Convert an empty room to an expensive home gym

>Convert an empty room to an expensive home gym
>"Now I can train all I want"
>Cancel gym membership
>Almost never work out anymore

Attached: pepestick.png (332x332, 148K)

why is this stickied?

Cause it’s based

mods are based. toasting in a stickied bread


lmao people still do this? i'm a 6' 1" lanklet with a pretty face and i've never once had a single problem getting women

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>Gradually build home gym from cheap craigslist adds placed by fats and dyels who've given up
>place it in my living room between my bedroom and kitchen.
>Every morning I wake up I need to walk between my bench and my plates
>Can't avoid it, can see it from everywhere but the bathroom.
>It calls to me
>Lift for 2 hour sessions a day, 6 days a week
>Only go to the gym to go heavy on legs now

>6'2 lanklet with ugly face
>never had a single woman

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*clears throat*
Fuck jannys

>buy home gym
>do 6 day routine and bust out sweet curls every morning before work for those arm gains
feels good not being a cuck

this literally happened to me. I never thought it would happen to me. I used to go to gym 3 times a week. Got a powerrack for home and hardly use it.

I think its to do with 'upselling'. Its easy to drive to gym. Its easy to work out while you are there. Its easy to use powerrack because you only have it for 30 mins. Its easy to push one more set or rep as people are watching.

At home its the opposite. By the moment I enter my gym I already need to work out, theres no queue. By the time ive done one exercise I might have a 'short break' then stop working out.

I miss peer pressure and time pressure