Has something like this ever happened to you ?

Has something like this ever happened to you ?

Want to share your stories ?

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Yeah kinda.
She was playing with the drawstring on my hoodie as we were talking. I said "hey watch this!" and smashed the coke can I was drinking from on my forehead. She made a face and walked off.
That was about 11 years ago. Only realised last year.

>even ronnie has kissed a girl
>you're a bigger loser than him
Jesus christ

if you mean a girl showing interest and me only noticing it/wanting it after the fact then yeah

lol no
its nice to image tho

>started showing interest in girls about 2 years before they started to show interest in me
>experiences in that time caused me to ignore all the girls who were interested in me in high school
>now repulse women

>you want to go out for a coffee?
>nah I dont drink coffee
I started drinking coffee just to keep myself from doing this shit

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I got asked to prom in the 10th grade by a senior girl. I even actually went with her. She was known as being the crazy bitch, always talked about harming and mutilating men, I had no idea why she asked me. I was as cordial as I could be, but I kept my distance otherwise and mostly tried to spend time with my oneitis at prom, who was also a senior. She invited me to an after-prom party and sat near me the entire time. At the end of the night she kissed my cheek and thanked me.

I don't regret keeping my distance because after high school she joined the army and became a barracks slut, or however you call it. And the last I heard of her she's in a poly relationship.

I think I'd kill myself if something like this happened to me and I realized later

Here is my story: When I was in 9th grade, I was in a wheelchair for basically all of the year due to surgery. A girl always pushed me around in it. It became a running joke for everyone to say we were dating. Some people said we should go to prom together. We never did. I never went. Another thing I will never get back. That following summer, I moved with my family to a different state. Was there 10-12 grade. Never went to my senior prom either and most of my 11th and 12th years, I did post-secondary. Most people thought I had moved or some shit and I was named "most bashful" in my senior yearbook along with a girl with literal downs. Welcome to life, anons. You never get back the chances you do not take. For those still young and not jaded mid-20s somethings, count yourselves lucky. You still have time.

>something like this ever happened to you
Grew up dirt poor. Couldn't keep up with everyone's lifestyle. Self isolation. Socially stunted.

Guys I really need your help here. What does it mean if the only girls who've ever shown interest in me (or pretended to) are Stacies?

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Never had that happen to me once, I wasn't even interested in going to prom to begin with.

The day after some school shooting a girl asked me if I had any friends
does that count?

>cute bookworm girl asks my phone number, msn account, email and all that stuff
>constantly messages me on msn about nothing, just what's she's up to and asks what I'm doing
>every day in school she comes to talk to me, gives me cheat codes to games I like, drawings, candy
>one day she messages me telling that she likes me
>she asks if I like her
>give a wishywashy response because I'm a anxious nerdy wimp hoping the situation would go away
>she asks if I wanted to be bf-gf with her
>tell her no even though I want to say yes because I'm a fucking idiot
>she seems disappointed and keeps asking similar questions until we graduated and went to different colleges
>these days I'm thinking she might have been even more hurt and disappointed than she cared to admit

It didn't even realize how badly I had fucked up until my adulthood when it suddenly hit me how much she liked me, maybe even loved me. There has to be something wrong with my brain because I honestly never fully registered this information, it just happened and I let it happen for no reason.

>Be like 13
>Every day walk home from school with some girl because her house was on the way to mine.
>One day when we get to her house she mentions that her parents aren't home that day
>I was just like "Cool! Have fun! Bye" and started walking again
>Behind me I hear her just stand there awkwardly while I leave

Didn't realize what happened until years later

Honestly unless something like that happened to me and she actually kissed me or something I'd probably notice but conclude I'm reading too much into it.

it doesn't mean anything dude. if girls are showing interest in you, literally all you have to do is grow some balls and be assertive without sperging out.

>Hehe, ok user i'll visit you, take me with your car
>I don't feel like driving take the train please
>.... (she dont reply anymore)

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Once in high school, she was pretty awkward around me and mumbled a bit when she tried to talk to me, and I wasn't sure if she was joking or not when out of no where she said to me in the worst Austin Powers impression "Do I make you horny??"

