Be child

>be child
>get molested
>tell mom about it
>says it's okay everyone gets molested as a kid it's not a big deal
>grow up
>tfw it turns out getting molested was a super big deal
>tfw it turns out it caused a lot of major problems and fucked me up in a lot of ways

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Green text your molestation

So basically your mom probably get molested and dealt with it in a super weird and super fucked up way, and passed that onto you? Was she a single mother?

It sounds like you enjoyed it if you allowed it to continue

Stop crying about a little blip in the past, move on and stop blaming others for your own problems

So you had sex pretty much and you are damaged by it? I would love to get molested

Why make a thread if you don't even respond?

OP here, it wasn't a small blip it was a BBC. Have some sympathy

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Meant to respond toOriginsllllllll

Do you crave BBC now?

That sounds pretty gay user why did you suck it?

I didn't he molestered me

>small blip

when you get molested or raped as as child THATS IT YOU'RE DONE. Your development is always going to be skewed, you develop weird habits and neurosis'. As you get older you have sexual dysfunction and trust issues.

OP i wonder, how many friends do you have and how old are you?

whats worse is looking back and seeing how much of your life was dictated and affected by the molestation itself. Its not as bad until you realize you coulda been a more functional human being if you werent molested.

One of the things I dislike about rape/csa organizations is the fact they go around sexual abuse survivors that their lives are ruined after being molested.

Telling people they will forever be fucked up and unable to forge healthy romantic relationships with other people is a self fulfilling prophecy. Unless you were sadistically mentally/physically abused and received physical injuries, you should stop believing these crazed feminists who claim rape is the worst thing that can possible be done to a person.

I was molested, but it was in a non violent context. I fucking hate and despise pedophiles, and the person who molested me can rot in hell for all I care, but I am just grateful I wasn't physically harmed in the process of my sexual abuse, and I refuse to buy into all that negative victimhood shit. At the same time, your mom was a bitch for not caring, and the person who moelsted you should have had all contact with you immediately cut off and they should have been punished according to law.

Is there a statute of limitations where you are? Most pedophiles have numerous victims and it's likely whoever molested you also went on to molest other kids.

>Telling people they will forever be fucked up and unable to forge healthy romantic relationships with other people is a self fulfilling prophecy.

I don't think many people actually say this. Also, stop gatekeeping.

They do and then it leads to viewpoints like this
with victims thinking they are unlovable or psychologically 'broken'.

And that's not gatekeeping, retard. Learn to think with nuance.

>Mom basically pimps me to her boss
>Then and now, has never acted like anything was wrong about it and acts like I'm the bad guy if I'm upset by it

Even her boss has admitted wrong and apologized, not like it makes it better but mom hasn't.

"People should whine about non-violent sexual abuse, now if you were beaten on top of being molested/raped, THEN you have a legitimate reason to feel upset" is pretty textbook gatekeeping. is gatekeeping???

Oh look, another feminist who uses dumb buzzwords like gatekeeping and gaslighting to try and lend validity to their retarded statements. I don't know how you stumbled onto r9k. Go back to lolcow where you belong you dumb roastie. Moo.

dude, my perspective that grew out of my molestation was only in hindsight and made sense after seeing a psychologist. Many of my problems can be directly linked to being molested. I dont trust people, i couldnt have sex for the longest time and i was triggered by the most simply of things regarding sex and relationships.. i was a kid man, all my behaviors were learned and directly affected by being molested. why dont you read up on childhood psychology before tell people that they should just be normal.

So did you pass penis inspection day or not?

Saying that x problem isn't serious, and that people don't have a right to feel upset unless their problems reach y level of severity. At its worst, this can result in incidents like this one girl who survived a school shooting being told she didn't have PTSD because she didn't fight in a war.