
Doomsday preppers edition

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>tfw no britfeel zombie apocalypse episode

What time's the radio on lads?

Do they still take callers? I just got my mic.

I often see twitter links posted in threads, and whenever I open them I'm really shocked at how vain and self-aggrandising the most generic basic people are.

you look at some people's picture and read their little bio thing and they're like literal video game NPCs who look and act to conform to some stereotype they just picked out one day to have as their identity, while still acting totally oblivious to it and pretending to be actual individuals with free thought.

just don't get these people at all. maybe it's because I'm happy being anonymous on Jow Forums and have no interest in using any social media to have a digital 'face' for myself.

New Snooker game this year /147/ lads! It's been a while.

an awful period of /britfeel/ history that should be forgotten

Everyone say a silent prayer for this thread to be better than the shitstain that was the last one.

Cheers for the reminder, forgot the World Championship was coming up

fag, radio was based the chemo to you incels

People are exactly the same here except they will identify as robots and avoid normie things. It's human nature

Yea, looking forward to

>tfw my husbando Hendry STILL hasn't come out of retirement
Come back, Scottish Prince

>huh huh they called up a prossie lol zeus said paki rotfl

have sex

only just gone and fried up an entire 8 pack of bacon rashers because they go off tomorrow
my bodies salt content has probably just tripled

>people still give a fuck about the 'radio'
cringe every time tbqh lad, it was funny the first time but after it became yet another circle jerk, like usual.

I just had a microwave curry that went out of date 3 days ago

/britfeel/ is a fatty free zone, please kill yourself

>going to a porno convention

is there a more beta day out?

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praying for ure stomach la'

>fatty free zone
tell that to helper lad. kid buys takeaway pizzas every single night

is she a pornstar? Looks like shit

just going to point out that ready meals stay fine for about a week after their best by date if in the fridge and longer in the freezer, when you see the plastic film on the top starting to bulge is a really tell tale sign it's off

that said you shouldn't even be touching ready meals, cook your own stuff and follow the advice in the last thread about what to eat and what not to eat

Reminds me. Look at a porn stars Twitter sometime and see the absolutely fucking STATE of people who reply to them. They have proper bios, pictures of themselves yet they still post pathetic, beta shit towards pornstars on the off chance that a porn star will give them attention, or worse, want to fuck them.

in her prime alexis texas was fucking noice lad

I just work out enough to stop myself getting fat it's alright

looking at my texts to my mum, literally every response I give is just "ok"


What the fuck is wrong with people?

Actually disgusting. Why would you go to that? Do they share wanking stories with the other creeps?

>having sex with a condom on

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Hate babysitting lads, especially when they both have autism and adhd

Was the mum 40 or something

>being an American teenage girl in a horror movie

What are some light/short sci-fi books I can read? Used to read a lot so assume I've read most of the entry level stuff

I'd love to slip my hand up a schoolgirl's skirt and feel her bum

if you didnt do it as a schoolboy it probably wont happen now

amazing how white people are so fucking retarded they would remove their own civilized culture to emulate nigger shit like this

>put condom on
>get soft
>apologise and leave

Nah the dad had them so I guess he passed it on
kek, at least they got paid for it, I have to do this shite for (((free)))

>that user who cant stop talking about race

Are Jow Forums chart/date threads banned?
I really want to find my bf now and real life/dating apps aren't delivering.

Ar he sounds like me dads mate Craig

ADHD doesn't exist. Autism is a shitter though

Work retail for a full year and you'll see the average person is a fucking raging idiot. Like I'm no Einstein but I understand if I buy X from Y store, I go to Y store and not Z store - then complain and get angry because Z store can't return my item.

Half of those people aren't white, but yea, whites are the most degenerate race

Fuck off cola, you could have either had Weatherfu or Edgybastion user

>sister thinks her kid might have ADHD because she drank caffine when she was pregnant

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>Half of those people aren't white
yes my bad, i should have said American (and by extension the first world seeing as everybody follows their retarded trends etc )

Irigate sinuses

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having a child with some sort of mental fuck-up is very trendy with roasties these days

Were there vegetarians back the day that thought using horses was wrong because we used them as a means of transport and never cared if they suffered?

People couldn't afford to be vegetarian

How much did she have?

>Were there vegetarians back the day
Vegetarianism only become a possible lifestyle in the last few decades because of our modern infrastructure and abundance of alternatives to meat. Pound for pound, you will not beat meat for protein.

Neither delivered what was required, probably. Both sound like amer-tier faggots.

Flick bogies

*drags mud across the thread carpet*

free dirtyfilth

You leave weatherfu out of this he is a good lad. Think Edgbaston is a bit of a dweeb, though I do admite his jewfro and I like it when he stands up the lads that bully him.

