I swear to god the next guy who calls me “big man” or “big boy” or “big guy” I’m going to punch him in...

I swear to god the next guy who calls me “big man” or “big boy” or “big guy” I’m going to punch him in the face and fuck the soft spot of the skull of his infants corpse

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Take it easy little fella.

Calm down there big guy

calm down there big bitch

Easy big boy.

big baby need his bottle :)

>he doesn't want to be a big guy

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It’s a fat joke, not a Manlet joke

Good idea

Come find me big man

you on a big man ting?

Whoah, easy there big guy!
Honestly though, why would it bother you? It’s simultaneously a minor compliment (unless you’re a fat fuck) and an opportunity to banepost IRL.

I’m fat, hence the upset

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Try losing some weight, whole milk

Can i call you roly poly fatty fat?

It’s hard undoing 20 years of bad habits in a couple of months

>Just stop eating and go for walks big boy
>instead of mtn dew drink white monster >0 calories
>tastes great

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Based boomer

Me on the right

I don’t drink anything with calories. I just eat fast food almost everyday because I can’t cook anything that tastes good


I’m the guy you replied to btw.
>I’m fat
Well at least you admit it. There are some deluded fatties out there. Do you lift? Are you cutting currently? What’s your diet plan looking like? What are your goals?

I was a fat fuck a few years ago. The change is totally doable. Hard, but simple. It’s 100% worth it, there are ways in which you feel bad now that you’re not even aware of, I guarantee it. It’s a whole other plane of existence when your body isn’t perpetually stressed, and further, is actually in great shape.

You can do it fattybro, we’re all gonna make it.

bitcoin holder on the left

I do lift. Currently on SS, but I took two weeks off due to wrist and elbow pain and ankle pain from squats (probably fucked up my form somewhere) and I’m looking to change to a similar full body program where I can maximize noob gains.

Goals are to gain muscle, lose fat. I figured I can do both since I’m so fat (35% bodyfat). I had a meal plan and micros and everything, but I haven’t stuck to it because making palatable food requires going to the grocery store and spending a lot of time cooking which is annoying so I’ve been eating fast food as usual. However, instead of the burgers I usually eat, I almost always go for chicken substitutes and I will often get Boston Market instead of McDonalda or Denny’s. I also don’t drink my calories. Doing this I’ve been able to lose weight (slower than I’d like but at least I can stick to this), however if there was a way to make quick, tasty, relatively cheap high protein food then I would hop on that immediately.

>I’m going to punch him in the face and fuck the soft spot of the skull of his infants corpse
Reported to the feds. Enjoy prison

Don’t worry about taste, just eat shit like oats, chicken (NOT KFC), eggs, grass fed beef, turkey, fuckin kale an broccoli, not gonna be an easy path m8 but on the bright side of your cooking is shit you’ll wanna eat less of it. Think of it this way, good is only fuel, would you put gas in your car that’s not only more expensive but also is going to make your car die very prematurely and run shitty while it’s going? Fuck no you wouldn’t, so why would you do that to your body? Look kiddo, go for a walk every day and every day go a little bit further. Combine that with decent food and you’ll be doing way better in no time.

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>i cant cook anything that tastes good
>tastes good
This is what i fucking hate about fatasses. Your dopamine receptors are so burned out from constant sugar and corn syrup that anything without them "doesnt taste good" and because you have the discipline and willpower of a 4 year old, you go get fast food for that dopamine hit. Fix your attitude or you are gonna be fat forever.

How's it going double stuffed?

lose weight fat ass

Sheesh. Relax, small fry.

Hey user. I was once a fat guy like you, and I hated being called "big guy". SO I decided to change. I lost 74 pounds and became a skinny women. I never had that problem again.

It gets better.

That was one heavy dick.

lol I'm a 5'4" and people have called me "big man" before

They might actually mean well too, but it always sounds like an insult.


People call me big guy all the time, but then again im 6"4 300 and riddled with bicep and tricep stretchmarks with a big milky chest and thick neck that doesnt allow me to button the top of my uniform. I forget that im muscular because I was a such a tall lanky guy most of my life


what's going on big guy

But seriously, I just call everyone big guy, regardless of size. It's been a habit ever since TKDR

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>be fat
>get called big guy
>slim down
>get called small guy

for you