
Attached: Thin Privilege - Not detonating tank mines.jpg (1280x1280, 211K)

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This is who you argue with on Jow Forums

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>argue with on Jow Forums
>argue on Jow Forums

Have you guys noticed fat """people"""" have completely souless eyes ? my theory is that only the ones without a soul or with an extremely weak soul would reach such a disgracefull state

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wait but I'm 224 lbs

At a healthy weight an infantry member will weigh over 220 with all their gear

Wtf I'm 6'5

I weigh 175 naked, in full kit I weigh between 215 and 230 depending on what our loadout is.

No human weighs enough to trigger an anti tank mine

What vehicle of lesser importance weighs 220lbs. A fucking bicycle? Lmao

Another alt-rightcel looking for a "traditional" woman. Little does she know she's probably getting stuffed by Chad.

First off while the 220lb det pressure might have been true for ww1 anti-vehicle mines, modern anti-vehicle mines have det pressures of 300-2000bs of force on the trigger. Some mines have variable triggers, so for example you can set the pressure lower to detonate a truck, or set it higher to detonate under a tank or cargo truck in a convoy.

Also, the weight of a vehicle is distributed among its points of contact on the ground, so while no vehicle is 220lbs, a single tire of a truck on a mine is only 1 out of 4 points of contact, and weight load on each tire can be different at different moments due to the suspension

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It depend what you use. Some countrys use just plastic caps that break under weight, and that press trigger. Those ones are what break under 100kg. It depends how close you are to Soviet union, closer you were more anti tank mines you have. Becouse you dont use them just sparingly and tactically, you fill your country side whit them to stop invasion. Better pressure triggers cost more money then most basic trigger and plastic cap.

Sure some fat fucker will be blown to bits but that's win win situation to everyone.

Hello Jow Forums I just moved to America. Texas has been... a ride awakening. These people are real. They exist. It hurts to see but the stories are for you
>new roommates all meet (6 girls sharing big house)
>me, short thin gymnast
>my favorite girl is much taller and super super fit sweetheart into plants and games. She is little chubby but huge quads is very strong girl and soft spoken. I love her.
>all other girls taller then me shorter than her. All very fat. No one else beside just us two works out
>first week we set up cupboards space we all can have already girls upset not enough space
>same in bathroom all other girls need hair dyes and makeup everywhere. New friend and I don't do much i have things for my curly hair and she wear mascara only we share our space to shut them up
>I love baking and sugary sweets make coffee and scones for our first morning and make extra to take in my new job
>they eat all my scones even those was packed away
>next night am talking with new friend interested her fitness she has such very strong legs I am weak legs more upper body strong
>big girls come with pizza to watch tv but keep quiet the sound instead start talking health in every size
>ask me if regret gymnastics because looking still 12 years old (I do not have boobs true but am very wide hips like mother is very feminine adult thing my opinion)
>friend not liking they say this says she wish she could be my size and all other girls say noooo you look good (i agree with this very much) but then say how she looks like woman with curves real women curves talk like sjw tumblr girls saying
>she become very mad saying she is wanting lose weight and I have curve more feminine because can see not hiding in fats
>they become very angry and take away pizza to backyard and my friend apologize to me we are becoming very close
I am bad making greentext is not Jow Forums but I like here you guys laugh fat stupid people I now have many stories for you these girls they very angry stupid babies

come on dude. if you post shit like this you have to post your body with a timestamp

please stop writing like this. It hurts to read.

Are you Russian?

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post delicious flat chest

Come on. Jeeps with humans can easily weigh above 100 kilos.

>I now have many stories
post 'em


step hard with one foot and you're probably over 220 lbs of pressure tho

based foreign thicc momma, can you be my wife?

currently serving in the finnish millitary and our mines require 150kg.

a lot of buff natty dudes who are like 17% bf are around 100 kg

my sister unironically believes in fat genes how do i save her

Attached: I_ve_got_your_genetics_right_here.jpg (600x900, 142K)

There no saving fat foid who believe fat gene. Best you can do is go fit as fuck and ask how can you be fit as fuck.

