When women say they love fitness and being active, is this what they really mean?

When women say they love fitness and being active, is this what they really mean?

Attached: 0505D469-4E2B-40CF-9BCE-8D76ABC7EA69.jpg (940x750, 256K)

nope. but post your entire IR folder

What makes you think I have a folder?

Attached: 0E7F806B-C896-41CC-8405-9BB11A3CB29B.jpg (817x670, 242K)

>TFW no slutty aryan daughter who takes black cock raw

Attached: F4649577-AFEE-4935-8BC1-959CAAF5C0F5.jpg (659x498, 129K)

Fuck off back to /b/ degenerate faggot

It means they go to a plastic surgeon for a liposuction, then take a selfie in the gym, post on their instagram how working out hard at the gym keeps them fit, and then go home to eat potato chips and ice cream.

They love fitness dick in their mouth

Attached: 9B4453D8-AB32-4EB5-BE9D-4E63A804373B.jpg (880x976, 191K)

How can white dwarfs possibly compete?

Attached: 1540950528877.png (1060x768, 375K)

So what's the context behind the picture on the right?
Is the person taking the picture the husband?

>those pictures of kids
I feel bad for those children...

>is this what they really mean?
pic related is what they really mean, they love gym chad dick

Attached: gyms.png (987x757, 970K)

>he thinks liposuction alone creates instagram bodies
>he thinks being skinny is in

Ever heard of squatting, faggot?

Attached: C7101989-C491-4EA8-ABEF-D1A8701FA11F.jpg (320x400, 13K)

>I feel bad for those children

Why? I envy them so much. I only ever heard the sounds of my mom cucking my dad once, when they were separated (unfortunately they got back together and never divorced) and it was with our lame ass white neighbor. If I knew my mom was getting used by Tyrones regularly while my cuck dad watched I would have never moved out of their house

Liposuction and other plastic surgeon procedures. Point being those gym thots posting gym selfies hardly actually go to the gym.

>12th nigger propaganda thread in less than 12 hours.

This is how the mods are fighting racism. Kudos, fucking communist cuckolds, you are doing great.

Fuck off tyrone. I can't believe jannies let this thread live but remove anything remotely racist

stop getting mad over shitposting.

>lyposuction creates fit bodies
>fit people eat junk food when no one's looking
>gym thots hardly ever go to the gym
found the fatass

Shitposting is cancer. You are cancer. Its not even good shitposting

Lmao, found the fatass who squatted once and now calls himself bearmode

Youre pathetic and the basic intagram fitness girls are stronger than you

Yeah, the catalogue is 60% nigger propaganda and 40% tranny propaganda but we should just carry on as usual.

Gorilla nigger cunt ape.

Its just making people more racist but they don't care. They just want to dance on our dead bodies.

More and more oldfags and whites are going to leave forever and just like south Africa it's going to turn to shit

Report for trolling outside of /b/. Usually mods delete such low quality racebait but its hard to notice it in such mess as r9k

Shitposting has always been cancer though. And it honestly used to be funnier. Shitposting has been in a cuck-rut for years now.

They don't delete the threads, you insufferable nigger.
They condone and promote the astroturfing.

No, she wants you to think that she isn't on her computer or phone all day

well they did delete a few blacked threads that I reported in the past. Maybe mods work shifts and there is one white hating cuck, idk