Hello user’s I have a shoulder impingement which was caused by a combination of sleeping in an autistic position and not doing overheads press with the correct form (now I know what the correct form is)
Can I still work around it?
For example squats don’t seem to affect it at all and neither do deadlifts
I haven’t done a bench yet but I assume it won’t fuck it up more as long as I use the correct form. Chin-ups don’t seem to aggravate it ether
So in other words, I’m asking if I can continue my workout routine by avoiding overhead press until my shoulder heals up? Or am I retarded?
I sleep in an autistic manner because it gets freezing outside and i live in a tent
Mason Gray
you have tendonitis shoulder impingment is an anatomical movement you asshat treat it like a tendonitis: lower all your weights by half, drink a fuckton of water, sleep nine hours a night maybe it'll go away in a few months don't mess this up or you'll keep this one for life
Lucas Rodriguez
Bad form and sleeping weird isn't going to fuck you up as much as you THINKING you fucked your shit up is. Stop being an asshat and train
Brandon Price
I was reading it and I thought so too, but then I read this section
>pic related
I don’t feel an aching pain at all, in fact, the pain is almost never apparent to me and I never feel it unless I make specific movements or I do exercise that involves getting my arms over my head, which makes the pain worse for a little but then it calms back down and I don’t even know it’s there until I make a specific movement.
Even then the pain is not bad at all unless, like I said, I do a heavy overhead press
Are you saying I should tough it out and workout through the pain? Wouldn’t that worsen it?
Wyatt Robinson
I have no idea, I found it in my image gallery apparently I saved it a while ago have no idea where
Luke Harris
it's not about the pain it's about the nature of the injury if you're unsure, go see your doc, a specialist ideally but don't ask shit in this board, the odds of getting a worthwhile answer are too low
Robert Brooks
Look op, I have no idea what the other anons are talking about but back in like june I got a shoulder impingement from tackling during football practice, the football medic said that's what that is and a doctor is sending me for MRI in October. I worked out with it and first one of my shoulder went back to normal, and recently while doing jeff Cavalier's rope face pulls my second shoulder felt warm for like an hour and now it hurts alot less. Hope my autistic rambling somehow helps.
>the odds of getting a worthwhile answer are too low
That’s true but it doesn’t cost anything to ask except a few minutes so might as well
Charles Peterson
this guy is also retarded but he actually gives not too bad advice if you can read between the lines as I said, lower your weights, rest a lot, drink AND DO YOUR GOD DAMN FACE PULLS
Connor Hill
Ayla D’Lyla, I think
Joshua Hughes
Low-moderate weight farmers walks can help. One function of the shoulder joint is to stabilize the arm while carrying things. FWs are very gentle at low weight (two DBs that combined are less than half bodyweight). However, they still require effort of the shoulder and so blood is pumped into the shoulder capsule with all the nice passive diffusion of nutrients into connective tissue that aids healing.
Nolan Bennett
This sounds like good advice,
But when you say to lower the weights, do you mean I should keep working out like normal but with a lighter OHP, or to not OHP at all and lower the weight of the other exercises I’m doing
Jeremiah Davis
This sounds like bro-science but you make it sound legit so idk
Ryan Martin
you are doing God's work
Thomas Lewis
It's really not. It's the same approach as using face pulls, just a different modality.
IIRC, blood does most of its tissue healing in intracellular tissues, tendons and ligaments are extracellular tissues and most repair is due to diffusion of nutrients in something called synovial fluid. Thus you need to globally increase diffusion in the area of the injury. Blood innervating adjoining intracellular tissues leads to inevitable increased diffusion into the extracellular matrices of tendons and ligaments. Face pulls and farmers walks at low weights directly strengthen supportive muscles but also help pump blood to the area, indirectly facilitate tendon/lig healing, without further damaging the joint.
It's a modest help...tendon injuries mostly just require time for the reasons discussed above.
Xavier Lopez
I know it's a fitness meme but if you hit 3x12 facepulls every day your shoulders actually become invincible