Has something like this ever happened to you ?
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Has something like this ever happened to you ?
Want to share your stories ?
Yeah kinda.
She was playing with the drawstring on my hoodie as we were talking. I said "hey watch this!" and smashed the coke can I was drinking from on my forehead. She made a face and walked off.
That was about 11 years ago. Only realised last year.
>even ronnie has kissed a girl
>you're a bigger loser than him
Jesus christ
if you mean a girl showing interest and me only noticing it/wanting it after the fact then yeah
lol no
its nice to image tho
>started showing interest in girls about 2 years before they started to show interest in me
>experiences in that time caused me to ignore all the girls who were interested in me in high school
>now repulse women
>you want to go out for a coffee?
>nah I dont drink coffee
I started drinking coffee just to keep myself from doing this shit
I got asked to prom in the 10th grade by a senior girl. I even actually went with her. She was known as being the crazy bitch, always talked about harming and mutilating men, I had no idea why she asked me. I was as cordial as I could be, but I kept my distance otherwise and mostly tried to spend time with my oneitis at prom, who was also a senior. She invited me to an after-prom party and sat near me the entire time. At the end of the night she kissed my cheek and thanked me.
I don't regret keeping my distance because after high school she joined the army and became a barracks slut, or however you call it. And the last I heard of her she's in a poly relationship.
I think I'd kill myself if something like this happened to me and I realized later
Here is my story: When I was in 9th grade, I was in a wheelchair for basically all of the year due to surgery. A girl always pushed me around in it. It became a running joke for everyone to say we were dating. Some people said we should go to prom together. We never did. I never went. Another thing I will never get back. That following summer, I moved with my family to a different state. Was there 10-12 grade. Never went to my senior prom either and most of my 11th and 12th years, I did post-secondary. Most people thought I had moved or some shit and I was named "most bashful" in my senior yearbook along with a girl with literal downs. Welcome to life, anons. You never get back the chances you do not take. For those still young and not jaded mid-20s somethings, count yourselves lucky. You still have time.