newfag here, any tips on meal prepping, where to start, any sites and reading I can do, anything helps
Newfag here, any tips on meal prepping, where to start, any sites and reading I can do, anything helps
Bro just copy your pic wtf lmao
Fucking cook the shit and put it in containers wtf is wrong with you
cook like 10 chicken breasts and leave them in the fridge
then make rice and eggs every day and a shake
bake all of the chicken at once, so that you don't have to bake it every day
here's what I do:
hone my knife
put chicken breast on cutting board
trim fat
fillet it horizontally so it's 2 thin pieces instead of one thick piece
coat with salt and pepper and other spices
put in a baking pan with some non-starchy veggies, these provide some additional moisture, then cover with foil and bake until done
I then weigh each piece and label it (130g etc) so that I can calculate how much protein I'm getting, if 100g chicken breast is 31g protein then do 31g times 1.3 = 40.3g protein, and then I've got enough veggies for several meals done too
throughout the day I keep track of how much protein and carbs I'm getting because I have specific goals in mind for each, and as you keep trying at this and failing and learning a little more each time, you'll learn things, so basically just start trying and failing asap so you can get good at it someday
Thank you that helped
Oh and what would be a good meal prep for breakfast?
idk never thought about it, I just make breakfast daily, it's my favorite part of the day
I only prep my proteins like fish or chicken, and you could do your rice or whatever too and sort it into tupperware like you always see, but I don't know what I'd do for prepping breakfast, I'm totally cool with cooking eggs daily
you can measure out some non-fat yogurt & fruit/granola. idk what you eat for breakfast, but that's one that you can prep & store. but yeah breakfast is an easier meal to deal, i find
I structure my breakfast, lunch, and dinner all the same. Lean meat, fibrous vegetable, high fiber starch. Some days I won't meal prep, but I try to keep the structure the same.
>tfw I microwave my spicy meal prep and my coworkers start sniffing around my cubicle
overnight oats are a normie meme but actually really good and filling
oats, milk, a little bit of greek yogurt go in a jar, shake that shit up and put in the fridge overnight. add whatever toppings you want in the morning
It's summer, you officially have zero excuses not to grill that chicken
Cook your own dinner and make extra for lunch tomorrow. Easiest meal prep ever
same, dab
Shit can go bad after a few days in the fridge.
I batch prep twice during the week. Two rounds also gives me room for variety - eat same shit for three days, then rotate.
You could also just split half into freezer.
Freezing meals in glass bowls makes it easy to always have healthy shit available. Cook once a week, and freeze what you don't finish.
OMAD is also good if you're very busy.
Fuck you nigges are so autistic that is the key to getting Jow Forums
Breakfast is such a quick meal it seems kind of pointless to meal prep it. Scrambled eggs take 5 minutes or less, oats take 5 min or less, yogurt and oats take 1 minute, cottage cheese and a piece of fruit is zero time. I never have big enough breakfasts to really warrant the time it would take to prep them.
This is what I mostly do.
>Buy chicken breast and some mince
>Slice breast into thinner pieces. And make burgers out of mince.
>Add paprika, pepper, oregano, and basically any powder I can get my hands on EXCEPT salt
>Hit that shit in the oven for around 15 minutes. It comes out well done but still jucy.
>Boil water and put little sweet potatoes and regular potatoes in cubes there.
>Boil some more in another recipient and make some brown rice
>In the same recipient I'm boiling the potatoes, I put some frozen spinach and broccoli to get the steam on and defreeze.
>Previously bought aluminum trays. Make 2 meals with home-made burger, and 4 with chicken breast.
>Make 3 meals with boiled potatoes/sweet potatoes and 3 meals with brown rice.
>Every meal has a small portion of broccoli and spinach all together.
>Put this cardboard tops in the trays and let them sit on the fridge. NOT the freezer.
>Only plan meals for the next 3 days because I dont like freezing my food.
>Label every tray on what it has. Ex "chicken 120g with rice" so I know what I'm getting.
> Even the third day meals are still tasty.
>Don't want to risk it on going too long.
Pic related was carrots that week.
Overnight oats are the shit. Oats, buckwheat, milk, yogurt and protein powder. Mix it up and put in jars. I do my whole weeks worth every Sunday. Can add some fruit if you're not cutting but if you use a chocolate or vanilla flavored powder you don't really need to. I now prefer them to regular oats.
Just multiply the ingredients to make enough for the week then box it up in containers when it's cooked down and store in the fridge.
Here is a good one to start with
I prep, but not in the same way.
I pre cut and portion all my shit but i don't cook it. Meat gets weighed out into 8 ounces and bagged individually and frozen, veggies get put into vacuum sealed bags. When I eat i just pull out the bags I want and cook everything in 5-10 minutes.