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A normal sized soldier carrying gear could set off an anti tank mine?

Thanks for the intel bro

You don't,if your sister doesn't have the willpower to change yourself then no one will help her achieve it.

>racists are dumb for shitting on people based how they look
>shit on people based on how they look
why are leftards such retards?

Obesity is not caused by overeating. It is a disease: There is a protein in your fat cells that collapses and makes the cells permanently stuck in suck in as much fat as possible, do not release. (it is not very dissimilar from how proteins fail in alzheimers)

You cannot cure it by starving yourself, nothing will work. Sometimes it fixes on its own, which is the reason why many people promote so many conflicting, sure way to lose fad diets, as fat people try to diet constantly and think that whatever they were trying at the moment worked, but it is not so.

That even includes keto, as when the problem fixes itself, you suddenly have a massive accesible store of calories and on0yl need to eat protein to repair the tissues damaged by the starvation, so you want to eat protein and nothing else. If you try to force keto on yourself it won't work.

Trying to starve yourself (CICO, intermittent fasting, fasting) won't work, you only starve yourself more as the fat tissues absorb all the fat you eat and won't release it. High carb, low (near zero) fat diet may somewhat diminish the weight gain, but it won't cure it and won!t work forever either. Trying to cure by eating less won't make you thin, you may starve yourself to death while you still carry all the fat. It's pointless. Wait for a cure.


nuclear cope

don't listen to these shitters;
it's your fucking sister, you need to give your best to save her. be methodic, persisent, and think of how much good you'd do to her in the long run. You're literally saving her life.
Do it! There's enought literature on the internet that you can introduce her to, eventually she'll get the big picture.Also, be supportive, encourage her to get an active lifestyle, go to the gym with her, offer to monitor her diet. Don't mock her, most importantly.
Good luck!

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just tell her that her genes are weak, and she's gonna be removed from the gene pool. Literally evolution.

She'll eventually drop the "muh genes" talk

>if you post fatties and criticize right wingers you must post your body
>everyone can just post fat feminazis

You gotta know that we hate zionism and jews, so we don't support Trump.


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Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

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Yeah I'm not sure why anyone thinks 100 kg is much especially if it needs to not trigger from "less important vehicles".

You do realize that this is an actor who has been hired by leftist photographers to make the alt-right look bad, right?

Barf in my mouth

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> what were concentration camps
Also, nice b8 m8

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> big picture

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Do you have any source for your claims?

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>155/127 blood pressure
Jesus christ, that's about twice as high as mine.

I do know of a cure.
>concentration camps
People in the concentration camps did not suffer from obesity (and they would be among the first to die if they did)

>Teleports behind you
>removes your wallet
>nothing personnel goyim
>remember the 6 quadrillion

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Why would I hate that fat kid? He looks fucking based

>be thot I went to highschool with
>used to be pretty good looking
>couldn't describe her as fat but she was no skelly and had fat in the right places
>was objectively attractive physically but terrible personality, typical "basic bitch"
>after highschool became e-thot
>built up a pretty big following
>actually makes a living from it
>income consists of neetbux and donations from beta soibois
>pretty good income too, can afford expensive clohing and drives a porsche
>yet only work she does is posting pics and betas eat it all up
>but it was never to last
>been happening at a slow rate but she's really been packing on the pounds over the years
>maybe only approx 3lbs a year but it all adds up
>slowly but surely her looks are fading due to becoming fatass
>even with filters and every camera trick in the book + only posting face pics she is now visibly fat
>cheeks are puffy and bloated + skin is looking saggy as fuck, even with high angles you can tell theres a double chin
>used to have a new boyfriend every few weeks but single for a while now, looks were all she had but now they're gone
>thot is losing followers and donations quickly, even betafags have standards apparently
>e-thottery now no longer brings enough money so needs a real job or betabux
>trouble is she wont take betabux, typical fat chick who wants ripped 6'3" rich chad with 10/10 face
>so has to work
>in her 20s with no training/qualifications nor any work experience because all she has done over the years is e-thottery
>lmao cleans toilets at mcdonalds now and betas dont care about her anymore, they moved on to higher quality thots
>poor as fuck now too, back to living with parents and had to sell car

Anyone know similar thots who couldn't sustain a career in thottery?