After I made no response to that she just completely stopped trying to talk to me. It took me a few years to realize she was interested in me.

But why would Stacies be into me if other girls aren't? As much as I want to believe that the other girls are too intimidated or something, I think the only reasonable conclusion is that they're just playing jokes on me.

not the kiss part, but the Prom part; almost the exact same thing happened to me. Although, she was ore cryptic. Shea asked, "do you plan on going to prom?", and I responded, "no", and she looked disappointed. Only later did I realize that she probably wanted me to ask her.

I have a similar story
She invited me to eat seafood
I said I don't like seafood
I didn't start eating seafood though

Not that I can recall. I am so tired.

You wanna hear something to make you feel better?
>be me, senior year, prom in a few weeks
>no date, decide to go anyways because none of my friends have dates either
>coworker/classmate asks me if I have a date to prom
>tell her no
>well can I be your date to prom then?
>yeah, sure
>hold back tears and try to play it off like I knew she was joking
>have spend the entire rest of my shift dealing with the awkwardness that you'd expect from that.
Seriously, I don't understand people sometimes.

>be me, freshman year.
>spanish class
>this girl talks to me all the time in class, laughs at all my jokes, etc.
>tells me she wants me to walk her down the aisle for her sweet 16 next year
>figure it's just because we're good friends
>see her talking to my spanish teacher one day, they're both looking at me and giggling
>the next day she gives me this fake plastic rose (still looked really pretty)
"uhhhh, thanks"
>proceed to try to shove the rose in my backpack
>she asks me what i'm doing
>tell her the stem is too big for my bag, I didn't want people to see me walking around the halls with a rose.
>ask the teacher for scissors so I can snip the end off
>she stares at me with the force of a thousand retarded suns
>tells me she can just take it off my hands
>give it to my teacher
>girl stops talking to me all together
>have the same teacher again senior year
>see the rose hanging on top of her desk.

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kek this thread is 10/10

Ummmm, no sweetie.

I just kiss drunk bar sloots because I am that desperate for physical affection. I just want a bf/gf so bad

I always get the feeling that Ronnie isn't as big a loser as he paints himself out to be. He probably has plenty of experience with women and looks better than his character.

girls think they put themsevles out there to me, i freeze or am oblivious at the time, they feel embarassed, i try to hit on them in DMs afterwards, they are turned off

it would be easier if holes didnt try to make all the men do the work of confessing and did it themselves.

Well part of your problem is that you think real life is an anime. You're supposed to just ask her on a date, not "confess" like some kind of manchild.

they can ask on dates too... and i'm a manchild because no woman ever expressed interest

I'm so mad, there were a hand full of cute girls that were into me in grade school, but I was too autistic to do anything about it, I just joked with them and my friends about them being into me. Now I'm an empty husk of a man who can only find women interested in casual sex.

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I had a female friend in high school send obvious signals she was into me but I never accepted her because I thought she was kind of dumb and going to grow up to be a histronic or mudshark. 5 years later and I still think it's the best decision and prediction I've made.

Last year a qt coworker was interested in me and I couldn't believe it because I was such a loser and she was a 7/10 who was outgoing and very fun to be around. I ignored her flirting for months and still cringe at that mistake because now I'm positive she actually was happy to be around me and I felt so alive when I around her.

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See, here's the thing:

Usually, when you're in high school, you figure that you will eventually turn into a functional person who will be able to get a girlfriend some day.

Generally, you figure it this way:

"Well, once I'm older I will be more mature looking and I will have a job, so I will appear more 'manly' and I will be better able to attract women. Also, the women will be older too, and so they will be more likely to be interested in a relationship. Hell, I've even heard stories about 30 year old women who are over the hill and desperate to find a guy -- I should at least be able to get a girlfriend when I'm in my 30s, right?"

