Last one hit bump limit Where should one's lifts be by the time they "move on" from a beginner routine like SS or SL into something like Madcow or a PPL split?

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1st for Zyzz

To get my test levels checked (wondering if an imbalance is giving me gyno), can that just be done in a standard doctor's appointment or do I need a referral to an endocrinologist?


Carrying over from other thread: >150lb 5'9" thicc jogger highschool gf became 210lb slampig wife over the course of 6 years
>still hit it with the might of a thousand suns bcuz test levels are all sorts of wack, but she's not in the mood as often because she's unhappy being a chub
How do I into couples fitness so I can hold her more accountable and help her slim back down?

Is there any combination of lifts/machines to replace a Deadlift? I'm not a fan of Deadlifts.

you could do those wack ass lifts where you put all the weights on one side of the bar and lift it with the floor as the fulcrum

What core exercises should I do?

I like crunches and planks.

Why are curls so hard? This is where i dont progress. Either by weight or volume. Ive been staying on the same weight and only small changes on reps.

Is this okay as long as my biceps get tired? Since im aiming for hypertrophy

>go on 2 mile walk
>get home, go on pull up bars
>do 3 unimpressive pull ups
>grandma is outside trying to coax her cat into the house
>looks at me
>says "why do you do all that stuff"

what is even the fucking proper response to this question

curious as to if anyone noticed improvements in gains after adjusting/fixing their sleeping patterns from bad (under 6 or so) to normal?

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Oh my god this is literally my whole family to me when i started working out last month its really getting annoyinf

How do you progress on PPL? I would imagine you'd only be able to progress on a couple of the lifts of each workout. Like on pull day, I'd assume you could progress a bit each workout on deadlift, but that the weight you're curling at the end would be extremely difficult to progress on. Is this okay? Or should you be increasing the weight of each exercise in each workout?

because its fun or because I enjoy it?

shes a grandma bro cmon

Give it to me straight, doc, is the loose skin ever going to go away?

What's your best chicken and rice recipe for meal prep?

How do you deal with brain fog lads? Been feeling a bit anxious lately and have noticed I have had a tougher time conversating or recalling words. Sort of feel spaced out.

To answer OP, get to 1/2/3/4

That's not right though. Everyone is different. If you weight 150kg then you're numbers will probably be higher than if you weigh 60kg.

Is it a good idea to use yohimbine if I'm /fat/? Just want to use to help me break through some plateaus

"Because I like it."
"Because I like improving myself."

Say it in a curt and authoritative tone of voice like it's a stupid fucking question (since it is) and ignore her if she tries to say anything further.

>look at gril at gym
>she looks back for a couple seconds
should I go for it?

>says "why do you do all that stuff"

What she really meant to say
>You look like shit
>Do you even lift

You should post about it on Jow Forums before doing anything.

Very low carb diet (50g of less) and fasting

If I just sprint consistently for 600 meters everyday, would I be able to reach 30-40 seconds in a 300 meters sprint? Not looking for techniques, just pure running, would it work?


Anyone ever have sharp pain in their palm when bench pressing? Came out of nowhere. The middle of my palm gets a really sharp pain when I do heavy bench reps. Feels like a pinched nerve. Wat do?

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I get that during ohp senpai, don't know what to do

Are my knees permanently fucked? I began feeling pain after squatting last Sunday. My knees pop the second I go below parallel, but I don't feel any real pain until I try to go ATG.

If I was to go to a gym and pay a PT or however it works to teach me how to lift with correct form, how would I know if he's any good or I'm pissing money away? Should I deliberately bench press with bad form and see if he corrects it?

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Is there such thing as a disproportionately large head or it's just my body dysmorphia attacking me again?

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How autistic would it be to get a Jojo star tattoo?

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Do it anyway.

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, is there any musculature on the lower, outside part of a butt? Or is it just a fat deposit area?

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How do I turn into sam hyde? I'm a 5'11 twig.

