How big can i get with two 33 lbs dumbbells?

how big can i get with two 33 lbs dumbbells?

Attached: 1472797886199.jpg (240x201, 10K)

pretty big if you use those for weighted chin ups

you get big by eating at a caloric surplus , getting enough protein, and progressive overload, once the 33s are easy to you there will be no point in using them

Tie them both your cock bb

wtf how do i strap dumbbells on myself are you crazy

wrap your cock around them

well what if i just lift them A LOT of times even if they are a bit easy
surely that will help me build muscle?

use your strap on you use for your dildo

sounds like you have it all figured out then, best of luck and keep us updated

That will give you some good tendinitis

im asking questions because i dont know

Seriously, you can get pretty nice. I mean you won't be arnold but you'll look alright. Reminder that every barbell exercise can be done with dumbbells and that you can use them for shit like calve raises to help with leg gains too

yeah ive looked at programa so i think im set there
its just that im not sure how far i can go with those 33 lbs dumbbells
i guess i could buy some more but its a bit expensive for me

you have to keep progressing with more weight, you're actually creating micro tears in the muscle and when you rest the next day your body builds the muscle bigger to compensate, but again, you don't get big by lifting weights alone, you have to have a caloric surplus and enough protein and not eat just garbage

read the sticky to get a basic understanding of how this works

People can get set off of bodyweight exercises only, you'll be fine.

i dont know how to read

i think using "big" was the wrong word
can a 6 ft guy look, for example, even close to pic related using what i have? ignore the body fat, i'm aware of that

Attached: image_search_1565053329550.jpg (866x1300, 105K)

dude that's not natty

no lmao dude cmon

what gives it away

what about the arms (size)

>what gives it away
everything. pic related is natty peak

Attached: body_fit_main.jpg (1280x960, 358K)

You'd be lucky to have arms that big in 2 years of a full gym

shit alright, i'll see what i end up with
thanks for the help

thats really nice too, id prefer that over the one i posted

No, you couldn't get close to that

grip one of them between your footsies.