Wreslting general

What is the most practical wreslting style for fitness and actual usefulness? All styles are welcome, Pehlwani, Greco Roman, Freestyle, Catch as can, etc. I find the history of wrestling interesting as well so there's a topic too.

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Is it better to wrestle with dick out or dick in

Well with out cuz that's gay ya know, unless you mean nhb wreslting than that's a good art lmao

Useful for what? Just go do BJJ. You'll thank me later.

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Yeah I will do that too i should of named this "Grappling general"

wrestlers are such an odd bunch. kinda weird how we can tell if someone else is a wrestler just by looking at them 90% of the time

Shut the fuck up faggot


good omens thread?

wrestlers go harder than any other martial artists in my experience, and if you pair it with boxing, kyokushin karate, or Muay Thai, then you become scary.

No point in knowing submissions if your only standup is pulling guard.
No point in taking someone down if you can't submit them.
If you do either one without the other it's not ideal.

>Imagine thinking a dropping someone from 6 feet on concrete won’t end a fight

I've sadly thrown a few people into hospital, but it isn't as easy as you make it out to be.

It doesn't all the time, unless you break their neck.
Adrenaline is a motherfucker.

Is wrestling something to grasp without any previous experience? Are there better disciplines for the naive?


Best for MMA
Best cardiovascular fitness
>Greco Roman
Most useful
>Any of them

It's a very good starting art. Many kids start at like 6 years old

And how does a near boomer join when childlets have much more accumulated skill and instructors plan accordingly, a newbie category isn't familiar?

It's harder for older people to join. If you can find a club for adults, they will teach you. They know how to teach newbies, no matter their age. If not, see if you can find a MMA gym, they usually have wrestling classes.

So judo then. Or sambo if you can find it.
