The 2010s are nearly over

>the 2010s are nearly over
How would you rank each year of this decade?

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the decade that video games died.

2009 was my favorite one

bad bad bad bad bad meh decent tragic tragic and so far ambiguous

that was the 2000s brainlet

Worst decade ever

>I applaud, gigachad

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10) good
11) fine
12) "well we are not dead"
13) meh
14) meh
15) ....
16) oh
17) oh no
18) no
19) fuck

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This entire decade was a fuckload of shit for me and I don't think such an arbitrary concept like the 20's decade will change that.

2019 (predicted)

a big blur

>2010 - 8/10
>2011 - 9/10
>2012 - 8/10
>2013 - 7/10
>2014 - 7/10
>2015 - 6/10
>2016 - 5/10
>2017 - 4/10
>2018 - 4/10

Worse every year.

2010 5/10
2011 6/10
2012 5/10
2013 2/10
2014 3/10
2015 1/10
2016 3/10
2017 3/10
2018 3/10
2019 3/10
Things will not get better. Todays social media allows people to compare themselves to anyone in the world. Now that this is possible, it will never go away.
Smartphones killed subculture and conservative family life.

>2010 - 5/10
>2011 - 4/10
>2012 - 3/10 holy shit i hated this year
>2013 - 6/10
>2014 - 7/10
>2015 - 9/10
>2016 - 8/10
>2017 - 7/10
>2018 - 6.5/10

1) 2016 - Trump presidency, Doom 2016 and meme magic
2) 2011 - Skyrim
3) 2010 - MLP
4) 2013 - [s4s]
5) 2017 Jow Forums
6) 2018 - most forgettable year of the 10's
7) 2014 - FNAF
8) 2012 - world didn't end
9) 2015 - Moot left, Undertale

Can relate word from word

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All originally shit.

This. People label each other even more than before now that we are more accessible than ever. Takes away any feeling of individuality and success.

ranking each year sounds like too much effort to be honest. overall it seems to me that part of me has died during this decade. when you are young you think you have unlimited possibilities, that you will live forever. it falls down. your trust in other people, in ideals and even in yourself. you notice your body can actually get sore, you get tired more often, the years are just passing by. I could have died at any point and what kind of stupid life would that have been. it's a shame people are so weak and need others to come and change things for them. unable to do anything on their own.

10 good
11 good
12 good
13 still good
2014 wtf happened!!
2015 what's going on!!!!
2016 will things ever be fixed
2017 what should I do how fucked am i
2018 if u only know how bad things really are
2019 x.x

The first half of this decade completely passed me by, I don't remember anything significant happening either in my personal life or in culture in general.

When Trump announced his presidency in 2015, everything on the internet changed. 2015-2016 was one of the greatest times of my life, I spent hours shitposting on Jow Forums and the TRS forum. Now everything has been compromised and the momentum has been lost since people literally got thrown in jail and the normies in the movement went underground

Pop culture wise literally nothing has changed, music was shit in 2010 and its still shit now, same for tv, games, etc

you are never proud of who you were in the past. you are always changing the way you think, and maybe you are moving towards something. but towards what? senility? there is no wisdom in old age. this wretched society keeps men in perpetual childhood. we are born free but everywhere we are in chains, right.

Literally can't remember most of it, probably because I am quite young
my time from 2010-2016 has been amazing tho, HS was an up and down but I'd rate it positively overall, I remember my schooltime not that detailed in years but overall the experiences were really great.
leaves 2017-2019
2017 was fucking awful but tought me some things
2018 didn't suck but it wasn't amazing. I had some neat moments. 2019 till now has been great even though it's quite the trainwreck. Whatever, I like it that way and I learn something about myself

I honestly do not (at least not at the moment) have the words to describe how sad that is. The highlight of your life being shitposting, and even worse, on Jow Forums. I'm sorry buddy but you should probably kys right now.

>10/11 - 5/10

>11/12 - 6/10

>12/13 - 7/10

>13/14 - 9/10

>14/15 - 9/10

>15/16 - 9.5/10

>16/17 - 4/10

>17/18 - 9/10

>18/19 - 6/10 so far.

Image not realted.

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It felt good to be part of a movement, even if it was online. There was a real reaction from people in government and media to what we were doing. I pity you if you think that's sad

well fom what you have writtent it seems things have been improving so gl&hf in 19

>judges and labels someone he doesn't know on the internet and tells him to kill himself because he is happy about something

What the fuck is your problem bitch?

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You were part of what is called a psyop.

No need, I feel way better about my life by just reading about yours. Seriously, it's beyond sad. I hope you're still young so that if you don't kys (which I still advocate) you have time left to achieve something of actual value. Any actual value.

2016 and 18 were the worse, fuck these years, 19 is also being shit

thanks also I just laid back and tried to remember some details about those times because I thought I'd go full early alzheimers now, but the nostalgia was real.
I'd say only 2017 was really shitty, and that's probs because nothing happened aside from getting fired and the start of my depression

If your life is so great why are you on here pestering me? You're just a failed normalfag who doesn't belong here if you think anything out in the normie world is worth shaming me over

>my l-life is great HAHA I m-mean when I compare it to yours heh

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interesting on how everyone is saying the latter half of the 2010's were much worse than the first half. proof everyone on this board is 16 and just went through childhood bliss for the first half of the decade?

it wasn't childhood bliss it was youthful optimism. now we're getting old and we're seeing ourselves be replaced by a younger generation.