But it's not until years later do you realize that those were just fantasies, and you're actually one of the unlucky ones who is destined to go through your entire life alone. You come to realize this very slowly and gradually as you progress through your entire 20s.

i think some of this is just in your heads, you perceive this attention as affection. i'm talking to a bisexual woman right now who has told me her main masturbation fantasy, and i told her one of mine. but it was more clinical because she's a virgin with severe anxiety and i was helping her through stuff. she does not find me attractive and its just for fun on my end, i know she wont ever touch me. so temper your expectations horny dudes

>There has to be something wrong with my brain
You just weren't ready for a relationship; and perhaps you weren't even ready for dating.

When I was 26, I found out that I wasn't even ready to begin dating yet, let alone think about a relationship. I found that out when a woman in my office asked me to a movie, but there was a miscommunication about the time to show up, and we ended up not meeting. Now, a normal 26 year old guy would just go up to her at work the next day and say "sorry about that" and ask if she wants to try again. But I couldn't even talk to her after that, and I realized that it was because I wasn't ready to begin dating.

Ronnie's got you covered there too, don't worry.

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>covering his lips with her hand to avoid making contact
I'm sure that part has happened to a fair share of Jow Forums at least

>girl kissing them in any capacity
The only reason you're right about that is the fact that a fair share of Jow Forums is normies.

>people here are attractive enough to have a female approach them with romantic intentions and have the nerve to call themselves robots

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kinda sucks to see my reality in a fat worthless losers reddit webcomic. Hurts a lot actually.

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I went to the school formal with couple of friends. One of the girls was playfully talking to me and giving me face paints with her eyeliner.
When everyone was dancing I just sat with her silently for like 20 minutes, then she asked me to dance with her so I did, then I sat back down in silence again after a minute.

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I know how you feel dude. All the blackpills and statistics in the world can't compare to the simple bluntness of that comic. Just the realization that every time I think I have a chance, I'm just deluding myself.

On about half of these I'd say it was legitimately hard to understand what the girl in question really wanted, and that's with the stories being written specifically to emphasize the alleged obviousness of the missed signals, so the reality might have been even more obscure.

I would say they should've been more clear but we all know they don't need to be, they can just move on to some other guy that does respond to her advances.

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Anyone else legitimately never had any experiences like this because you were completely ignored and ignored others socially throughout your youth?

This exact comic is part of the reason the op pic has never and will never happen to me. It's always safer too assume she's just being friendly.

Me, fucking sucks now that Im alone in a small apartment with nothing but underwear on.

yeah. it's hard to believe women actually every feel emotionally invested in anyone, despite what they say, when they have the ability to choose from a much wider array of men than the opposite, men choosing women. how can they be invested when they have the power to move on at any moment when we (i mean the people who arent rich or handsome) have to put in so much effort by comparison

She kisses her own hand?

It's a way to kiss him suddenly without actually kissing him. She wants to jump the barrier but doesn't want to do it in a way that might cause a violent rejection or serious harm.

>going through old yearbooks
>flip through one from 6th grade
>last page has friends and classmates signatures that I got them to sign
>a girl I knew wrote her number with "Call me!" and a heart next to it
>have zero recollection of this

seems more like a trick, kissing without kissing

Lots of girls wrote their numbers in my yearbooks, that's no reason to assume they're interested.

Yes, but it depends. If it is some chick you know already and they suddenly get "more friendly", it is a good idea to call them out on it. Talking from experience. If they are a real friend, it will not hurt the friendship and if not, it is good for a laugh you can both have. Point is: just don't be a sperg and douche out like a tool about it.

No never
I'm not even that bad looking, there's just little reason to hang out with me.

Fuck you faggots and your yearbooks you guys are gay

>If it is some chick you know already and they suddenly get "more friendly"
How do you detect this "more friendly" and how do you call them out on it without being a sperg?

At was friend with a girl that was into me for couple of years in high-school, it was pretty fucking obvious, but i was completely oblivious about it and then i never saw her again.

>the chadcel got every girls number so my 1 means nothing
You don't write "call me" with a heart next to it if you're not interested. Either way there was no chance I'd even call.
10 years later I've still no gf so fuck you.

>the chadcel got every girls number so my 1 means nothing
Chill dude, I'm a failed normie at best.
>You don't write "call me" with a heart next to it if you're not interested.
If you're a girl you do. They'll do crazy stuff in the name of being nice.

