Go to dentist

>go to dentist
>have 6 cavities

it doesn't matter how much I lift. my teeth are ugly and weak. i floss and brush every day and almost never drink sugared drinks. I have no idea what to do. I hate my mouth.

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Yeah similar here. Never had a cavity (as far as I know anyways), but even after braces my teeth aren’t truky aligned. Braces made them all level and lined up but from grinding my teeth since I was under 5 years old my jaw shifts to the side slightly. So even if I consciously line things up, my smile and teeth just don’t look right. Doesn’t help that they’re stained from all the coffee I’ve drank since my teen years into this early adulthood.

Honestly, even if I had perfect teeth I think I just have a fucked mouth shape. I can’t smile, like it looks retarded. It looks like I’m trying to flash my golds like a rapper who got his first grill more than a smile.

Dawg you need more K2.
Start drinking raw milk from grass fed cows. Eat lots of cheese, natto, kefir, etc and other fermented meats and dairy.

Do you drink anything carbonated even if it's not sugar like seltzer or diet soda? Those are bad for enamel too even if they dont have sugar

>brushing 2 times a week
>what is even flossing
>drink coffee and smoke cigs on the regular
>yes, sugary drinks
>perfect white teeth
>0 cavities ever

get bamboozled, my man

Attached: 1531393772367.gif (325x203, 780K)

>tfw toothmogged

I haven't been to a dentist since I moved to a new state because of no insurance for about 2 years. Brush only in the morning. Never floss.

Asian dentist says I have 8 cavities. X-rays looks fine and I don't experience pain in teeth. He also tried to push a medicine that removes all disease from my gums. He tried to charge me like $1200. Was very confused because I was used to going to dentist and just having them floss me and clean my teeth. Never had cavity.

Was he legit or full of shit?

could be legit. cavities don't cause pain until they've caused so much damage you probably need a crown

You're wearing your enamel down

could be either. Dentistry can be a tricky practice. There are unethical "professionals" in that industry and there are good ones. Your regular doctor isn't sending you marketing material in the mail, but your dentist is.

I'd get a second opinion if your teeth feel fine. But, if you never floss he might be right. Start flossing

Yea, but I've never flossed before.....but I also haven't gone 2 years without a deep cleaning. I'm scared....

the longer you wait the worse it will be.

Alright fine. I'll look into a second opinion.

im like the other guy said, the longer you wait the worse it's going to be/get. Get a second opinion if you didn't trust the dentist. But yeah, just take care of this stuff and start caring for your teeth.

You got an electric toothbrush, user? You use mouth wash?

nobody notices this shit. if you dont have an underbite and your teeth arent crooked you are good to go.

Post the radiograph if you have it

If you’re only going to be brush once a day do it at night, your mouth is dry at night so any build up will have more demineralising effect on your teeth

Anyone who wants an electric brush, suggest looking up burst. Followed the same model of dollar shave club, so I actually change the brush every few months instead of yearly. There could be better put there I'm sure, but I haven't had a cavity in a couple years, so it's been worth it for me

Post pic and I’ll give a qualified opinion

>cries in British

>Drench teeth in SLS and scrape off the enamel twice a day
>why am i getting cavities

>A year ago
>Heaviest ive ever been, 5'11, 115KG
>Have dentist appointment in 5 days
>Brush teeth (was using mouthwash twice a day before this for around 5 months) for 5 days before dentist
>Dentist is wondering why I even came in (I get free dental at my job, might as well take advantage)
>Teeth are "perfect", his words

Im a lot better with it now (brush twice a day, mouthwash 3 times) but feels good to have great teeth genetics.

>scrape off the enamel
Cavities in adults generally start in between teeth, where no brush touches.
SLS has no affect on enamel

It kills your gum making it susceptible to bacteria.

If you’re not having frequent sugar and acid in your diet then you will not have problems with your teeth (unless you have imperfect existing restorations). Gums are a different matter and is truly genetic.

It is harsh yes, but does not generate problems in itself. Sugar and acid causes cavities, not surfactants in toothpaste.

I'm a dentist. If they're trying to do a clorhexidine rinse that's pretty legit, but if it's a medicine called Arrestin, do not waste your money with that shit, it has never been clinically proven to do anything

Been ther, if I could back in time id stop eating grains and limit my carb intake to at most 100g, among other things

>i floss and brush every day
There arent dental products in nature and animals dont have cavities, the problem is your diet

Post teeth


get a water pik and use it, and do a rinse with a little peroxide a couple times a week, its the bacteria

>Brush once per month
>tfw teeth are still perfect