I also imagine that without vitamin supplements and much easier access to foreign foods, vegetarians back in the day would be severely malnourished

Ok, were there people that thought using horses was wrong?

You ever getting round to finishing that plastering lad? Not being funny, all I see you do is smoking and drinking tea.

Let's not beat around the bush. Rhys tried it on with Alison several times and even tried to kiss her at the zoo.
I've never been interested in Alison, she and I are just friends.

Thanks. Callum has been a right little shit stirrer recently. I never had any feelings towards Alison, in fact he even tried to hold her hand when we were at the zoo!
I'm going to give him a black eye if I see his jewy mug again.

Not nice to name names Callum

Probably some people, and they'd have been called a slack-jawed faggot who needs the sense beaten into him.

Back from Spoons now, lads. On some beret and cider. Absolute madman, I am. Shouldn't be drinking so much.

waitin' forra special trowel lad, on order at screwfix

Nowt wrong with trying to bang Cola lads, we all thought about it

Laffin, how the fuck did ELP get away with this? Even if they were mates, they were on different labels
Hate prog rock anyway, it was stupid


*turns page in his newspaper mumbling something about lazy builders*

I want to fuck Moni just to see how much of a larp it is but I'd be genuinely disgusted with myself for the rest of my life and lose the respect of /britfeel/.

The (urban) north really is a dump lads. Can't wait to leave. Can't even go in a park without cringing because they are so unbelievably shit and ugly
Our government is a joke

in a normal street of say semi-detached houses and normal working people/families and all that, just how much worse is norf than souf?

what actually is prog rock? I'm basically musically illiterate and don't really listen to music a lot

Bus is taking the piss today lads

Just rock with a lot of big themes, concepts and complex drums and music etc basically

>active thread on /lit/ talking about arguments for and against god
>several conversation threads running between anons
>legitimate, rational discussion that is completely on topic
>this thread has been pruned or deleted
fucking why? there was literally nothing posted there that was against any rule or accepted posting behaviour

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Do it for the banter lad. I believe Amer is straight anyway, he wouldnt go all the way. You dont have inappropriate fantasies about your sister and just shrug them off because you like dick now.

Any alcoholic beer fattos in?


madness this lads

Getting 8 cheap scrumpies soon. What's yer poison tonight?

Honestly lad I couldn't say because I come from a nice area. However the surrounding ones which aren't so nice still seem to be better than northern ones. It's just a very depressing atmosphere more than anything. You feel its age and neglect around you, in the natural and built environment

Is there a bigger red flag than the Croyden Facelift hairstyle?

What are the odds that a gym with a freeweights section doesn't have barebells?
A few hotel ones I've been in have only had dumb bells up to like 30kg.

/lit/ should be renamed /phil/ in my opinion. Miss the days when they all used to wank each other off to Hemingway

Age of consent is 16 yet the lad who got sacked form Cliftonville is getting chastised. Bunch of hippocrates in our society.

Art rock that went way too far

the 60s was the golden age

how does he offered this? does he like rent out time in there or something

Okay, finally worked it out. Poley can replace vidya with noncehunting.

LUCKY SON OF A BITCH (sorry I know that's a sexist term, but I'm just so frustrated)

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yes, who wouldn't want their kid to be like us here after all

Had one of them Italian lagers with my 6 inch pizza lunch. Then had a Blue Moon, an ale and a Carling at Spoons, now I'm home im having a Stella and have 8 cans of Somersby in the fridge (easy to drink like apple juice). Scrumpy Jack is actually my favourite cider, lad. Gets a bad name hut I really like it and a good 6 percent.

Nah keeping it as /lit/ but maybe officially renaming it to Literature and Philosophy might be alright; there's still plenty of literature discussion, it's just that philosophy tends to go with the subject matter because books are primarily ways to convey ideas.

Based lad living the dream
seething lad living in piss

>haven't kept up with overwatch pro scene in a couple of years
>decide to check back up on it and watch some recent games
>the teams are STILL just exact copies of each other

It's so fucking boring to watch the exact same comps play against each other. Why can't Blizzard change things up a bit?

Who is this lad and why can he only manage one facial expression

will wheaton, hes an egotistical cunt despite the fact that the only thing of note he did was being star trek 30 years ago playing a minor character everyone hated

That's Wil 'creampie eatin'' Wheaton
The facial expression is a common side effect of excessive s-o-y intake

Best shooter days were early Quake online and cod4 early days simple as lad

lmao Blizzard doesn't understand how to balance a fucking spinning top, nevermind a game.

>able to balance
lad they are nearly as bad as Epic when it comes to balance