I'm doing it semi-intentionally. It took me a while to realize this, but there actually is a girl who's interested in me right now. The problem is that I only ever want to marry someone who shares the same religion as me, and she's an atheist who holds several beliefs that make me strongly doubt she would ever convert (including considering herself genderfluid, for one).
For the first part of our "relationship" insofar as we have one, I was legitimately clueless but figured shit out maybe four months ago. Since then, I've tried to turn up the clueless meter a bit so I can someday get out of this when she finds someone else she likes better. We've gone on a couple "dates," though I've avoided taking the initiative entirely and do my best to treat it as just going somewhere with a friend. It's useful for experience, but I do feel slightly bad about the situation, one because we definitely don't feel the same about each other and two because there are anons here who would kill to be in this situation and if I could give it to them I would in a second.

>considering herself genderfluid,

are you a moran user

alternatively just lead her on and pump and dump

yeah. I was a hot twink type in my teens and loads of gorgeous girls wanted to fuck me at that point.
I was oblivious to it of course, and faithful to a girlfriend who cheated on me the entire time.

What a retarded term.

Some nerdy chick always held and kissed my hand on the bus home Dosen't matter anymore I'm a 25 year old neet coward now


>this autistic and lazy

Depend on the chick. Have to know how they typically act and if it seems like they are just being more friendly to you than normal, with added in shit they want to do with you. Sometimes it is more subtle though. All boils down to "if you know them and they seem like they are being too nice, there is possibly something there." As for calling them out on it, generally, though a simple "something up with you? you seem off these last few days" or whatever is good enough. Just the same shit you would say to literally anyone in your life that has randomly changed. That was what I did going back with a long-time friend that started acting weird to me after her bf broke up with her, she just laughed after we talked about it, and life moved on.

>Literal 9/10 girl is always teasing me in a flirty way back in high school
>too autistic to realize it
Oh well, can't dwell on the past

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>Just the same shit you would say to literally anyone in your life that has randomly changed.
That seems like a really weird and slightly autistic thing to do.

Why? It is the "creepy stalker guy that just acts like a sperg and overdoes it" shit that is the sperg shit here and that is what many autists here do. When you...you know...treat people like people, regardless of if they want the dick, they generally are more cool with that.

>senior year
>new girl to school in my math class talks to me a lot
>i never really talked to anyone else in that class
>she talks about sex a lot and basically comes off as a total slut
>i was ahead in credits so got out of school 2 periods earlier than normal
>she started skipping her last 2 classes of the day to hang with me
>my friend used to drive us to my house, parents were always gone working
>at my place, my friend starts to boot up halo 3 on the projector
>girl asks me about the ring i was wearing, i used to make them and she wanted one
>they were made out of plastic chains that i ripped off of those shitty goth pants
>i'd just make a short loop and call it a ring
>anyway, she wanted one, so i was like sure and went to my bedroom to get the chain
>she follows and basically throws herself at me and we start furiously making out
>i'm just like panicking and take it, but then she kneels down and goes for the button on my pants
>i freak out and say "do you want a ring or not!?" and leave the room
>super awkward afterward, she left shortly after
>didn't even make her a ring
>she doesn't show up in class for the rest of the year, think she moved again

not sure if i dodged a bullet or not, but this still haunts me occasionally.

This is painfully relateable, I can recall at least 4 cases of this in my life.

I had a female discord friend for over half a year, we were into the same music, movies etc. and talked openly about sex and relationships and stuff, but she kept talking about her ex who joined the army army and stopped talking to her so I was 100% sure she isn't romantically interested in me. We never met IRL or sent pictures of ourselves but we would voice chat and she lived only an hour drive away from me. We would even make personal conversations were we said we care about each other et cetera and I think she told me she loved me but I never got the message and we eventually stopped talking. She would probably fucking stay away from me if she knew how I look and act IRL anyway, but it's still depressing.

