Suppose you're their personal coach and if they don't get a gf in two years you die. How would you fix them?
How would you fix them fit?
kill them first
crispr cure for autism
Can you at least get the correct picture for the dayton shooting?
Take them off of SSRis and give them steroids and coke.
Approach 50 women per day for 500 days
Grow hair out for 6 months to test and see if length and volume helps, if not, buzz cut
Immediately go on a bulk, 2600cal a day
PPL 6 days a week with conditioning 2 days a week
Gallon of water a day
Get them to volunteer at an animal shelter
Throw out vidya and get them to wean off of porn
Get them to start reading
1 year in, get them to go on a 2 month cut, boost confidence
9 month continue bulking, followed by one month suicide cut and downloading Tinder in the final 2 weeks
Bullet to the head.
They chose to be shitty people. You can't coach someone who doesn't want to be coached.
The one on the left and right are not hte same preson. That's some 15 year old kid that shares the same name who's getting dunked on by the entire country so thanks to this he probably actually will become a mass shooter himself. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
This. And stop the epidemic of single mothers raising sons. These guys likely never had a good male role model. Single mother, all female teachers in schools, pushed medication, probably mildly autistic from 300 vaccinations, made fun of for being weird, being told by the media you're evil for being male and white, etc. Is this really any surprise? Also, pic related.
I don't know anything about these guys, but judging from the picture here's my guesses:
>white, taught self hatred for being white from a young age
>manlets, more self hatred instilled by society
>poor vision
>no friends
>poor or unsupportive family dynamics (most likely single mothers)
>mental illness compounded by poor state of (((mental health professionals))) nowadays
>virgins, no relationship history and none to look forward to ever
>no purpose in life
>probably works jobs they hate
but no, clearly we have a white supremacist epidemic on our hands
First guy: teach him how to fight, show him the ropes of lifting/social skills; write out some of the pitfalls and tell him to keep a journal of what works and doesn’t work when it comes to people; check up on him and his jounal for five months and he’ll be at least a 6.5/10 fucking tinder hoes at least bi-weekly. Crisis avoided.
Second guy: cross examine him for hours to find the logical inconsistencies he operates on. Look at his eyes. He almost looks confused as to why things are the way they are, and feels that things should be some other way. Get him on a rigorous but not too harsh training program and take him to bars to show him that people don’t fit within the confines of any of his notions
Third guy: electric chair; he has this ironic look on his face that doesn’t appear to be conducive to meaningful growth
orthotropics when they were 8 years old.
i had an incel friend who was a 2/10 in looks and a 0/10 in personality, who was balding forever, had a hunchback, and was the sum total of all the deleterious genes in ashkenazi jewish population.
we were 24 and he told me he never even kissed a girl before.
i took him under my wing, as i was getting into the PUA stuff at the time (particularly RSD), and i was tired of people telling me i was successful because of my looks. here i had the opportunity to prove that game works. no confounding variables.
i worked with him for a year. both at bars and at online dating. by the end of that year, he had been on 50 dates and slept with around 7-9 women. but by that point he met someone that he eventually married.
i did that. i know it's arrogant and vain to think that if it wasn't for me he'd be possibly some incel shooter, doubt it because he had zero nerve, but he was a thoroughly depressed person who just put no effort into anything.
but he's married now. and happy.
Cool, now show one with actual number of casualities and adjust for ghetto crimes.
Good goy, helping a fellow jew out.
Shit I totally forgot about this one. Topkek.
hahaha i'm not jewish and he acted as my lawyer on several occasions when i fucked up being a goy.
>their, meaning plural
>implying they're not all the same guy
The problem wasn't them getting a gf. The problem is the society white people built is being invaded by soulless 3rd worlders who do nothing but commit crime, receive welfare and get affirmative action.
If anything the government should be removing the invaders but it is under the control of the Jews and Freemasons.
oh boy...
Liar, pua is a scam
I have no fucking idea what you’re saying and I don’t think you do either. What are “actual” casualties? The opposite of virtual casualties? And what the fuck is are “casualties”? Like not just homicides but also criminal batteries w/use of a deadly weapon (category: firearms)? You’re completely full of shit and have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.
