today marks 8 years since zyzz died, daily reminder that we're all gonna make it brahs
Today marks 8 years since zyzz died, daily reminder that we're all gonna make it brahs
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he didn't make it to 30 lol
It's been that long?
Imagine being obsessed with a guy who died from too many roids
>It took Jesus 33 years to ascend
>Zyzz-sus did it in 22
He literally sacrificed himself so that all those who believe will make it
Remember to work on cardio, lads.
>sacrificed himself
He died in some nasty ass Thai sauna while getting a blowjob from a tranny prostitute. If you consider that "sacrificing" then you are fucked up man.
How the fuck is that not the most Jow Forums inspired way to go out?
I've made it, thank you Zyzz
>2012 was 70 years ago
That is literally my definition of sacrifice
Went to the gym in his honor today. Sleep tight cunt
It still feels so wild and random he died
22 is way too young. I don't even think he left a girlfriend behind
t. redditor
that hair style hasn't aged well. neither has he amirite lmao
Had a shitty gym session today, but this post inspired by me to smash it tomorrow. We're all going to make it brahs.
In which age did Zyzz start lifting?
Eat shit and die leddit fag. That’s literally the perfect way to go out.
like 15-17 i think
Literally who? No one cares about eceleb faggotry stop shitting up my board.
Based retard
RIP sick cunt
We’re all gonna fucking make it, thats it
When will the summer be over????
You have to go back to school
In his honor.
I used to go to the same gym. Saw him there a few times.
Good old Carlo court fitness first
>he doesn't know
1. Btfo redditfag
2. Traps aren’t gay
Rest in peace bro. Motivated me a lot when I just started lifting.
tfw used to chant "we're all gonna make it" to myself internally when i was new to lifting and felt like I was going to fail a lift or exercise
>just reached .5/1/1.5/2 today
>finally starting to crack my gymcel cocoon after turbulent times
i-i'm gonna make it bros, I just know it
4ever mirin
You will user. Keep at it.
Holy shit! I actually cried a bit.
He didn't die for this shit
8 years since some dude took roids, did a lot of coke, fucked sluts and died in a sauna. Not my role model.
>8 years since some dude took roids, did a lot of coke, fucked sluts and died in a sauna. Not my role model.
Yeah, you should maybe aim a bit lower
You’re nothing but a pathetic sadkunt hater, reconsider your life choices
RIP bro, yeah i'm mirin, no one will match your aesthetics ever again.
Still remember when this was made. Honestly shed a little bit of tears re-reading this... fuck man. RIP.
Im following his program ..
Am i retarded for following a program by someone openly roided ?
Anyone got his chest routine? His chest is literally perfect.
those quotes man
I read them all in his voice
RIP brah. We're all gonna make it
nice fan fiction trumper
Incline bench & cable flies
what's the real story user
It's fucking crazy how almost every Jow Forumsard giving advice types like him. Does the phrase "making it" come from him too?
>i have never done cardio
>while i know it's good for your heart and health
irony is good for your blood
what ever happened to Chestbrah
Look how happy he is in this one
He really was aesthetic as fuck
why would you like creatine if you're shooting roids right in your ass
of course it pales in comparison
>He did a bro split
This board is for people that lift
You don’t?
Zyzz was right in his info items wisdom
We're gonna make it brahs
Didn't realize I shared favorite exorcises with Zyzz until now.
I didnt believe it for a year. I thought he was just abandoning his persona, hiding out for a huge bulk, and coming back as a legit pro bodybuilder.
mirin forever brah
I'm so tired of this "we're all gonna make it" nonsense.
8 years later and half of you Zyzzcels still haven't made it, and the other half still hasn't started lifting yet. Fuck off.
Wait, didn't the guy on the left killed himself because of online bullying?
ngmi with that tude. Be a sick cunt, not an angry cunt.
well at least you have your hair. but that's about it.
don't be a sad cunt mate, be a sick cunt!
i fucking miss him lads
My goal is to reach Zyzz status on the 10th anniversary of his passing. I disappointed him once, but I won't this time.
Pic related is my goal. I'm 6'4 so doubt I can become as thicc as Zyzz was near the end.
Imagine dying to make gains that could have been gotten natty
Don’t be a hater bruh. Be a sick cunt instead. Waagmi
who cares, look at him! LMFAO
>me, flabby bald slob
>zyzz, perfection
>"there's no way you'll ever have more sex than zyzz!"
>"Yeah, you're probably right..."
>zyzz dies at 22
>"lol, nevermind"
slow and steady always wins the race :)