Can anybody redpill me on what the science behind supersets is and how they help grow muscles? Just want to understand the behind the scenes and if they actually work

Hypertrophy is better when the time between sets is less, but mainly they just save time

It shall be done.

It’s just a way of cutting rest times from your workouts. Since bench press and squats don’t work any of the same muscles, you can do squats while your upper body rests, and bench while your legs rest. That way you essentially cut the time to do both in half.

Does dip affect dick health? Or only cigarette?

>"For Glory."

brahs how do i fix a broken heart

By lifting iron.

But seriously, distract yourself with anything positive. Lifting, friends, hobbies.

My right arm is much weaker than my left arm. Wat do

no matter how busy I keep myself during the day, it all fucking comes back when i go to sleep

Drink as much liquor as possible before sleep

swithc out barbell exercises for dumbbell exercises till its balanced

Nicotine is a vascular dialator, so both dip and cigs will make your peepee go down. Just quit both man, they’re a waste of money and you’re destroying your mouth/lungs/dick for literally no benefit. It’s not hard either, I quit dip cold turkey, felt off for 2 days and have been fine since. It’s a non-fucking issue, do it faggot.

bros how do i get rid of loose skin on my chest ? it sags a lot, would decline bench work?

Audiobooks. I end up listening to audiobooks in drives or going to sleep so i don’t have to hear myself think.

Alcohol used to do it for me, but I quit that. Almost 3 years without alc now. Proud of it, but it’s daily battle. Fee like a total degenerate admitting to that.

Audiobooks my friend. YouTube stuff for free. Just finished grapes of wrath. Fantastic book.

Will do, thanks

thanks man, sounds alot better than alcohol
i'll try it out

come on now, someone has to know what I'm talking about.

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Is my beginner routine good?

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100%. It's hard to fix but once you start sleeping 8 hours regularly you'll find yourself getting up at a normal time and getting sleepy consistently in the evenings.

>For a price

Literally any fried rice recipe

vitamin D, better sleep, and maybe maintenance cals for a few days.

if you're truly fat you don't need a drug to lose weight. your body is practically begging you to drop pounds.

Your grip is putting too much pressure on your bones, either pinching a nerve or muscle. Make sure you have the bar evenly loaded on the thicker part of your palms near your thumb. Feel around and see what's the most stable/comfortable.

sounds like bad form amigo

The short of this question is "a local gym PT is never worth a dime of your money". You'll be adjusting your form for months no matter what, even when other people say you're doing it correctly. So just start and adjust as you go until you get it right.

GOMAD twice a day, then go to a local crime ridden area, scream nigger, and cry on the internet about how you were treated unfairly.

No, dips are for you shoulder-

oh. Yeah probably.

You can't fix it, but you can let it heal bro. I'm still not over mine but I'm dating now at least.


What's wrong with it?

gimmicky bench and OHP sets that are pointless for a beginner. I don't why all of you fuckers are so adverse to just doing one of the programs in the sticky that have worked for hundreds of thousands of people and are just better versions of the dumbass programs you try to come up with yourselves despite being inexperienced DYELs

Bench and OHP suck for me. I stalled basically instantly, even when eating more.
>I don't why all of you fuckers are so adverse to just doing one of the programs in the sticky that have worked for hundreds of thousands of people
According to former SS coach Jordan Feigenbaum only 2% of people who did the novice program did it correctly

wondering the same. i moved up to 'strength reps', high weight low reps and it never got easier, i dropped to a comfortable 8-10 rep range weight now

>Bench and OHP suck for me. I stalled basically instantly, even when eating more.
Yeah, OHP is kind of the hardest lift for a reason. And benching is all about the form. Higher reps at lower weight, especially after you've already done your """""heavy""""" sets isn't going to give you any advantage, it's just gonna tire you out.
>According to former SS coach Jordan Feigenbaum only 2% of people who did the novice program did it correctly
your point being?