Pretty based.
I think it all boils down to finding meaning and purpose in life. These guys had nothing greater than themselves to put their effort into. I can kind of see these guys as a product of our society.
there's entry level tactics that worked for someone who never talked to girls. it's as simple as talking to girls.
there's 'inner game' stuff that i liked and thought was the real 'pua' stuff. that's what i got from RSD.
i was in my early 20s, and after years that stuff has internalized. i feel naturally confident on dates, interviews, meeting people randomly, etc. always now because of what i learned.
the point of it all is that if you're bad with women, this is a particular weakness that you can work on and improve. it's a skillset and like all skills can be learned.
government provided coochie
Lmfao they all look exactly the same
truth hurts huh
Yes the villianizing of white people is becoming an issue, yes the fact that they likely had no fucking purpose whatsoever (the right wing fellas at least, the socialist dipshit just seemed to be radicalized) is an issue, but for fucks sake please let us also bring up that their anti-depressents have a side effect of murderous thoughts.
you realize you're parroting what this incel loser wrote about in his manifesto right? does it not strike you as a red flag that you have the same thoughts living rent-free in your head as a mass shooter?
it may be the truth but i have a billion better things to think about and focus on than fucking spics entering the country. namely, getting laid. finishing up my career so i can make 250k/yr., having children, and basically investing in myself.
you gotta learn to let go of that Jow Forums seethe. it's unbecoming.
Youre baitposting and I know you are, but betterment of ones community is more often than not almost as important as the betterment of the self. What the fuck is the long term purpose of investing in yourself and your children if the society outside your house is fraying at the seams?
Where was the lie tho?
I'm doing the same thing, I'm working on getting myself to the next level too but I plan on emigration because America is going to a 3rd world shit hole.
You don't have to act like a nigger with the information but it is true that the Usa and Western Europe have been allowed to be invaded by the political establishment.
Yeah, it looks like they measured their worth by their future prospect and place in society. Best thing to do, is to get then realise to live for yourself not to other, especially to people you dont know or like. Then you can truly start living, get hobbys you like, start taking care of yourself, start going outside. It's like there is word for that, something like.
When you live you like that, you will soon stop hating yourself and get in better shape, get some confidence. And soon girls will fallow too.
you can move. the more income you make, the greater your options are. i don't live in el paso and i don't give a fuck if hispanics move there. i already live in a city full of niggers (much worse), i don't care if christian spics come here doing legitimate work.
never said there was lie. i even said "it may be the truth". i'm not emigrating though. i'm a patriotic fag, so i can't see myself living in some bitch ass euro poor shithole. i'm trying to be a doctor, and they don't get paid as well in other countries.
just accept that this is happening, there's nothing you can do, and fucking adapt. you think shooting up a place is going to work in your favor? if anything, it makes me feel how blacks feel every day now that there's a momentary focus on white males being shady.
we don't need that shit. it sets us back. white male fragility. fuck that. don't give in. be strong. lift. get a good career that pays well. and gain independence.
Based user deprogramming imminent mass shooters
I grew up in poverty and don't have quite the same opportunities you do. I have I have a lot more opportunities in Eastern Europe.
Fed posting or fed actions won't help us true enough but neither will wage cuckoldry to pay for Paco and Tyrone.
Also so fucking what if no whites take over some parts of world. Sooner rather then later they will self-destruct. And if history has show us anything, sooner rather then later white people will take over. Also who else has taken so much space by pure force then white people? So you can be sure who will end up in top by end.
Live your own life, be happy, stop being so fragile and stop giving shit what some spics and nigs do.
>doctors don’t get paid well in Europe
If you become independent then you can make huge cash. Rich people will pay you almost anything if you manage to increase their life quality.
But that would require you to be actually outstandingly good, much better than the average retard doc that didn’t improve at all since after med school.
unfunny brainlet meme
You cannot fix mayoskins, they are inherently pedophilic and genocidal
Stop being antisemitic!
I'm always tired and sleepy, can't even get out of bed let alone get out of my house