>Yo brotha, you gunna give this real nigga a spot
>You not one of those rayciss crackas who don't spot tha colored man, is ya?
Yo brotha, you gunna give this real nigga a spot
But you’re curling
Why is his hair like that? Why is he curling 10lbs and asking for a spot? I don't trust this guy, I'm just going to pretend like i didnt hear him
> yeah sure I'll spot you Tyrone! Woah, sorry the bar slipped! Don't worry you'll be fine, I'll totally call the ambulance after I finish recording this for liveleak. HEY KYLE COME LOOK!
Is it exhausting being this edgy?
Is it exhausting having to dilate every night?
Try going for a walk every now and then
"Of course not Ra-Shawndrious! You are my brotha, yo!"
You know, I was going to spot you until you brought up rayciss, crackas, and coloroed. Find someone else to spot you, nigga.
shutup nigger
have sex
Sure thing buddy! Here you go.
Good job bud. Keep it up. waagmi
There are no black people where I live. No seriously, there isn't even a single arab. The most exotic guy we have is Japanese.
This thread made me decide not to end my life tonight
Where is this place? My uh, friend wants to know
How much you lifting? I haven't been at this long and don't want to try and spot more than I can lift.
Sure thing bro
*pulls down pants and starts pushing out a hulking stankturd*
>yo dis cracka crazy n sheit, lets bounce ya hurd
Sure thing my brother, we're all God's children after all. (Now that I've gained Tyrone's trust it's only a matter of time until he invites me to a BBQ where there will no doubt be plenty of dark skinned women with fat asses)