Have you considered that you may have poor curl form and are cheating your reps? That would lead to stalling on them.

how do you guys note progress? i.e. for bb squat i currently write weight added, so 2x45 plates i would write 45lb each side, do you add the bar? should i write 90+45 = 135lb squat? or 90lb squat? AAAAHHHH

a based excel sheet or something similar i canuse on my phone during a workout would be EXCELlent hagfhjahf

>your point being?
Everybody modifies beginner programs; everybody. What it means is that 98% of people who did SS ended up changing the program, but still called it SS as to appease the cult and continue propagating the program. My progress sucked. I added in more sets, and now my progress has gotten better; is that a bad thing? All I'm doing is the same as what everybody else did

I personally just record the weight I add to the bar and remember to add 45 lbs on top of that when reporting stats. I like the app jefit to help record my lifts.

>My progress sucked.
I'm guessing you didn't even let your progress stall before changing the program. You're lifting newbie numbers as is.

You don't even attempt to counter anything I said. You're just another SS cult member

see: >Higher reps at lower weight, especially after you've already done your """""heavy""""" sets isn't going to give you any advantage, it's just gonna tire you out.

You have no idea what you're doing so just stick to the program. Most plateaus this early on can be fixed in form correction or diet. After that start adding in additional exercises, then consider switching to a more advanced beginner program.

I worked night shift for last 2 years, approx. 3 12hour nights a fortnight. Stopped a few weeks ago.
Stopping that shit feels like I’m waking up from a bad dream. I’ve stopped craving junk food, no more mood swings, the niggling sense of encroaching doom has gone, I can concentrate again.
My workouts are WAY better and I feel more energised. More reps are easier and I’ve made gains on all big 4.
My case is extreme but for sure there would be more marginal improvements available for people with a slightly less fucked up sleep schedule.

Maybe retarded question but do tendons need you to be in caloric surplus like muscle to grow stronger or can you get stronger tendons whilst on cut?

Are lat raises a meme?

taking a week off lifting because i'm under too much stress w/ work and feel like shit all the time
when i get back into it, i feel like trying a new diet approach. eating a shit load of carbs is making me feel nauseous and shitty

is it possible/sensible to try and gain muscle as a pretty skinny guy (5'11 160ish lb) and only having carbs post-workout? like making up the rest of the calories with milk? would this also help me lose the lil pocket of fat on my belly?

Lmao same it really is fucking hard but all i care is about bigger arms but im not sure if just doing it to failure even if its the same weight will make it bigger

What does it mean if I'm getting stronger but staying at the exact same weight- 143Lb. at 5'10(yes I'm a newbie)

it means you're getting stronger but staying at the exact same weight. if youre an absolute beginner you will recomp (if eating at maintenance) i.e drop fat gain muscle
if you want to get bigger, eat bigger although you will gain fat.

I've made an effort to eat more but my metabolism is retard mode, and I'm still figuring out how much I need to consume. If I'm only eating to maintenance will I keep getting stronger, even if weight dosent go up? Definitely not going through recomp, started as a twig.

If my squat increases at the same rate as deadlift, but I only deadlift every other workout, won't my squat overtake my deadlift?

I need halp
>having trouble locking my shoulder (only one) in place
>mainly during bench/push excercises
>push the shoulder out when locking out on bench etc
>this fucks up my shoulder constantly
What could be causing it? It's not that I'm lifting too much weight I think, because my other shoulder is okay 90% of the time

tldr: problems with scapular retraction, but only one one side

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I won't have access to a gym during the next months, I can set-up a barbell rack and an adjustable bench + dumbbells and I'm looking for a good bodybuilding focused workout plan for such equipment. Getting tired of SS, something like 3/4 times a week would be great.

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If I'm a seemingly healthy, young male who gets a reasonable amount of exercise (cycles to work at a physical job), would it be at all possible to injure my heart from doing running? I'm trying to work my way up to running 5km in less minutes and according to my shitty fitness watch my heart rate is hitting levels of 195BPM.

Seeing that spooked me so I've dropped the pace dramatically and have started working on doing longer distances at slower speed, but that unfortunately just feels like I'm not pushing myself.

