How do you approach that girl at the gym?

How do you approach that girl at the gym?

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Just walk straight up and say "How many sets do you have left?"

Handstand walk with hands in shoes and a post it of my name and number on my heel to present her

"...on the treadmill"

wait until she leaves and then sniff whatever equipment she was using

just walk up to her and talk to her while she's between sets. Crack a joke, tell her your name, whatever. Just do something you would do. You know, be yourself.

Walk up and slap her ass with a firm squeeze when she turns around she'll be shocked but if you're a chad it will turn out fine


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Ask if you can snoif that brapper

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I approach via helicopter dick

Be yourself. Is the best advice there is, but also the hardest to assimilate.

I can help you exercise your vaginal muscles *buttwinkwink*

I ask if they have an innie or outie. If an outie, I punch them in the cunt and run away. Fuck outies.

And do you punch innies in the tits

No you ask her if she wants to grab a coffee later

I added her on fb
also made her pregnant

Yeah, if you’re boing as fuck and want to talk
If she’s at the gym you take her for a hike and jog at a 6:45 mile pace for 30 seconds to see whether she’s serious about her health or just goes to the gym to select her next cock. If the former, you found a gf. If the latter, fuker’ innawoods.

the girls that are there dressed like thots looking for attention are the ones you don't want

the ones you actually want are the ones with earbuds in actually doing their workout, but they're unapproachable due to the "leave me alone" earbuds

It is one of life's unsolvable puzzles

she's dressed pretty modesty imo

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Latinas like these are life

Brehs, I miss my qt gym gf so much. She shit tested me when I was doing pull ups and gave me sexy eyes all that night.
I want her bad

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please give agent gf ;__;

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Did I stutter?

it's a trap

100% of Latina women are succubus that are guaranteed to let themselves go and get fat within a year after marrying them

I'm Latino so IDC go away and let us go our separate ways amicably

Hard cringe


Who the fuck includes this in their vocabulary arsenal fuck you

I need to marry that woman. Please give me her name.

That's not very amicable of you, bro

Me nigga my vernacular is on a different level

Legend says you’ve reached special levels of education

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Cyber defense ROTC my guy

Kek, how big of a bonus did they hook you with?

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What joke?

How do you approach the thots?

>You know, be yourself.

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Your 1RM hehe

I dont approach any women at my gym. I am the only member of my race that goes there so I don't want to be THAT Guy.

Two guys walk into a bar, they both say "ouch."

>vocabulary arsenal
redundant phrasing


What's it like being an Inuit in the lower 48?

i don't get it

"hi, are you working out?"

nope. i live on another continent.

stare at them in the mirror until they leave

She's British

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Is it even possible to fuck one you met at a gym?
I’m an ottermode 5’8 prettyboy and the gym is the only place I see the type of women I’d like to fuck, but I’m afraid I’ll get banned if they get weirded out and tell reception.
Unironically how do I take one home

Ask her where she bought her clothes then take her phone and put ur digits in there

You don't

she's full of disgusting tatts lad

>Brainlet getting mad over waggish quips.

This only applies to beaner latinas. Also have you seen white woman by 30? Lol please most of them are ham planets as well at least in america

at least let us know



>just be yourself lole haha

Just get some perspective

>being this hung up about ink

an obese white woman over 30 still has ancestors that invented the wheel.

I warned (You)

>let me give you some motivation, then whip out the beast

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I have given up on girls.

You need to be original OP, look what you like on the girl and say that to her, not just physical atributes
For you pic I would say I admire her effort of going to the gym since I dont see many asians trying to work on their bodies, I'd also compliment her not using makeup since thats something I look for in women. Obviously you talk to women when they're resting, not in the middle of their set. Then I'd invite her to talk more after her session so we can know each other better

sorry lad but skin is my fav organ

thanks bro

what a stupid whore lol

>Who the fuck includes this in their vocabulary arsenal fuck you
Latin words that you think are difficult are actually pretty common to anyone that speaks spanish, portuguse, italian, french, etc

Songyuxin Hitomi

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I'm pretty common in your mom's bed faggot

Since your mom is mine I agree with you
>your mom is mine
>so when you say my mom's bed it means your moms bed

amigable -> amicable
thats a stretch, as a spanish speaker it sounds weird

I don't speak any of those languages and amicable is still a normal part of the english vocabulary. That guy is just a brainlet who never graduated past elementary school.

amicable and amigo both come from the same latin root.

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is this man a sorceror

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I know what I'm saying is, amicable is a word I wouldn't consider to use it just sounds off.

but fair enough I use a lot of weird latin rooted words because of spanish...

Just be goodlooking and say hi
only try hard losers and virgins try to come up with funny/unique approaches
that is the truth.

I don't get it, what's so awe inspiring about his retort?

>thats a stretch

indio iq confirmed

>it just sounds off
That's because you're not a native speaker, pendejo.

I don't think the gym is a great place to approach girls, just because they're all occupied and unless they're giving you choosing signals they'll likely be annoyed by you talking to them.
Try approaching girls at malls. Just go up to one who's by herself, smile and tell her "I'm going to be straight forward, I think you're really pretty" hopefully they giggle and say thankyou. If they do introduce yourself, make brief smalltalk then ask if she wants to get coffee sometime

>acento mehicano
kek buen intento panchito

sorry I don't speak mongrel

>A family walks into a talent agency...

>*flex 'cep*
>"feeling fit?"

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Is that the prankster youtube guy who couldn't get hard in a van porno.

You like fitness? How 'bout fitness dick in your ass?

>I don't get it, what's so awe inspiring about his retort?
The fact that you got played son

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Very carefully.

>drive care through wall of gym
>roll up beside her
>Politely state my piece
>"Ill pay ya 50 bucks if I fuck ya up the ass."
>Get rejected
>Drive through other wall

Women are such selfish whores I don't know why I bother.

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>Indio instead of indígena
Pinche tepiñero detected.

user that wasn't a really good joke

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I'm a WASP with a norman name. idk what your jungle speak means.

fuck you animupustar :3


Are you an archeologist?

Because you have a bone for her?

And that's how you get banned from the gym

I have a large bone that needs inspecting, user.

Thanks I'll be here all week haha

based haha

I wish she was pale.

>And that's how you get banned from the gym