Why does nothing help me feel better? I quit weed, started working out and getting lots of walking and sunshine...

Why does nothing help me feel better? I quit weed, started working out and getting lots of walking and sunshine, listening to audiobooks as I do. I even havent been playing video games anymore.

Its been a few weeks now and i dont feel much better at all. I would have hoped for some marginal improvement.

Should I say fuck it and buy an ounce and play final fantasy all night.

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A few weeks is not enough to cut die hard habits like weed addiction.

So you think just continuing as I have been doing is the best option?

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takes longer to feel better after stopping smoking weed daily for a longer time

for me it was like 2 month

my advice play FF if you want but don't start smoking again if you want to improve your life

>t. 15 years weed addict

For now yes. If it doesn't change in a long time, you will atleast know as you're sitting around smoking that you aren't wasting your time.

finally a robot who likes the patrician vidya, be my bf and play ff with me

I actually do appreciate the genuine advice fellas. Thanks.

I would be down to even just be friends,im not a trap if thats your thing lol.

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im not into traps so dont worry!! do you have a discord or anything we can talk on?

Yeah I do feel free to add me.

Discord: Vivi#3982

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>play FF
as in Final Fantasy? Why that specifically? and which one? I have played 1 and 7 many times.

Do you have any idea of why you're feeling bad?

Im NEET but i sorta like being that so thats not the reason. Just want a gf/bf i guess. Some friends would be cool too.

How the hell do you concentrate on audiobooks? I usually just zone out and my mind starts wandering. You listening to fiction or non? Any specific (audio)books you'd recommend?

It was mentioned in the OP....
But I liked every main game of the series anyway

Yeah dont feel bad dude, i zone out sometimes, its best done with some physical activity involved.Lately I have been listening to 48 rules of power lately, i think some of the info there can be applied with being an evil psychopath.

If its fiction you like, there are tons of warhammer 40k books in audio form which are exciting and interesting. If you haven't read ASOIAF, they are good albeit abit normie tier.

Tell me what you stuff you are into and I can be more specific. Anime, sci-fi, fantasy, detective? I have TONS downloaded, so we should be able to find something you like.

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That's quite problematic user. Not trying to preach or anything but... "I sorta like being that", you should pay close attention to what you just said. Then you quickly dismiss the possibility of it being the problem. After, you put having a gf/bf or some friends as a kind of remedy for your anguish. Now, this is something quite impossible for your horizon isn't it? I say this cause It's not unusual for someone to have hard to reach objectives when their way of life is generaly bad, they put these unreachable goals to justify not changing their lives, cause after all, it only depends on ourselves and hurts quite a bit to accept that we are not living our lives correctly.

Well NEET bux might pay for my school, but like everything in Canada its a waiting game. If I go off neet bux, i wont have an apartment, i wont have an income.

I have worked before and it didnt make me happy at all. I have been told school will be paid for, i just have to wait, buts its taking awhile. I figured having a place to live is a good staging point for doing better, and so i have been trying.

Honestly though? What do I know, maybe your right, maybe not. Appreciate the input regardless.

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Probably just haven't found what will actually make you happy. Like a life transplant.

Rude but pretty funny.

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I get you. Again, please don't take my words as any kind of hard truth, with things like this it's nice to have multiple perspectives to help us find out what is nagging at our peace. This might be a bit crazy, but, how's your relationship with sunlight? Have you been getting some sun on your skin lately?

Nope you were very reasonable and i think all meant to do was offer advice, which is appreciated. Things have gotten better in some senses. I was living in an apartment smaller then you can possibly imagine. It was 1 very small room with a bathroom attached, in a place infested by....lets say ghetto people.

Now my apartment is a average apartment and thats so much better. I think i do need more sunlight, there is a provincial park about 40 mins bus ride away from here,which i should go to and soak up the sun and walk lake side. You are a good fella.

I wish that earlier user didn't ask for my discord and not add me. Ghosted before I even had the opportunity to be properly ghosted. Its abit shitty but also very funny in way.

I am THIS close to going to the liqour store and buying some overpriced gubment weed. Seeing my chad brother smoke weed and have a kid and workout 4 days a week as well as working a full time job wasnt so nice. Im happy I have him though, i hope we have fun hanging this weekend. TFW i wrote a tumblr blog post.

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do you enjoy listening to audio books? do you like working out? do you like taking walks?

If you don't, they're not gonna bring you any joy. Just cause the stereotype pushes them doesn't make em universal. For me, doing chores and work is what makes me feel better. Fuck exercise though.

Thank you for your kind words, user, I wish you the best -- now here's is my two cents: It's visible that your condition of living have gotten better, but we want even better, right? That's good, knowing that we are not confortable enough to not want to change the status quo is a great start. Now, in my opinion, as long as you try other means of being satisfied with your life, you should go and smoke your weed right now user, but, again, be prepared to act through other means as well, always. Enjoy the little moments you have with others as much as possible. As for the sunlight, it's quite important for our organism, sunlight affects our humour, which in turn can either fuck or enhance our own perception of reality. If you don't mind a quite personal advice, I believe giving some attention to nature would help you clear things a bit and make you a bit more wholesome. Godspeed and good luck, user. If things get too hard for you don't think twice about looking for help, don't know how things are in north america but I would advise a Junguian therapist,

he's obviously talking about the mmo, there's literally no reason to be playing any other final fantasy in 2019

No single player FF are good. MMO's are so soulless. If you like them though far be it from me to tell you otherwise.

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>tfw no Nero bf

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