>5km in less minutes
*less than 5 minutes

Why do you think you need a PT to begin with? Unless you are an utter mongoloid like Jason Genova and cant actually do exercises without being cracked by a whip then you should be finding your info from the hundreds of exercise guides and plans on here or elsewhere on the internet

Your shoulder isnt as strong as the one that isnt having problems. This is just from my experience as someone who fucked his left shoulder (ive always have slightly more flexible joints, not double jointed but close so I can pop my shoulder very easily if im not paying attention).

For around a year I struggled with the left shoulder being in danger of collapsing for lack of a better term until I did some isolation exercises to boost its strength.

I actually did dumbbell excercises for my shoulders (they're the most fucked part of my body) when I started lifting because I had a serious imbalance issue.
So it just means I should just do more isolation excercises? Which ones are good to strengthen the lockout?

Thanks for advice/shared experience user

When I externally rotate my arm I feel pain in the part where the side of the arm(side tricep ?) connects with the shoulder.

Any ideas of what's happening and how to fix it ?

One of my FwB's and I got frisky. I was hitting it quasi-doggy style for a long time. Then she broke out the dildos and actual for real Bad dragon toys. So I'm riding one of those while still pounding her hardcore. 12 hours later I'm absolutely wiped out. My hips hurt and my legs are sore as fuck. Like just went hiking for 5 miles, uphill, wearing a full ruck, at a brisk pace, no break sore. It's hurts to flex my thighs I mean when she got the toys out I went from a back and forth motion to an up and down motion while she handled the back and forth. Essentially doing body weight squats for 15 minutes. I'm far from fat though and squat 3 pl8.

Why the fuck are my legs so sore if I can lift far more than just body weight?

is that weight on each side? how do you only bench 135 but put up 125 on ohp???

You got fucked in the butt and used the muscles in a way you aren't used to

Maybe. We used a much larger toy than I'm used to. But I've been doing buttstuff since 11 years old. Whatever, all I know is that this is the first time in a while I had to break out the icy hot.

I am a complete fucking retard when it comes to cooking, when the chicken breast turns from pink to white on my pan does it mean its ready?

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if strengthstandards says my bench 1rm is 100kg, could I conceivably load that up and hit it first try if I've never gone for a max attempt before
currently at 3x5 90kg, 80kg bw

if ur currently doing 3x5 90kg and its not dangerously tough on the first rep i dont see why not

Really? Isn't that pretty late to move on from a beginner routine?

Yes. But make sure it's white all the way through. The trick is to have it done but still juicy.

Try it in the oven too, I think it's easier to cook it there than in a pan. Literally just cut them up in similarly sized pieces, spice, and throw them in.

If you like your chicken well-done like most normies, then yes. I personally prefer my chicken rare or medium rare though.

chicken does not come in rare, medium, etc. it is either fully cooked or will fuck you up, do not listen to the guy above me
t. have been fucked up by chicken cooked by retards

yes, the chicken has to be white all the way through, not just on the outside, you'll probably dry your chicken out in the beginning, but in time you'll learn to cook your chicken perfectly so it will still be juicy while remaining cooked. Also you can just get a crock pot or something and skip the pan part or try making it in the oven

don't listen to this fucktard, there is no such thing as rare or medium rare chicken, pork and chicken both need to be cooked completely to be safe for consumption

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Doesnt that increase the chance of salmonella or some shit tho

It's chicken not salmon

I cooked it in little pieces from a breast and i when i was eating them i was opening them to see if they are white inside, they were unless i am blind, we will see if i die in like 48hrs

you won't die user, the worst thing that might happen is that you'll be feeling sick for a few days. Also, you don't always get sick when eating raw chicken, there's just an increased chance of getting an intestinal infection but it's not like 50/50 you get sick, the chance is small

Also godspeed user, we need more guys learning how to cook instead of just relying on buying premade food or other people cooking for them, great job

Not him but yes it does, it'd be retarded to take the risk too since chicken tastes good when it's done. The risk of salmonella varies a bit based on where the chicken is from though. At least for me my department of health say it's pretty rare to get salmonella from chickens raised in Scandinavia.