Women are taking photographs of black holes right now

>women are taking photographs of black holes right now
>you're sitting in your room complaining about them

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>upper caste person paid for through uni by daddy is successful and lower caste people aren't
imagine my shock
I bet you believe in free will

More like she's looking up photos of BLACK COCKS u retard

>see the words women and black in the same sentence
>assume that this is a thread about women playing with black dude's assholes
All the racebait threads have made me paranoid

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She's a qt. Why are there never any ugly girls in stem?

I bet that balding dude in the back put in some real work over that bitch

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wow she's reaIly cute

complaining about women is something retards do desu.

we wuz newtron and shit

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Because successful people are good looking and ugly people are stupid

He obviously did. Thats why he is balding. He worked his ass off for years and let some bitch cross the finish line without her doing important work

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its not fair bros

>t. ugly and stupid 5'6' manlet.


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who cares nigger its just a big chunk of nothing floating far away and we'll likely never benefit from it

>successful people are good looking and ugly people are stupid
Does that mean that if people tell me I'm smart they think I'm not ugly?


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Seething faggots

>believing its real
lmaoing @ you brainlets

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They may just be nice because they want you to do their homework.
Remember that doing repetive task that require no creativity=/=being smart

>work my entire life and career trying to develop the algorithm from scratch
>some young retarded Ph.D. student comes and types up my finished algorithm
>"OMG! I just developed the algorithm that captures the image of black holes!!!!!!!!!"
>gets another braindead retard to take a photo of her and my black hole image
>uploads on reddit


>They may just be nice because they want you to do their homework.
That's kinda what I was wondering. But most of the time it's the kind of people who do their own homework saying it so I dunno. I guess they're just being nice in general.
>Remember that doing repetive task that require no creativity=/=being smart
Yeah no. Repetitive tasks are definitely not my forte, I'm better understanding stuff and doing technical problem solving.

>I'd rather spend it feeding niggers than unlocking the secrets of God!

all it took was an algorithm created by a single person?

I wanna process an image of her black hole next

I was wondering why it was so blurry and shitty


Also, i'm saving this.

> says upper caste because he's afraid to say Jewish
Yikes lmao

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positive manifold effect

>imagine sitting on your ass and letting male coworkers do all the work in developing the algorithms.
>take all the credit and post a picture of yourself because girl pwrrrr

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Fun fact: They actually captured an image of a planet passing in front of a light source. It's not a black hole at all.

t. Seething subhuman neet

>led the development
>implying the team leader does any of the actual work
Clearly you've never had a job, OP.

Lets be honest. If your parents aren't rich and smart, you're likely genetically worthless too.
Smart people get rich and have genetically smart kids who also do well. The smart-rich correlation has nothing to do with it.

Notice how she's sitting next to a Black guy?

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We should have gotten the image 3 years sooner

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>black scientist
you can see part of his face/glasses to the left of her, he's not black lmfoa

No because it's not true. The dumb bimbo stereotype exists for a reason.

>I'm definitely getting laid tonight
*tips fedora

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t. never seen Kant

Say what you want about thots in stem. They're above you on the societal hierarchy. You were destined to always be subhuman.

>led the development
so she was the "manager" who took all the glory?

>tfw no qt physics gf

so that being said I should become a worthless little pathetic cuck like you ?, no thanks faggot.

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Definitely Black, man. Sorry to break it to you. Just look at that hand.

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You're spewing whiteknight memes as a desperate attempt to try and start a "more alpha than thou" contest. Just stop. I'll say it again: you were destined to be subhuman. No matter how many memes you post, you're still being beaten at life. Keep coping.

This sounds like code janitor work.

No she didn't. She "led the team" that developed the algorithm.

Like most organization with institutional inertia, they promoted her as far away from anything important as humanly possible, and then the internet is all abuzz because she has a vagina and they're sexists.

It's currently sexists on the internet trying to take all the glory away from the team and give it to the person with a vagina, because vagina.

She can respond and remind the bigots that her part was just a portion of a much larger whole... but we'll have to wait and see.

I hope that black hole fucking kills us.

I hope she reads this, bro.

WHOA...... Is that a WOMAN??? How is that possible? Wow, this is powerful, whoa, the future is female

Shut up retarded bottom feeding white knight nigger gorilla, you dumb ass cuck nigger retard ass

Posting this highly relevant and super original image

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you're such a hypocrite dude:

1.you're defending women in the hopes of getting laid.

2. You assume that being a little cuck bitch boy makes you the moral one here.

3. You seriously have no idea how much of an emasculated faggot you are.

Dude you can defend women all you want and be a white knight faggot larger just remember that you will always be alone and no girl is ever going to want to date a little bitch boy like you.

yeah and I'm the one who's "coping".

