotten me a gf.

Did you ever exist, faggot?

the catholic church only has two required days of fasting and it's not even real fasting.

My tradition call it the Great Fast, but I could only make it a few days into it because of my job. Tea can only stave of my hunger for so long after being in the sun all day.

No, because I'm not religious.

Reminder that neither Jesus nor Paul ever said people have to fast.

you are just an amalgam of various mythological and historical figures invented by Jews to subvert the Roman empire

Yeah my penis is ready to bust!!

>Is so historically ignorant he doesn't realize Jesus was very real, and there's more evidence in favor of the Resurrection than there is the Odyssey by Homer
>le edgy athiest

I'm laffin

yes father i am fasting for every religion and i will be fasting for the people too fat to do it too.

"And when you fast, do not be gloomy like the hypocrites" -Matthew 6:16
Jesus didn't say "if you fast" or "You shall not fast", he said WHEN you fast, implying that people should fast. It's good for your body and spirit to abstain from food for awhile. Jesus fasted for 40 days, and regularly afterwards. Did you think he took cake and soda with him into the mountains when he went to pray?
>"hold on dad, my belly's rumbling. Hey Peter! Pass me a cold beer! Bring some chips too."

Truly, I say to you, he shall obtain weeb heaven, and 70 big boobied anime girls will serve you.

Attached: i87sqjeqj2901.jpg (679x960, 128K)

That was aimed at the Jews, who would fast due to their adherence of the mosaic law. His point there was not make a show and display of "look how holy I am" and that one should show humility in their acts of faith.

The Greeks fasted, before they became Christian and afterwards.

I am, in fact My Lord. Lost a lot of weight too and I've been doing a Bible study.