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>race is the same as being a fatass

her mom is matt kroc

>Anyone know similar thots who couldn't sustain a career in thottery?
Literally all of them. There are no retirement plans in the thot industry, so unless they have enough beta bux saved up they end up destitute without exceptions.

You sound russian,are you by chance?

your bloodpressure is critically low fren

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>and they would be among the first to die if they did

I know, most of the time it is around 90/55 and 100/60 or something like that.

So your telling me that 60% of americas adults developed the same disease in the span of like 50 years? A disease so debilitating to the body, that it dies bevore releasing it's stored energy?


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> Defending incel whale
Seething Jow Forumsster. Go back to your containment board. Muh, liberals — I’m libertarian.

Unless they get into the business for a specific goal, people that literally whore themselves out very rarely think of the future.

Fresh carb filled pasta

Did you use google translate or what?

But belle Delphine was smart enough to make money and leave at the correct time,again not all e thots are smart like her

She has terrible form. Feet should be planted straight not curving out. Hand should be in mat. Hips need to be square. She's not doing anything in this pose.

Yes. Not just americans though, it has spread over half of the world by now. (There is a cause and it isn't too much food.) You are shaming people for disease that is not their fault.

Bump for feet

Yep, thottery can earn enough if you're prudent with your finances.

Bumping for fatty hate

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for some reason the two loaves of bread disgusts me the most

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Would it be sensible if I were to attempt to bulk on frying oil? I'm seriously mirin the sheer mass of this guy and think it might be worth following in his footsteps

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I have seen similar posts here. I think someone is training an AI to shit post or something. Soon it is going to pass any Turing test

>Leeaboos look like this
no surprises

he probably clogged up every toilet they had

I've met a few fat people who weren't like this but they were sweet older women, grandma types, not moronic 24 year old haes bitches. But yeah, the haes fats have those creepy dead looking eyes

Brother to a clinical alcoholic here, and I'll tell you, it's a little column A column B. Do what you can. She's blood, family, try to make her see the light and be truly happy. But you have to understand that at the end of the day, no one is going to change her but herself. You cannot help her unless she wants help. Do what you can, but, painful as it may be, recognize when it is out of your hands and don't let her drag you down with her.

Found the hamgalaxy

>literally thrown out

Most likely you would just end up shitting oil out. Your body has only certain amount bile to digest fat. But you could get good bulk on what you can digest.

>suing an all you can eat buffet after being kicked out
fucking simpsons leaking into reality

stop eating fatty

I already have the cure. The results are amazing (I tried it myself), I can barely stomach some juice for the vitamins, Fatty and sugary food disgusts me, I basically only crave high-protein foods. I have little doubt that I am right about how it works.

you too:

Then fatties shouldn't breed

this should be considered a crime.

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Sounds like you have klinefelter's

Actually, this (me) is who (you) argue with on Jow Forums. BTFO

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Imagine working a normal job and building career experience while e-thotting on the side just to fill up the Ira, would be nice

This is your brain on Keto

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Lmao every time you post your pic it's alongside a sad pathetic line of text, often trying to prove how big and tough of a guy you are. Yeah dude you're super huge nice job big guy :) proud of you xx

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Not hate per se. But this picture pisses me off slightly. Two girls. Same genes. Sisters pretty much the same age. Same oportunities. Why would you be fat?

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Fucking manlets, always acting out

>coping this hard

post bodies

they must be drug addicts or something on top of it. at least it reminds me of the people who fetishize doing all the socially wrong stuff, so drugs are a natural choice along with everything else.
as fucked as this is, in a strange way it's better than the people who do it to themselves but are convinced they will be fine, or find some way to blame it on others. not totally unlike all the people who die doing extreme shit, but completely embrace the likelihood of their death. of course, there's no physical upside here, just permanent decrepitness, pure anti-fit.

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>it has spread over half of the world by now
how is it transmitted?
you can't just say all this bullshit without providing ANYTHING