2010 great
2011 good
2012 good
2013 okay
2014 okay
2015 shit
2016 shit
2017 good
2018 shit
2019 shit

My memories of each year
10) adventure time & regular show
11) seth rogan movies
12) youtube lets plays, gangam style, & minecraft
13) frozen & old school meme culture like rage faces
14) isis terrorism & BLM
15) rise of dank memes
16) youtube drama/commentary channels, memes, & the election of Donald Trump and MAGA
17) jake paul & soundcloud rappers
18) white nationalsim/anti zionism & chan culture

How much do you guys relate to mine? Oh how so much has changed

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you're a zoomer arn't you?

Yes, that is correct, sir

2010 good
2011 ok
2012 bad
2013 bad
2014 bad
2015 terrible
2016 terrible
2017 terrible
2018 terrible
2019 terrible so far

I discovered Jow Forums in 2014, it all went downhill from there.

My god, i forgot vine. Meh, I'll make another version somewhere else

lmao good joke friend
i get it
because thats not really a year in the 2010s
well memed my fri3nd

2010 good
2011 okay
2012 hell
2013 shit
2014 okay
2015 shit
2016 cringey hell, although a bit fun
2017 hell
2018 hellfire
2019 shit

2009-2011 were probably the best years of my life. I feel like I could fall over and die any day now. I don't feel like myself anymore

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2010 that shitty oil crisis and a great winter
2011 trend addictions in school including beyblade and yugioh, 13 back then
2012 2012, more trends, church
2013 best new years eve ever and a generally great summer, ireland trip
2014 got into movies, teachers wouldnt stop throwing refugees and brexit at us
2015 YT and general internet culture, school finishing tour
2016 trump
2017 depression, getting into paranormal shiet because of the YT channels that started popping up
2018 best (only good) party night in my life and more depression

I have been strangely out of contact with pop culture for most of the time

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2010 - Bah, I spent most of the summer at the sitting in the back room of a sandwich bar

2011 - Fairly good year, BF3 came out and I was still a sperglet in primary school

2012 - The year I left primary and started secondary, this is about the point that things started going downhill

2013 - Pretty much a shut in by this point, looking back I'm pretty sure this was the first time I had depression because of how little I fitted in at school; sleep deprivation and constant panic attacks etc

2014 - can't remember much good coming out of it other than moving school, it was a pretty non year for me

2015 - Still not much going for me, although the end of the year was ok, about the time I really start getting into music

2016 - Started going back down, although painfully so. I just let myself slide into the abyss

2017 - Oh god oh fuck why is this happening? This is probably the worst year for me out of all of them. Seemingly constant failure and inability to get simple things right. I made a really half arsed suicide attempt in about November, by which point I'd really had enough

2018 - Meh, things don't get massively better but life becomes tolerable again. The downside is now I'm fat and empty inside

2019 - About to take A level exams and it feels like I've just slid back into a bout of depresso espresso fretting about doing well. I have an offer from a good uni and I just don't want to let my parents down. Last year I made a promise to my great grandmother that I'd get into one before she died

Is it really too much to ask just to be happy?

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how do you fags remember all the details about when what happened?
I remember a ton about the last decade but not exactly in which years. I remember almost everything but it's convoluted as fuck

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2010 - 7/10
was still a kid at this time so I played lots of vidya and had fun, but even then I had a feeling things were becoming worse
2011 - 6/10
first year of high school, became anxious, had trouble adapting and home life was strictly vidya, but still hopeful and excited for what the future holds
2012 - 5/10
started playing skyrim and WoW 5-9 hours a day, otherwise same as last year
2013 - 6/10
start underperforming at school, start developing unhealthy habits like going to sleep at 4am and quitting sports
2014 - 5/10
parents divorce, home life awful, start to really struggle at school and notice how behind I am to everyone else when it comes to milestones, at least I made a couple new friends
2015 - 3/10
every single day is a bad day, exchanged schools and never adapted to the new one, had no friends and failed every test and exam before dropping out, immediately becoming a NEET
2016 - 4/10
spend the whole year NEETing, wondering what just happened and what went wrong
2017 - 3/10
NEET all year, start wondering if I will always be like this, spend every day wishing for better without doing anything about it
2018 - 5/10
NEET up until getting my first job in august, I see the light and slowly start improving myself, realise I was the one holding myself back all these years
2019 - 6/10
lost job but the fire from 2018 is not dead, am more confident than ever and try to improve myself every day, but will never get over the wasted time over the last decade

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Hard to say, I've just always remembered stuff from when I was really young. Like the first time I danced to music (18 months), the band in question being Joy Division.

In all honesty, it's getting harder to remember everything so I should really start recording it.

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2020 - projected 8/10
I'm at university and have an easy part-time job I love working at. I have friend circles and hobbies that I enjoy in my free time.

I try remember what grade I was in

2016 was honestly a great fucking year for internet culture. Enjoyable vidya (The Division, BF1, Doom 4, etc) and the whole Trump spergery, shit was fun
Rest of the decade, especially 2017-19, was fucking miserable

The 2010's are actually a hellscape. Everything went to shit in the 2010's and the innocent fun dried up to be replaced by political bullshit where everyone takes themselves ultra seriously