Other cases include this cute short girl who hinted that she liked me in 10th grade, another becky-type girl who also I think into me but I was too much of a retard to make a move, and a gay kid in highschool who I think made a move on me. There are other more minor cases I believe but they aren't as bold as these ones and I still can't be sure they were into me 100%. I probably never got the message because I have mild autism and I'm a fucking retard who deserves to be alone.

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oh god why make me remember this r9k?

>Be 15
>Have female friend who I pretty much hang out with daily
>Literally stuck to the arm, in class, during break, after school, on the weekends
>Figure we are just the bestest friends one could be
>She's really cuddly and attention-starved
>"So user do you like anyone?"
>no not really
>"So you don't like me then?"
>you already know I like you
>She doesn't say anything else but becomes more touchy after that
>One day walking home with her
>"So user, my parents aren't home today...do you want to come?"
>"Sorry I have to watch over my little sis today."
>"Oh okay"
>Can't figure out why she seems disappointed as I drop her off
>Still hang out a lot
>This repeats like 5 more times during school
>Always turn her down because retarded
>No longer keep contact with each other.

Sufficient to say, I am still a virgin.

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She sounds like a crazy bitch that would kill herself if you dumped her, user. You dodged a bullet.

went to homecoming with a good friend of mine. she and i had been close, not romantically but it was clear she wanted something like that. instead of going to her place after homecoming we just both went back to our homes. later in life she was having trouble with her boyfriend, and she texted me looking for a reason to dump him. i didn't want to be the guy who destroyed another man's life so i told her to settle down and work it out with him. they're getting married at the end of this year. i am single.

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Man, I guess nice guys really do finish last. Sorry bro.

Sounds like she basically just used you as a shoulder to cry on and punted yah, user. Sucks.

I suppose you think because I'm married and have a kid, depression and alcoholism have been banished from my life. It's always bugged me about this board. There are a lot of other things that break men.

it's alright. she was very far-left protestant and i'm catholic. i doubt it would have worked out anyway. life goes on friends, don't fixate on the past.

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Not him, but I'm pretty sure robot implies a particular kind of broken.


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three (3) times but no I had to stick with my faggot fucking boyfriend and now I'm not even gay what was wrong with me

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>bro just ruin a friendship and socially ostracize yourself for a 1 in 1000 chance at a relationship that's doomed to fail anyways
No thanks.

>girl hits on me hard sophomore year high school
>to suspicious, we never talked any before this
>turn her down, get slapped as she storms off
>next day accept her proposal because I dont want other kids to think im gay
>never wants to hang out outside of school, just takes photos to post on myspace
>turns out it was a trap to make her real BF jealous
>some 20 year old guy pulls up to me one day as im walking home one
>starts threatening me to stay away from her
>me and her are both like 16
>start ignoring her at school, after months go by she dumps me in front of other people and makes a deal of it
>still mad/sad after all these years

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Certainly not. Women are not and have never been interested in me.

I don't get it.
pls explain originalisimo

Asked out on a date once, propositioned for sex several times.

Sort of regret turning down the date offer but I was going through a rough time and wasn't in the right headspace for something like that.

Turned down the offers for sex because I've never understood the appeal of casual sex. Just wasn't interested.

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Betaman #3

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This is brutal. Any more of these other than the one with him at the bus stop?

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Fucking jesus christ I want to die
>be at a party
>split off from the crowd to hang out with some friends
>there are four of us until two of them go back inside leaving me and this qt friend of mine alone
>she brought a ukelele with her and played me songs and we talked for maybe an hour
>she drops hints like crazy but at the time I had a crush on another girl so I never really noticed
>eventually go out with the other girl but she ghosts me after a month
>ukelele girl gave up on me a while ago
Fuck I miss her, and I miss those friends I had they were so kind

It's a nice thought but if that were real she probably didn't mean anything by it and he's just reading too much into it.

There's only three and here's the third

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Shiet user... No savegames or replays on this bitch of an earth

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Fuck I relate to that one too strongly.

ronnie is like loius ck, beneath the pathetic persona hides something somewhere between chad and a total psycho

Man, stuff like this reminds of when people point out that more than 95% of men get married at some point in their lives. It makes you realize just how weird you really are.

this deserves a (you), folks...