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>led development
>gets credit as if did all the work
as per usual

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It does work surprisingly well in meme format.

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she actually didn't do shit. some other guy did like 90% of the work

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>being smart = being creative
Found the brainlet

>Compares his inability to even get a gold digging thot to virgin chads that historically rejected women more than once.
I get the dudes coping but come the fuck on

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Ha! like a universal rule

im a brainlet with this stuff, what do those numbers mean?

There is no god you fucking brainlet Jow Forumsack
If that money went to feeding negros instead of that roasties ego it would be money well spent

In an actual lab setting, there were probably at least 5-10 other people putting just as much work in as she did in order to get the picture. Where are their pictures and names?

It's software version control for tracking changes to software code. A "commit" is a chunk of code applied to a project. Green numbers are lines of code added or changed, red numbers are lines removed. The graph represents the dates and corresponding quantities of the changes. It doesn't necessarily reflect the quality of the code, but generally
>numbers = amount of work done
And if you're programming at this level, there's almost certainly a level of quality expected of you, so I'm inclined to believe achael here did the lion's share of the work.

>Do less than a quarter of 1% of the work
>Claim 100% of the credit
The *CLAP* future *CLAP* is *CLAP* female *CLAP*

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>number of commits to a git = how much work you did

Replying to my own comment.
>And if you're programming at this level, there's almost certainly a level of quality expected of you
Disregard this, it's in fucking python, the brainlet of programming languages.

Achael is probably a Rachael

So basically it was probably some 30 or 40 year old white dude or pajeet doing all of the hard work but because of the normie love for women in science she will continue to get all the news attention and end up getting awards and bullshit.

Not unless her name is Andrew.

nevermind I googled it and it's probably Andrew Chael

>The amount of code you wrote has NOTHING to do with how much work you did
Obviously it's possible to just write one million lines of garbage, but I'm going to give the programmers here the benefit of the doubt and suppose the crazy possibility that they were actually doing real work and not just copy-pasting brainfuck.

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>So basically it was probably some 30 or 40 year old white dude or pajeet doing all of the hard work

before everything turns into FUCKIN WOMEN STEALIN SHIT REEE, she mostly worked on the algorithm that the program used to make images from signals. so she isn't just some cd code cd ... retard

andrew chael

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he looks like a future mtf. god bless science trannies

Memes were right again.

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The only stem girls that get attention are the pretty ones. You should see all the ugly ones at my uni.

I'm an atheist. I meant God in the natural sense. It also sounded less gay than 'secrets of the Universe'.

I dont care about this roastie in specific, but I really can't understand if people who get excited over this women in stem shit are being sincere or not. It all feels so fake and like an actual (((agenda))) is being pushed, but i so disconnected from how normal people think that I dont even know.

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This post is superior to every other post ITT. I certify it.

their agenda is to just try to get more women interested in stem, i can't see anything very wrong with that, it's just naive crap. women just really aren't interested in that stuff at all. it's like trying to shill men into becoming nurses, it's just stupid

What the fuck?

Who gives a fuck.

This bitch looks gay as fuck.

not undermining her work and position she had in this thing, but why does she get all the credit in the media? does the media like showing pretty white women for a reason thats unclear for me?
I'd be pissed if I were her colleagues

space isn't real you dumb niggerfaggot

thats what bothers me is that they push for it so hard as if women dont have an equal opportunity to go into stem. ive also noticed that even for the women who are in it, by the time I reached my upper level courses and grad work there are fewer and fewer women, they just dont care about it as much.

Anyone who has been on this board for more than an hour has seen more photos of black cocks than this girl has in her lifetime.

she became the face of this thing because she's a young sort of cute white girl. no one even knows what the other members of the team look like. it's publicity shit.

Because she led the project

she did not lead the project i dont know where you got that from. she worked on a paper with 5 other guys to work on the imaging algorithm.

Holy shit, incel are seething
>woman tech genius

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It says in the title she led the development of the algo

that isn't the entire project lol, that was one part of it

What does her being in an amwf relationship have to do with this at all? Also, the girls do not look remotely similar in those images. Don't kid yourself, this girl doesn't deserve all or even the majority of the credit for the work that has been done.

Keep seething incels. People know Katie is the lead on this project.

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i actually kind of feel bad for this girl, i can't find anything where she's talking her role up. seems like a bunch of fucking cunt feminists found her social media stuff and started posting it everywhere because muh women in stem bravo clap clap. only quote i can find by her is what she wrote to cnn, "No one of us could've done it alone. It came together because of lots of different people from many backgrounds."

How much you want to bet her husband in non-white, too?

1 million dorrars pls

the team deserves credit but that guy is a moron. being named in the top 3 authors of a paper means she did the legwork or the proposals at least, and commits don't mean anything without context